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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

Personally, I like the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda more acceptable. The influence of Buddhist schools of philosophy in his teachings are much simpler to follow for a layman like me.

Vivekananda's teaching was based on Humanism, not Hinduism. As a species, we should work towards the betterment of lives of the species as a whole, not as to who subscribe to your views and who doesn't.
Exactly, your reply will be 'I feel God in my heart, Atheists are substandard species to get in touch with the creator', come on, grow up.

The sole reason why atheism has double digit growth rate in developed countries, and third world nations are clinging to the all creator God.
Nigel Barber: Atheism to Defeat Religion By 2038

I grew up in a very religious family, but those religious beliefs made me sick.

Hinduism is growing faster. Most rich educated people either choose Buddhism or new age spirituality which is nothing but variant of Hinduism.

Coming to your point of economics. There was no poverty in India before the invasions started. Even today, a large chunk of our economy depends on Hinduism. See all those temple towns they attract religious pilgrims or tourists to the tune of 1 billion a year. That means jobs in travel sector, hotel and lodging sector, flowers, sweetmeats, clothes, etc., ect. Then there are festivals throughout the year which keeps a whole set of industries working throughout. There are no Black Fridays in India when the account book finally turns black from red. It is precisely because sales happens throughout the year. Now do some more research on what offering food to temple was all about.
That escalated rather quickly from ignorance borne out of contempt/indifference into ignorance borne out of religion and faith.

Does anyone here think the folks who failed to answer simple questions on General Knowledge would somehow correctly quote passages from the Bible? Think again.

There are a lot of folks on this planet who never bother to know more about the World in areas that do not concern their livelihood and entertainment. Giving a theist/atheist spin to it is rather silly, IMO.
Hinduism is growing faster. Most rich educated people either choose Buddhism or new age spirituality which is nothing but variant of Hinduism.

Coming to your point of economics. There was no poverty in India before the invasions started. Even today, a large chunk of our economy depends on Hinduism. See all those temple towns they attract religious pilgrims or tourists to the tune of 1 billion a year. That means jobs in travel industry, hotel and lodging industry, flowers, sweetmeats, clothes, etc., ect. Then there are festivals throughout the year which keeps a whole set of industries working throughout. There are no Black Fridays in India when the account book finally turns black from red. It is precisely because sales happens throughout the year. Now do some more research on what offering food to temple was all about.

Hinduism growing faster where? In Europe? Not to forget Hinduism is a local religion and has outreach even lesser than Islam. The growth rate of Islam in India is 1.8%, while the population growth rate is 1.4%. I don't know where you pulled out the number of 'Hinduism growing faster'.
Hinduism growing faster where? In Europe? Not to forget Hinduism is a local religion and has outreach even lesser than Islam. The growth rate of Islam in India is 1.8%, while the population growth rate is 1.4%. I don't know where you pulled out the number of 'Hinduism growing faster'.

It is harder to get Hinduism figures because people identify with Vaishavism or Shaivism or Shakta abroad. Like the Hare Krishnas would call themselves Vaishnavas. Then there is also another mythology floated around that since the word "Hindu" was used by Arabs as a pejorative, its use is not encouraged.

That said, there are more than a million white Hindus in USA itself, 5 million Hare Krishnas, and about a huge number of them all over East Europe and Australia. If people who are into new age practices are taken into account who do follow Vedanta, then it is even more.

Western Hindu | Facebook
It is harder to get Hinduism figures because people identify with Vaishavism or Shaivism or Shakta abroad. Like the Hare Krishnas would call themselves Vaishnavas. Then there is also another mythology floated around that since the word "Hindu" was used by Arabs as a pejorative, its use is not encouraged.

That said, there are more than a million white Hindus in USA itself, 5 million Hare Krishnas, and about a huge number of them all over East Europe and Australia. If people who are into new age practices are taken into account who do follow Vedanta, then it is even more.

Here, no one recognizes Hare Krishna or Baishnav or Shaiva as a separate religion from Hinduism, or even Brahmho Samaj for example. My school education was under Ramkrishna Vedanta Ashram under Swami Abhenananda, and the religious inclination was no different from Hinduism.

And come on, Facebook as a proof?
Here, no one recognizes Hare Krishna or Baishnav or Shaiva as a separate religion from Hinduism, or even Brahmho Samaj for example. My school education was under Ramkrishna Vedanta Ashram under Swami Abhenananda, and the religious inclination was no different from Hinduism.

We recognize it as Hinduism here, but I am talking about abroad. When census is taken, there is a deleima and people hesitate to identify as Hindu. They are more comfy identifying with the sampradaya they follow.

Africa too. This is in Ghana.

