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Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

I did not include NATO countries as the NATO constitution ensures that they will be on UK side if any one attacks the British soldiers
Bunch of a**h**** sponsored by RAW through afghanistan and dont worry tribal elders are already taking care of them and the remaining will be taken cared off by PA. In case you forget the BLA sponsored by you people, his leader got his *** kicked( dont need to rite the name)

Oh i forgot RAW.
Oh i forgot RAW.

Webby please save the thread from blocking and sending to Tresh.

I hope you understand.

And Bull come up with solid arguments as expected from a member like you and not one liners

Webby please save the thread from blocking and sending to Tresh.

I hope you understand.

And Bull come up with solid arguments as expected from a member like you and not one liners


Im very adaptable. I know how to raise and lower the 'level' of posting depending on the poster , trust me.

Going off on a tangent of "We are game for NWFP to be independent" is a sure fire way to get the discussion hijacked. You have every right to disagree with the assertion that the IA is committing atrocities and that Kashmiris want independence, but dragging in something completely unrelated does nothing to bolster your argument.

If you believe that there is a substantial degree of support in the NWFP for separation from Pakistan, feel free to start another thread, and we will all be happy to pitch in to attempt to debunk the assertion - in fact either you or Blitz should definitely take the initiative since he brought up the same thing, and left his claims unsubstantiated, so either stop bringing up non-issues, or start a thread where they can be debated.
Joint exercises by Indian said:
Dear AM, Jana, Ice Cold,

just wondering why Pakistan did not protest to USA when they send their soldiers to Ladakh. Why you guys wan't to shell British Soldiers and not US soldiers ? Double standards ?

Best Regards
Okay WM my last post here on this issue.

For AM,

Both Siachen and Ladakh are disputed areas so you need to protest on both areas not when its civilians only. Threaten USA and I would be impressed and sympathetic.

Okay WM my last post here on this issue.

For AM,

Both Siachen and Ladakh are disputed areas so you need to protest on both areas not when its civilians only. Threaten USA and I would be impressed and sympathetic.


I'll protest whatever I feel like protesting, and not to "impress" you. I made an argument, you can counter it, but saying that I shouldn't protest X ( and I am not sure what "protest" of mine you are referring to, since I said that a "million tourists won't affect the situation on the ground") because I don't protest Y is logically flawed. People pick and choose their battles. I never heard of the US/India exercise in Laddakh till this thread, so I'm not really well enough informed about that particular issue to comment on it.
I'll protest whatever I feel like protesting, and not to "impress" you. I made an argument, you can counter it, but saying that I shouldn't protest X ( and I am not sure what "protest" of mine you are referring to, since I said that a "million tourists won't affect the situation on the ground") because I don't protest Y is logically flawed. People pick and choose their battles. I never heard of the US/India exercise in Laddakh till this thread, so I'm not really well enough informed about that particular issue to comment on it.

Dear Friend,

You and me dont matter. I am just curious why you are ready to pick up cudgels with Uk when USA ur best friends have been freely and openly been doing the same for the last one year without bothering to consult your Govt. and you people ? Why are you not challenging your Govt. on this ?

There is probably a battalion of assault rifle toting Indian soldiers at Siachen since 1984.And probably an equal number of Pakistani soldiers a little lower down the slopes. So how are 1 or 2 dozen unarmed trekkers a "threat" to peace at Siachen?
While Pakistan Protests Tourism Plan....see the report from Ground Zero

From Ground Zero: Conquering Siachen, trekker style

Video Link- From Ground Zero: Conquering Siachen, trekker style: IBNLive.com > Videos

The Indian Army is working on transforming battlefield Siachen into a tourist destination. In an attempt to kickstart this, the first group of civilian trekkers left for the world’s highest battlefield a week ago. CNN-IBN’s Rasika Tyagi was among the group – the first woman journalist to trek up Siachen.

Leh: It’s the start of a historic and scary journey. Historic because for the first time, civilians are being allowed up to the Siachen glacier and scary because I have to keep up with them at unimaginable altitudes and temperatures

Trying to get up to a whopping 15,000 ft is a motley crew- the oldest person in our group is 55, the youngest only 17.

The Karakorams are the most barren mountains I have ever seen. Just brown earth and snow. I take a deep breath - we are here to scale these mighty mountains. .

But before we go uphill we are told to lie flat for a whole day in Leh so we can acclimatise to the altitude and the thin air. My BP is tested as is my SPO which tells the doctors how much oxygen is in my body.

On Day 2 in Leh, we are told about the high altitude diseases. The list is nearly as long as the glacier itself. In addition there are chill burns, frost bite, pulmonary edema, hypothermia, cerebral edema. Never knew there were so many ways to die!

Day 3 in Leh and finally we are allowed to move around. They are taking us for a one-kilometre walk. That might not sound like much but when you consider the fact that the oxygen in the air here is just 13 per cent while it is 21 per cent at sea level, the task becomes a little more daunting.

These walks will prepare us for the 120-kilometre long trek from the base camp of the Siachen glacier.

On the first day we will walk 12 kilometres to camp 1. Day two - 14 kilometers from camp 1 to camp 2. This is the hardest leg of the trek because of crevasses and thin ice.

Day three sees us trekking 16 kilometers between camp 2 and 3 and on Day 4, 18 km from camp 3 to our finish point camp 4 at 15,000 ft.

Doctors tell us the night temperatures on the glacier will drop to under minus 25 degrees and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed - that I will return with all my fingers and toes intact.

....The Journey Continues....
There is probably a battalion of assault rifle toting Indian soldiers at Siachen since 1984.And probably an equal number of Pakistani soldiers a little lower down the slopes. So how are 1 or 2 dozen unarmed trekkers a "threat" to peace at Siachen?

Not threat to the peace of Siachin because there was no peace on Siachin nor there as any ceasfire on the very glaciar.

Rather its threat to peace of the entire region as India by declaring a Pakistani Territory as Indian tourist spot or for that matter developing it as a tourism spot it tantamount to making it another flash point as its a disputed territory and not part of India.
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