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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.



After the U.S. has conducted strikes in the last week first against Syria and than Afghanistan, there is an imminent threat that they will target Pakistan too. We should talk to the Chinese (and if possible Russians too) to get some anti air systems to be deployed alongside Afghanistan border. I can bet the Chinese would be eager to know the effectiveness of their systems against the American systems. If we aren't able to down the American planes/ cruise missiles/ drones than we can congratulate them like the Abottabad episode but if do make a few hits we can always make an apology or say that these Chinese anti air systems were deployed to target ISIS or Taliban drone cameras used to spy on Pakistan army's position, unfortunately American planes got hit.
Their is no imminent danger of being attacked by US. Why would they hit us, there's no Isis or daish fighting here, only so called few germs are here claiming to be there's
After the U.S. has conducted strikes in the last week first against Syria and than Afghanistan, there is an imminent threat that they will target Pakistan too. We should talk to the Chinese (and if possible Russians too) to get some anti air systems to be deployed alongside Afghanistan border. I can bet the Chinese would be eager to know the effectiveness of their systems against the American systems. If we aren't able to down the American planes/ cruise missiles/ drones than we can congratulate them like the Abottabad episode but if do make a few hits we can always make an apology or say that these Chinese anti air systems were deployed to target ISIS or Taliban drone cameras used to spy on Pakistan army's position, unfortunately American planes got hit.
I think at the moment they will not be targeting Pakistan
As they don't want the current coas to be more aggressive towards them in their
Policies and targeting Pakistan won't help them only thing they can do is
Keep on saying do more as they did today or yesterday with the latest White House
Press briefing one more thing they can do is to ask India to fire more rounds on the LOC
And create more tension
As the cpec been endorsed by the security council recently so the members
Mean business with this endorsement it means more stake into this corridor with
The other powers of the world
Two questions If we can know sir,

* Have Pakistan advised by US before attack?
* Has US targeted elements are neutralized?

Attack were near Pakistan border in Afghanistan not inside Pakistan so probably not necessary to inform Pakistan.

36 Isis fighter killed in the attack. This attack were more as pshycological then tactical. They could easily use drone to destroy the mud cave.
Orbital ATK has won a USAF contract to supply rocket motors for AIM-9P Sidewinder missiles. The agreement, which could reach a potential value of $67 million, covers the production and provision of motors for ordinance that will be sold to other governments under the US foreign military sales program. First developed in the 1970s, the AIM-9 has undergone significant upgrades to improve its capabilities and lethality over the years, with the present version featuring Orbital ATK’s SR116-HP-1 reduced-smoke rocket motor. Work will continue through until February 2022.
Two questions If we can know sir,

* Have Pakistan advised by US before attack?
* Has US targeted elements are neutralized?
Probably not and according to pentagon, the IS militants were mostly ex TTP and afghan taliban who were involved in cross border attacks in Pakistan. so if we are to believe this then we should be happy that the strike took place. US NSA Gen. McMaster is due in lsld, and I'm sure that this incident will be discussed.
Their is no imminent danger of being attacked by US. Why would they hit us, there's no Isis or daish fighting here, only so called few germs are here claiming to be there's

I believe they might not be targeting Pakistani areas with MOAB but the intensity of low key bombing and drone strikes might increase. In the past there weren't many Pakistan troops in that area, still we lost many soldiers to coalition bombing (e.g. Salala)
This time around we have huge numbers of soldiers who are present in those areas. Any increase in bombing in that area by US, through manned or unmanned aircraft will put alot of Pakistani lives in danger. Hope you're getting my point.

