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Why Myanmar's plan to acquire fighter jets from China, Pakistan should worry India

Just a post ago , you were adamant how everyone knew about the manufacturing , research and development and maintenance being done in China and everything Pakistanis have been claiming is on paper , I can assure you that isn't the case . Since the production lines are already busy with existing orders from PAF , it isn't really hard to guess that any future orders will have to be fulfilled by both counties , since neither SAC nor PAC can cope with it . Not again seriously , the Block-2 which has been under development here , will roll out from Kamra in July according to reports . The complex not only has a maintenance facility but is also carrying the future upgrades , time to let go of the old myths , I would repeat again . By the time the delivery starts , the capacity and capability will increase for sure . Everything , most probably , wont be provided by the Chinese and even I accept for the sake of argument that this happens , the profits still go equally to both countries regardless of the provider .
The low cost of the aircraft in question isn't only due to cheap labor in China , the plug and play nature , utilization of existing and proven technologies and modest capabilities . Will it be expensive coming from Pakistan? Maybe , it remains to be seen
I still have the same stand,not sure how you concluded otherwise.Manufacturing isn't just about cheap labour,one has to look into the manufacturing ability,the whole infrastructure required to provide raw materials etc,the manufacturing efficiency and a whole lot of other factors.Its a general observation that countries which aren't as competent in manufacturing churn out inferior and over-priced products.Seeing how pakistan has little manufacturing expertise,it's a safe bet to say the export customers will go for China.
To the claim of development of Block 2 in pakistan,where are the flight tests happening?Any wind tunnel facilities in pakistan where the testing is carried out.For sure if upgrades are being carried out then flight tests must be taking place in pakistan?I admittedly have little knowledge of these things compared to the veteran members,but it seems ridiculous that significant upgrades are being carried out without flight testing.
The chinese are the real creators and drivers of JF-17,any other claims seem outlandish considering Pakistan never has manufactured any combat jet of any generation.
Spoken like a true genius...:lol:

All our systems have sufficent amount of indigenous content to classify as indigenous.

We develop & produce Radars,SONARs,helicopters,warships and many more.

And the production facilities,companies that manufacture components are no secret.

And if these were inferior,Indian Armed Forces wouldn't accept these.

So stop trolling.

I think you believe the notion of every thing that you built or manufacture can be exported or buyers are in line waiting for your domestic consumption to finish so they can buy them- thats silly-

Its no secret by the time you will finish meeting your owns demands the technology will become outdated-

Your DRDO think you have the potential (being in potential or actually able to export are 2 different things) to export Tejas Akash Prahar and Brahmoos only- dont know where you are coming up with Radars Sonars Helicopters and Warships sh it- too much fantasy?-
And it does not mean that they are not at fault either.. Its just a war of fixed opinions happening here, who care about the fact anyways. At the End of the day we all need to sleep with a lighter heart and what best can it be to win over an argument with a made up mind? Huh??

Bro if you think we argue to win an argument or have a sound sleep over it then you are extremely wrong-

Seems like you have made up your mind over it already- :lol:-
Off topic again . Post stuff in relevant threads .

He can't. He wants to show how great his country is. How everything is super cool about his pathetic country. So he would continue to post off topic even if you are not interested in it. The poor guys has some serious issues of inferiority.
Bri if you thunk we argue to win an argument or have a sound sleep over it that you are extremely wrong-

Seems like you have already made up your mind over it already- :lol:-

:lol::lol: I like that!! Anyways Every body here has their mind made up on certain issues, dont they?? :lol:
I think you believe the notion of every thing that you built or manufacture can be exported or buyers are in line waiting for your domestic consumption to finish so they can buy them- thats silly-

Its no secret by the time you will finish meeting your owns demands the technology will become outdated-

Your DRDO think you have the potential (being in potential or actually able to export are 2 different things) to export Tejas Akash Prahar and Brahmoos only- dont know where you are coming up with Radars Sonars Helicopters and Warships sh it- too much fantasy?-

Are you realy stupid ? Where did DRDO claim it can 'only' export Akash,prahaar,LCA & Brahmos ?
It is marketting Indian AEW & CS system,already sold Battlefield aurveilance radars.And arent RADARs part of AKASH SAM system?

FYI SONARs are another field in which they have expertise.

If you don't know the gunship heli,Its called Rudra or ALH WSI.Its civilian variant & troop transport variants habe already been exported.It is a HAL not DRDO product.

And who needs internal consumption to finish ? Dhruv helis for Ecuador was built on same production line as ones for Indian forces as well as civilian ones.
He can't. He wants to show how great his country is. How everything is super cool about his pathetic country. So he would continue to post off topic even if you are not interested in it. The poor guys has some serious issues of inferiority.

God knows 'pathetic' in what sense.And if my pathetic country can yet,send spacecrafts to Mars,then I don't think its pathetic anyway.
God knows 'pathetic' in what sense.And if my pathetic country can yet,send spacecrafts to Mars,then I don't think its pathetic anyway.

Pathetic for many many reasons. One minor one among them is that it can't cure your psychological issues.
And still great in many other respects.Now go troll elsewhere.

And f*cked up in more than enough areas. Now try to control your mental complexes. We have internet you know. Your posts about "shining India" can't stop people from searching the less shining part of India. :)
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