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I think PAF want European Avionics and Radar/Sensors on block 3 and beyond and China is just not playing ball on this.

Why PAF wants western avionics radars,and sensors, and not Chinese, your guess is as good as mine!!

I think with the Feb engagement, the understanding of how important is the role of EW/jamming & Targeting systems has grown tremendously, atleast among those who visit this forum. In the past it was all about speed and payload.

I for one still think the achilles heel of JFT is the engine. All the rest can be figured out over time and integrated. This bit has not been resolved and until it does, it will always remain a sticking point when it comes to foreign sales.
Never harmful to have the interoperability with existing platforms. Chinese avionics are still behind, no matter how good they look on the screen.

In Feb, PAF followed the USAF guidebook to successfully carry out its mission. It doesn't necessarily have to have the best jets flying in the theater (although for USAF it is true that it does), but the USAF depends on overwhelming electronic warefare to blins opponents while maintaining superior situational awareness via AWACS, datalinks and overall netcentric warfare and superior munitions. THAT is why on paper the MKI is superior to the F-16 blk 52 and MLUs but was forced to back off because it could see or get locks on Falcons while itself being targeted at great length.

We see that PAF will go for even more Erieye nowand will raise its AWAC fleet to 11 (5th most of any country) which will play huge roles both in EW and in maintaining situational awareness. The munitions superiority will be further augmented by the acquisition of PL-15 AND PL-10 for JF-17. The netcentric fighting is made possible by both Link-16 and Link-17 to enable that all fighters are linked to ground control and AWACs and can see what they see.

Block 3 with enhanced EW capabilities and AESE's resilience against jamming will further improve its capabilities. So it truly is a secondary thing if blk 3 falls slightly short to some IAF fighter or ther other. If the overall senario still pits PAF EW/situational control/netcentric approach against IAF relying solely on the capability of individual fighters or SAM types, the outcomes will likely be similar.
Doesn't the USAF deploy whatever squadron by role, and not by the best jets ? F-16s have been doing a lot more missions than F-35s. Same goes for A-10s and F-15Es.
I think PAF want European Avionics and Radar/Sensors on block 3 and beyond and China is just not playing ball on this.

Why PAF wants western avionics radars,and sensors, and not Chinese, your guess is as good as mine!!

I think with the Feb engagement, the understanding of how important is the role of EW/jamming & Targeting systems has grown tremendously, atleast among those who visit this forum. In the past it was all about speed and payload.

I for one still think the achilles heel of JFT is the engine. All the rest can be figured out over time and integrated. This bit has not been resolved and until it does, it will always remain a sticking point when it comes to foreign sales.

There might be this whole military industrial complex (MIC) thing going on. It is not unheard of in Pakistan-China military relations. In fact, it might be more common than expected. Weapons acquisition bureaucracy and the end users in Pakistan logically prefers Western equipment and weapon systems and, in principle, China shouldn't be a hurdle in that, even if those equipment and weapon systems are to be incorporated on a joint venture platform. But the Chinese do appear to intervene, perhaps not out of malice but market competition. In the case of Pakistan, they always counter the Western market with cheaper alternatives and our arms acquisition bureaucracy ends up going for those items for reason that we can speculate based on MIC trends. But lets stick to cost-to-tech values f or now. Where the Western offers are based on less for more, the Chinese offers are based on more for less. i.e. you can't buy as many F-16s in the same budget cost as JF-17s, which now is now coming up with superior capabilities relative to Pakistani F-16s. Similarly, PN had an option of 3 to 4 U-214 submarines. But with the Chinese they got 8. But let's face the fact, the more for less factor does impinge on quality control. Chinese have made major breakthroughs and many of their technologies perform well in the India-Pakistan context but they still have lot of catching up to do with the Western/American technology. For this reason alone I believe PAF would still be willing to take up 'less for more' option of F-16s (alongside JF-17s) if the opportunity is provided.
Doesn't the USAF deploy whatever squadron by role, and not by the best jets ? F-16s have been doing a lot more missions than F-35s. Same goes for A-10s and F-15Es.

Most squadrons have roles just like in other airforces, but has nothing to do with what i was saying. The USAF, whenever it goes into an operational theater, ensures air superiority, in large part by ensuring superiority in the electronic warfare arena.

Engine is not the problem with the JF17---being the central part of the aircraft---it is the only item that has provided stability to the aircraft. It is functional---it is utilitarian---it is reliable---it is serviceable easily---it is dependable---.

And it has a very quick spool up time---and this is something that no poster talks about---. Seems like none of them have any concept what that means.

If I have a say---I would rather have this engine on JF17 rather than another with more thrust but a slower spool up time.

From engine start to 5000 ft is the most critical time for any fighter aircraft---. The JF17 with the RD93 does it in a shorter time than any aircraft in the indian air force inventory---.

My aircraft is already up in the air ready to strike the at the enemy while the enemy is still on the ground floundering to take off---.

You guys never bring that out---maybe you don't have an understanding of what that means---.

This engine will not lose you battles---but win you some. Poor quality EW package will---pilots not on top of their game---inferior weaponry---.

For the moment we are assuming that the pilot /operator of the aircraft is not the issue---.

Engine is not the problem with the JF17---being the central part of the aircraft---it is the only item that has provided stability to the aircraft. It is functional---it is utilitarian---it is reliable---it is serviceable easily---it is dependable---.

And it has a very quick spool up time---and this is something that no poster talks about---. Seems like none of them have any concept what that means.

If I have a say---I would rather have this engine on JF17 rather than another with more thrust but a slower spool up time.

From engine start to 5000 ft is the most critical time for any fighter aircraft---. The JF17 with the RD93 does it in a shorter time than any aircraft in the indian air force inventory---.

My aircraft is already up in the air ready to strike the at the enemy while the enemy is still on the ground floundering to take off---.

You guys never bring that out---maybe you don't have an understanding of what that means---.

This engine will not lose you battles---but win you some. Poor quality EW package will---pilots not on top of their game---inferior weaponry---.

For the moment we are assuming that the pilot /operator of the aircraft is not the issue---.

How capable is our EW Suite on JF-17 - and other thing these EW devices how are they tested - and how are they tested to see if they can for example fool the AMRAAM? I think unless China has some of Western equipment (weaponry) to test their own equipment how we know reliability - against Russian equipment China can easily test.
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How capable is our EW Suite on JF-17 - and other thing these EW devices how are they tested - and how are they tested to see if they can for example fool the AMRAAM? I think unless China has sames of Western equipment to test their own equipment on?
Block-2 has Spanish INDRA EW/ECM, better then Chinese EW system on block-1 bro
Islamabad 29 November, 2019:-

Today, Pakistan Air Force has conducted a command level operation exercise with participation of all Operational Bases across the three Regional Commands. All types of PAF aircraft participated in the massive concurrent exercise to practice short-notice offensive employment concept involving fighter aircraft, force-multipliers and Special Forces. The concept validates PAF’s options for offensive employment of its various capabilities.



This is Massive!!!

What is the messaging?

Regardless, PAF must remain second to none!

It is commanded to be so by Qaid e Azam... good going!!!
On an unbiased scale and opinion, tbh, Thunder really looks more beautiful than F-16 from this view angle, the glass color, fatter nose.

Why does the F-16 lack Pak flag?

Ohh, i was yawning while the video started and suddenly my yawn paused when i saw 19-258 tail. Like, have any pic yet appeared of a 19 batch? And the IFR probe :smitten::smitten:
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