I think at the moment they will not be targeting Pakistan
As they don't want the current coas to be more aggressive towards them in their
Policies and targeting Pakistan won't help them only thing they can do is
Keep on saying do more as they did today or yesterday with the latest White House
Press briefing one more thing they can do is to ask India to fire more rounds on the LOC
And create more tension
As the cpec been endorsed by the security council recently so the members
Mean business with this endorsement it means more stake into this corridor with
The other powers of the world

Our former chiefs have set very bad precedents in regards to turning their eyes away from U.S. strikes plus our reliance on U.S. has played very well for the Americans in regards to their carrots and sticks policy.
Though general Raheel's tenure saw very few strikes. Don't know if Pakistani military took some tough stance or Obama administration was more focused on middle east?
Our former chiefs have set very bad precedents in regards to turning their eyes away from U.S. strikes plus our reliance on U.S. has played very well for the Americans in regards to their carrots and sticks policy.
Though general Raheel's tenure saw very few strikes. Don't know if Pakistani military took some tough stance or Obama administration was more focused on middle east?

What do you mean former chiefs have set very bad precedents? After the Salala incident, the US supply routes were closed for months, the attack on US airbase happened destroying 8 aircraft on ground (their biggest loss since world war 2), and forward check posts were provided shoulder fired missiles that they had been requesting. Please don't spread misinformation about army chiefs. Their honor and dignity is a matter of national concern and importance. Thank you.

@The Eagle
What do you mean former chiefs have set very bad precedents? After the Salala incident, the US supply routes were closed for months, the attack on US airbase happened destroying 8 aircraft on ground (their biggest loss since world war 2), and forward check posts were provided shoulder fired missiles that they had been requesting. Please don't spread misinformation about army chiefs. Their honor and dignity is a matter of national concern and importance. Thank you.

@The Eagle

Well sir, I know the post Salala blockage of coalition supplies, but there were attacks before and after Salala which the military didn't respond to as they should have done. Especially in the latter half of last decade. I understand your emotions and attachment to the Pakistani forces, even I feel the same. But had we downed a few American drones or whatever, Salala wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Don't know about Pakistan destroying 8 American planes. Want to know more, guide me please.
Well sir, I know the post Salala blockage of coalition supplies, but there were attacks before and after Salala which the military didn't respond to as they should have done. Especially in the latter half of last decade. I understand your emotions and attachment to the Pakistani forces, even I feel the same. But had we downed a few American drones or whatever, Salala wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Don't know about Pakistan destroying 8 American planes. Want to know more, guide me please.

The eight planes downed were by Afghan Taliban. But here is the rub: shortly after they released a video in which a map of the airfield was shown labelled in Urdu, instead of Pashtu!!!! It isn't official, but think about it, there were no successful attacks on airfields before and after that one.

Why would we shoot down American drones when most of them flew from bases in Pakistan and the strikes were carried out with full knowledge and confidence of the forces? As you can see, since the terrorists have be routed from their hiding places, the number of drone strikes have also dropped dramatically.

The problem with responding pre/post Salala is that when you are dealing with a larger force such as U.S. with whom you are also an ally, you are forced to given them the benefit of doubt over minor incidents. Take for example the recent bombing of Syrian Democratic Forces. Friendly fire happens. But, the past is the past. I personally do not like how the country was basically turned over to Blackwater during Musharraf's regime, and I have very low opinion of that person. Today, things are very different. I find no reason not to have full confidence in our forces and their ability to keep our best interests at the forefront.
The eight planes downed were by Afghan Taliban. But here is the rub: shortly after they released a video in which a map of the airfield was shown labelled in Urdu, instead of Pashtu!!!! It isn't official, but think about it, there were no successful attacks on airfields before and after that one.

Why would we shoot down American drones when most of them flew from bases in Pakistan and the strikes were carried out with full knowledge and confidence of the forces? As you can see, since the terrorists have be routed from their hiding places, the number of drone strikes have also dropped dramatically.

The problem with responding pre/post Salala is that when you are dealing with a larger force such as U.S. with whom you are also an ally, you are forced to given them the benefit of doubt over minor incidents. Take for example the recent bombing of Syrian Democratic Forces. Friendly fire happens. But, the past is the past. I personally do not like how the country was basically turned over to Blackwater during Musharraf's regime, and I have very low opinion of that person. Today, things are very different. I find no reason not to have full confidence in our forces and their ability to keep our best interests at the forefront.
Downed is the wrong use here, more like destroyed on the tarmac.
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