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friends i heared in 2006 that pakistan is planning to buy german Luna uav did our army got it or not and what are the plans of our army other than uqab and ababil

Out of 30 Luna UAV ordered for three systems in 2006 10 were in 2007 and remaining were delivered in 2008:pakistan:
AFM News for the month of Feburary-09:
Pakistans First Two IL-78s Delivered?
Local reports state that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) first two Ilyushin IL-78MP Midas tanker aircraft arrived on December 2 at Karachi/Jinnah International Airport. The PAF however say that they have not yet been delivered. They were the first of four brought from Ukraine to provide the PAF's first airborne refuelling capability.Once crews have been trained to air-to-air refuelling techniques, they will enter operational service, refuelling Pakistan's Mirages and also its new JF-17 Thunders.

A photograph issued by the PAF shows the aircraft with serials 76675 and 76682, although the image has clearly been mocked-up using older, retouched photographs. Assuming, However, that they have applied the "real" serials to this image, the aircraft should be ex-Ukraine Air Force IL-78 UR-76675 (c/n 00634 66998) and former civilian IL-76 UR-76682 (c/n 00634 67027). The latter was originally a Soviet Air Force IL-78, but later had its refuelling pools removed for operations by a civil airline.
The March 2009 issue of Air Forces Monthly has some interesting articles like "Indian Air Force Migs", Targeting of Gaza by IDF/AF, 1991 Gulf War F-15 Kills, USAF F-4 Drones in addition to the usual news section.

In the article "Indian Air Force Migs" however, there is an error on Page 46. A Mig-23BN is shown as Mig-23MF. I have informed the editor of Air Forces Monthly and have requested a feedback.
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In the news section, for Pakistan, its that 8 K-8Ps have joined PAF, which has already been covered on this forum.

Algeria in a bold move, returned Mig-29s back to Russia because they were of inferior quality. These Mig-29SMTs will be "worked/upgraded" to join Russian Air Force.

WE already know about Indian deal for P-8I maritime aircraft but its important to know that India has a three-tier coastal surveillance system with P-8I as the outer most layer, BN-2 Islander as middle-layer and Israeli Searcher/Heron UAVs forming the third tier.

Its truely amazing that a boat of so-called terrorists penetrated all of the three tiers of coastal surveillance and were not detected.

Currently the outer most layer is manned by Tu-142Ms. Tu-142s shall be replaced by P-8Is and BN-2s are being replaced and a new tender has also been launched in this regard, in addition to the acquisition of Dornier 228s for the middle tier.
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The March 2009 issue of Air Forces Monthly has some interesting articles like "Indian Air Force Migs", Targeting Gaza, 1991 Gulf War F-15 Kills, USAF F-4 Drones in addition to the usual news section.

In the article "Indian Air Force Migs" however, there is an error on Page 46. A Mig-23BN is shown as Mig-23MF. I have informed the editor of Air Forces Monthly and have requested a feedback.

wow now that some news there.... IAF targeting gaza? can you please tell us more about it.. :undecided:
what a ****** iaf.
wow now that some news there.... IAF targeting gaza? can you please tell us more about it.. :undecided:
what a ****** iaf.

It says a little about planning of the strikes and then the execution. Strike was as usual a surprise strike and was planned for Hanukkah vacation so that schools and offices etc were vacant in Israel.

They had already located targets but many targets of opportunity were also hit. Among the targets were also the tunnels which were attacked with GBU-28 penetration bombs.

One interesting detail in the article is that usually during a strike the Palestenians would gather over the roof of a building and the UAV overhead or pilot would visually pick up the civilians and would thus call off the strike. Unfortunately it says, this time it did not work. People gathered over a roof were considered a good and easy target.
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I think the Israeli did attack something they already had terrorized for decades. It is a shmae that Airforced Monthly degrades itself to ISraeli propaganda. It is like making Tamil Tigers a hero while we all know that this group is purely terrorists funded by India.
It says a little about planning of the strikes and then the execution. Strike was as usual a surprise strike and was planned for Hanukkah vacation so that schools and offices etc were vacant in Israel.

They had already located targets but many targets of opportunity were also hit. Among the targets were also the tunnels which were attacked with GBU-28 penetration bombs.

One interesting detail in the article is that usually during a strike the Palestenians would gather over the roof of a building and the UAV overhead or pilot would pick up the civilians and would thus call off the strike. Unfortunately it says, this time it did not work. People gathered over a roof were considered a good and easy target.

sir just to end my confusion, we are talking about "indian air force" not the Isreali air force? i will be dammm P***D if i find out indians were helping their masters zionists!
I think when we are talking about the Israeli and the Indian air forces, the Israeli one is referred to as IAF and the Indian one as InAF.

I am pretty sure the IAF being referred to here is the Israeli air force.
sir just to end my confusion, we are talking about "indian air force" not the Isreali air force? i will be dammm P***D if i find out indians were helping their masters zionists!

Sorry If my first post was not clear enough but its Israeli Air Force and not the Indian which carried out strikes in Gaza.
well my friends....firstly non of the muslim nations did anything for 26 days so i think we have also lost the right to object to such things as the ISRAELs attacking GAZA...the arabs cannot agree on anything and i don't know why they spend billions of dollars on defence i guess just to show off their equipment on independance day airshows....i suggest that all of them make a pact with PAKISTAN...that if anyone of them is attacked it will be like PAKISTAN was attacked...and instead of wasting billions buying equipmet that they never use...i suggest give it to PAKISTAN to enhance technology.... make a MUSLIM NATO....but ohhh well all we can do is CONDEMN....sorry state of affairs that muslims r in....coming back to the topic....instead of the Saudis buying EF2000s and instead of UAE buying the state of the art F-16s block 60s just give us the damn money and let us fast pace our nuclear program our fighter program and so on.!!! ohh well...i should stop dreaming now....
Yeah u are right, Muslim NATO with China!! But i m telling u US and Europe will not let it happen!!
Missile maintenance system inaugurated

KARACHI—Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, inaugurated the `Missile Maintenance Complex’ at a PAF Base in Karachi. An ISPR (PAF) statement said here on Thursday said that the Complex is a significant enhancement of PAF’s engineering capability to support various missile systems. During the inaugural address, the CAS appreciated the personnel involved in the project for their professionalism and hard work to complete it within short time. The CAS hoped the complex would further strengthen PAF’s defence capabilities.
AFM News for the month of March-09:
Pakistan Army VVIP Mi-172
Pakistan Army Kazan Mi-172 is one of three outfitted in VVIP configuration for the Presidential transport role that were supplied in the second half of last year through International serospace management company Aviation Portfolio Management. At the same time the company also supplied the Pakistan Army with two Kazan Mi-17V-5s outfitted for medevac and SAR operations.

Eight More K-8Ps Delivered to Pakistan
A further eight Chinese Hengdu K-8P Karakoram jet trainers, serials 821 to 828, were handedover to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in a ceremoney at a unspecified PAF Base on January 16. The PAF original ordered an initial 12 K-8s in standard export configuration, the first six of which were delivered in January 1996.

Including the latest deliveries, a further 16 have now joined the PAF, all of these being to the upgraded K-8P standard. This variant includes a HUD and MFD making it suitable for weapons training role as well. All of the original 12 PAF K-8s will be progressively upgraded by PAC, Kamra to K-8P standard as they become due for overhauls. To date only one has been upgraded, but once the remainder have been completed the PAF will have a fleet of 28, all to the common K-8P standard.

The type is flown at the PAF Academy in Risalpur by the Advanced/Basic Flying Training Wing Squadron. It is most likely that the handover ceremony for the latest a/c took place at Risalpur.

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