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Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

dear we are even ready to accept that if Kashmiris want to be independent Musharraf even had agreed to that.
So its the Indians who are still trying to make extra-judicial killings of innocent Kashmiris by Indian troops as fair.

We are ready for an independant NWFP, you game?
Not a wise move as the British Govt. is unlikely to cancel the exercise and will give unnecessary brownie points to the Indian Army.

Best Regards

They are doing exercises on a disputed terrority and they should know that by doing such a move they british government is actually provoking the heat between the two nuclear armed neighbours. As for giving them unnecessary brownie points, well they already did when they decided to conduct a joint military exercise on a disputed terrority. Pakistan government has rightly responseded to it.
We bet you do. And so are we for the indian terrorities, khalistan and IOK.

Indian terrorists doesnt exist, Pakistani terrorists do (7/7,9/11 and so on)
Khalistan doesnt exist, Baluchistan and NWFP does.
IOK isnt there, P O K is.
Illegal kidnapping, torture, extra judical killings, no right to self determination...well there is a better candidate which scores much higher in all these aspects. Did u understand what im pointing out.

:) YES the better candidate for these qualities is INDIA doing all this

Published: February 6, 2007
SRINAGAR, Kashmir, Feb. 3 — Amid a grove of poplar trees in a village just north of here, a grave was unearthed Thursday afternoon. Out came the body of a man, shot dead nearly two months ago, whom the Indian police described at the time as an anti-Indian militant from Pakistan.

An elderly man, who had been searching for his missing son for nearly two months, was summoned for the exhumation. He stared at the horror dug out of the ground and told the police what he had refused to believe all this time. “He is my son,” he said. Then he sat on the bare ground and shook.

As it turned out, the dead man, Abdul Rehman Paddar, was not a Pakistani at all, nor a militant. He was a Kashmiri carpenter from a village south of here. The Indian police are now investigating whether he was killed by some of their own men, for motives that could range from personal revenge to greed. A suspected militant’s body, after all, comes with a handsome cash reward. By Saturday, four police officers were under arrest in connection with Mr. Paddar’s killing.

S. M. Sahai, the chief of police for Kashmir, said his investigators were looking into whether at least two other bodies were part of the same ring; setups like the killing of Mr. Paddar are known here as “encounter killings.” Each of the victims had been killed in operations conducted jointly by the police and either an Indian Army unit or a paramilitary force that operates under army command, he said.

By the end of the day on Saturday, as the investigation snowballed, a total of five bodies had been exhumed, all in the area surrounding Sumbal, and their identities were being checked.

The exhumations have not only unearthed a deep well of resentment among the people of Indian-administered Kashmir, but have also forced the Indian government to face anew long-simmering charges of abuse by Indian soldiers and the police.

Kashmiris have long accused the Indian authorities of disappearances and extrajudicial killings; one local human rights group estimates that 10,000 people have disappeared since the anti-Indian insurgency began here in 1989. Nor have civilians been immune to the savagery of militants; beheadings are among their favored tactics.

India blames its rival and neighbor, Pakistan, for aiding and arming the insurgents. Pakistan denies the charge, and does not recognize India’s claim to Kashmir. Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a center of strife for nearly 60 years.

While the violence has calmed considerably since a 2004 peace deal between India and Pakistan, it has hardly ended the bloodshed or diminished the presence of Indian troops here. India says troop reduction can begin only when the militants lay down their weapons.

Those troops have been blamed repeatedly for human rights abuses here, most recently by a 156-page report released last October by Human Rights Watch, which detailed dozens of cases in which, it said, the state had failed to hold its security forces accountable for suspected abductions, killings and detentions.

Among the most infamous of those cases were the March 2000 killings in the southern village of Pathirabal of five men, whom the army identified as foreign terrorists responsible for a massacre of Sikh civilians. The men, whose bodies had been burned and badly mutilated, turned out to be civilians abducted by the army, according to relatives and a subsequent federal investigation.

In a rare instance of prosecution, five Indian soldiers were charged with the killings, but the case remains stuck in the courts nearly seven years later, and the accused remain on the job. The army insists that they be tried by an internal court martial, and not a civilian court.

Human Rights Watch blamed the Indian government for what it called its “lack of commitment” to accountability and a series of Indian laws that shield soldiers in conflict zones like Kashmir. “This has led to a serious climate of impunity,” the report concluded.

Indian officials have explicitly sought to use the latest cases of encounter killings to rebut accusations of impunity, pointing out that they have taken the lead in investigating army and police officials linked to what they call isolated abuses of power.

“This is an aberration,” Mr. Sahai, the police chief, said in an interview in his office here in the summer capital of Indian-run Kashmir. “This is not the rule. We have not tried to suppress anything. Whatever are the facts of the case have come out in the open. If we are trying to set our house in order, that should increase public confidence.”