We recognize it as Hinduism here, but I am talking about abroad. When census is taken, there is a deleima and people hesitate to identify as Hindu. They are more comfy identifying with the sampradaya they follow.

No, they don't. All the Hindus piles up at the local temple every Sunday. My family members here belongs to Brahmo Samaj, and yet they visit on local hindu temples and identify themselves as Hindu. So is the followers of Vedanta Ashram, me being from one such ashram should know that.
And come on, Facebook as a proof?

If only to see the crowd in different countries who are followers in different ways. Else I do not think it will be much appreciated here if I post every video out there.

No, they don't. All the Hindus piles up at the local temple every Sunday. My family members here belongs to Brahmo Samaj, and yet they visit on local hindu temples and identify themselves as Hindu. So is the followers of Vedanta Ashram, me being from one such ashram should know that.

That could be your experience in your community but it is not so universally. It is still a point of contention in HK even today if they are Hindus or Vaishnavas. This debate turned around a bit in favor of Hinduism because Indian Hindus started patronizing HK temples and filling the coffers.

2.3 Million Hindu Americans + 1 Hindu American Sweetheart
Africa too. This is in Ghana.

Obviously there will be crowd, as most of the settlers of previous generation still clinging on to their faith. Even i visited temples with parents and still visit with my friends. But can mere headcount be an indication of faith? I even visit church with my girlfriend, but only to get bored.
Obviously there will be crowd, as most of the settlers of previous generation still clinging on to their faith. Even i visited temples with parents and still visit with my friends. But can mere headcount be an indication of faith? I even visit church with my girlfriend, but only to get bored.

LOL. There is no rules in Hinduism and no ex-communication. Even if you say you are an atheist the fact remains you are still within the tradition. Trying to build equivalence with Christianity is not right. They are two entirely different concepts.

If you are a scientist, then you are going to head towards Vedanta whether you like it or not. An entire range of research is based on those principles.

This is an absolutely fantastic video.

But the difference is you wont find a Hindu or a Buddhist or any other Asian religion who refutes scientific facts ...they have always co-existed peacefully and have been open to scientific facts and evolution.... go ask any Hindu ..I dare you... But Americans...OH boy..they are a completely different ball game... ever seen the creationist museum ?? :lol:
How is the Earth held up by a snake conforms to scientific principles? How is a spirit living inside a rock or the weather conforms to scientific principles? How does 'karma' conforms to scientific principles?

What happened...don't like getting mocked ? sometimes its nice to get a taste of your own medicine :lol: .
Actually...It looks like you Indians do not like getting a taste of THIS medicine.

How do you know that? All of your body cells are replaced in a few weeks to months. That is the food that you eat, the air that you breathe, the water that you drink that goes to make you and sustain you comes from the food chain and everyone is a part of it. The cells which made up the rats cells a few weeks ago, could very well be the cells in you a few days later.

You are too dumb to know about nonduality of nature. Much of Hinduism follows that principle.

There is more science in that video than you can conceive in your peabrain.
Right...So now what we see is interpreting religious beliefs to fit science, making the religion more 'scientific'. Just like how the Muslims does it with the Quran.
LOL. There is no rules in Hinduism and no ex-communication. Even if you say you are an atheist the fact remains you are still within the tradition. Trying to build equivalence with Christianity is not right. They are two entirely different concepts.

If you are a scientist, then you are going to head towards Vedanta whether you like it or not. An entire range of research is based on those principles.

This is an absolutely fantastic video.

Oh come on, not Deepak Chopra any more. He terms placebo effect has Quantum Healing and accuses scientists of stealing the term. You should watch the debate between Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins, to know where he stands.

Tradition and religion is different, i got societal values from my parents not from books. And my parents were illiterate to get any societal values from books. And i judge right and wrong from my consciousness, not religious code of conduct. :D
What would be the reason for this gap? They have world's best universities, their country have been pioneer in engineering and technology.But why is this ignorance,still? I am not sure but once I read that almost 75% of them believe in supernatural beings.

thats not odd.

what is odd, is that they believe all aliens are going to attack America :P

Congrats, you've got the logic of a door handle.

"Not believing in deities or super natural beings and organized religion is a religion."

- JEskandari



jeskandari wants people to think of him as an intellectual of some sorts. He tries way too hard sometimes. I'm embarrassed on his behalf.

Well he is not much wrong . those who are running away from their own inner belief infact do believe in religion but are scared to show hence the faceplam of atheism
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Congrats, you've got the logic of a door handle.

"Not believing in deities or super natural beings and organized religion is a religion."

- JEskandari



jeskandari wants people to think of him as an intellectual of some sorts. He tries way too hard sometimes. I'm embarrassed on his behalf.
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