Well that is the only option at the moment let the world contact diplomatically and than

i think the foreign Office Should Issue an official Warning saying that as Siachin is part of Pakistan and India had occupied it illegaly hence Pakistan reserves the Right to open fire so all those indulging in this misadventurism should make sure they are stepping into our teritory and should not grumble afterwards.

Relax Jana. The exercise is not in Siachen but in Ladahk. You will need a Shaheen to hit the British soldiers not an artillary shell.

Don't forget in that department we have better missile technology and delivery systems. Stop threatening for the sake of threatening.

Best Regards
Indian terrorists doesnt exist, Pakistani terrorists do (7/7,9/11 and so on)
Khalistan doesnt exist, Baluchistan and NWFP does.
IOK isnt there, P O K is.

So much for your wet dreams Bull!
Relax Jana. The exercise is not in Siachen but in Ladahk. You will need a Shaheen to hit the British soldiers not an artillary shell.

Don't forget in that department we have better missile technology and delivery systems. Stop threatening for the sake of threatening.

Best Regards

No offense Always Neutral! but seriously you guys dont stand a chance without US help. But this isnt about what we need to hit or who has better technology, its about doing in a disputed terrority, which means that by doing so, in somemanner you are actually agreeing that its not a disputed area rather india's.
Indian terrorists doesnt exist, Pakistani terrorists do (7/7,9/11 and so on)
Khalistan doesnt exist, Baluchistan and NWFP does.
IOK isnt there, P O K is.

Khalistan dosnt exist after massive Killing of Innocent SIKHS in Operation Blue Star by Indian Troops.

But two dozens Insurgencies ranging from Naga Land Bodo Land and go on still exist ;)

As far our areas well ahhh sweat heart dont worry they aer not challanged in UN ;) nor we are facing any freedom struggle and even than if you are so worried about these open a new thread and i will be more than happy to debate.
So for the moment back to the Topic.

SIACHIN illegally occupied by Indians like theives :azn:
Indian terrorists doesnt exist, Pakistani terrorists do (7/7,9/11 and so on)
Khalistan doesnt exist, Baluchistan and NWFP does.
IOK isnt there, P O K is.

Dude, dont write like that. You look like a 12 year old kid to the readers. Honestly!
As far our areas well ahhh sweat heart dont worry they aer not challanged in UN ;) nor we are facing any freedom struggle and even than if you are so worried about these open a new thread and i will be more than happy to debate.
So for the moment back to the Topic.

Who is slaughtering your soldiers then?
They are doing exercises on a disputed terrority and they should know that by doing such a move they british government is actually provoking the heat between the two nuclear armed neighbours. As for giving them unnecessary brownie points, well they already did when they decided to conduct a joint military exercise on a disputed terrority. Pakistan government has rightly responseded to it.

Who said Ladhak is disputed territory ? Even Gen M agrees that it wants to be a part of India. The right people to object should be the Chinese. By doing such protests you are only exposing how weak your foreign policy is. Please go ahead and send our Ambassador back and break diplomatic relations if you feel so highly about that.

Best regards
Who is slaughtering your soldiers then?

Bunch of a**h**** sponsored by RAW through afghanistan and dont worry tribal elders are already taking care of them and the remaining will be taken cared off by PA. In case you forget the BLA sponsored by you people, his leader got his *** kicked( dont need to rite the name)
Who said Ladhak is disputed territory ? Even Gen M agrees that it wants to be a part of India. The right people to object should be the Chinese. By doing such protests you are only exposing how weak your foreign policy is. Please go ahead and send our Ambassador back and break diplomatic relations if you feel so highly about that.

Best regards

Dont need to be hyper about it. Foreign office has already launched a protest, as for weak foreign policy it is no doubt about it but once the elections are done, it will be on track.
The disputes regarding terrorities have not be solved officially and they are still disputed regardless of what anyone says and that is the reason foreign office launched protest otherwise they would have had happily let it go.
No offense Always Neutral! but seriously you guys dont stand a chance without US help. But this isnt about what we need to hit or who has better technology, its about doing in a disputed terrority, which means that by doing so, in somemanner you are actually agreeing that its not a disputed area rather india's.

Dear Ice Cold no offense taken but if we wan't to take out any country who threatens us with missiles its cake walk for us (Russia and China not included) . Did you read the recent article that we have plutonium weapon stock for 16,000 nuclear war heads. We have 6 nuclear submarines with nuclear tipped missile. If as Jana suggested you will attack our soldiers with missiles (since artillery shells dont have that range) why would we sit back.

Also please donot think we just send our soldiers anywhere to inflame tensions. The MOD and MOE would have studied all aspects before sending our soldiers there. They feel Ladhak is not a disputed area so hence the exercise. China has not objected even though its at their door steps.

Best Regards
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