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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

Nope. When you read Vedanta and Upanishads, there is only one truth that comes out. "Tat Tvam Asi" which means That Thou Art. Meaning you are god. That points to the integral unit of the whole cosmos. The entire universe, multiverse is manifestation of god.

Hinduism has always maintained "god is universe" not "god made universe."

Given this definition, everything literally is god. Every atom, every molecule, every quark. Every animate and inanimate object is god.

This is where Hindu worship of everything comes from, trees, rocks, snakes, cows, statues, mountains, rivers. Just about everything.

The principle of Karma is nothing more than cause and affect. Just that it plays out over multiple lifetimes. So saying one can be born as a rat or reincarnate as something else is not out of whack. Everything is sentient and every experience is considered the experience of god.

Another principle of Hinduism is the principle of Maya. Which means all that you see is an illusion. Now fit that in with what you know about the universe, about the constituents of every particle. What are atoms made up of? What is Higgs Boson all about?

So where is this particle which is supposed to give mass.

If you cannot find a particle which gives mass and if an electron placed in an vacuum lapses into a wave instead of being a particle then where is mass? What is mass made up of?

To correct few discrepancies of yours, Electron doesn't lapses into a wave when placed in vaccum. It turns into wave only if a potential is applied. If you look into the books of quantum and semiconductor physics, the mass of electron is two in different case, effective mass and actual mass and the ratio is taken into consideration. In semiconductors, effective mass is much lesser than the actual mass, and approaches zero in Graphene. Hence electrons behaves as wave rather than particle in Graphene, thus graphene shows super conductive characters even at room temperature. This shift in mass has to do with shift in impedance in the path of the flow.

I get the logic of their argument. Which is more like an own goal.

Which is like this: Atheists believe that there is no god purely based on faith and no evidence. So if it was a religion, then it is an admission by him that the religious believe in gods based on faith, and not on evidence.

How not believing becomes a case of faith, if one cannot prove the non existence of an entity, doesn't necessarily translates into as the proof of it's existence. Had Harry Potter been written few thousand years ago, i'm sure it'd had it's own believers.
To clarify your former point, i'm not a biologist to start with, i'm in Nanoelectronics in border with quantum physics and whatever Deepak mentioned about Quantum Physics isn't in sync with anything in reality. And as fact suggest even microbes has a type of primitive consciousness. Deepak terms every non measurable entity as God, does that mean with the increase in the sphere of knowledge, the area of influence of 'God' will decrease?
And no, i don't believe in soul either, we get birth as an intelligent organism and we die as an intelligent organism. That is the end. There is no Afterlife.
"The only plausible reason for people to believe in an after life, is because they are they are too narcissistic to imagine a world without them."

Being poor or rich has nothing to do with Hinduism. It has just as many believers in rich as in poor.

Why will god's influence decrease when everything is god that is including you the researcher. All activity happens within god. That includes research and influence. When there will be an increase in sphere of knowledge it just means god as scientists has uncovered some more of the mysteries of universe that is god. So there will never be any decreasing or increasing. Even if the whole world were to turn atheists, that will just be God playing the role of atheists.

Sorry that is not what is observed about life. Life never ends. You decompose or burn or whatever and then you recreate as some other thing or stuff. You are but energy and that energy will never disappear. It will just reconstitute as another form. That is true for your physical self as well as your spiritual self. The universe did not get made by accident.

If one was to be born without a purpose and die without a purpose than there is no meaning to any life. So it is not narcissism to be fond of the world and its experience.

Yes but we're are more attractive because we have restaurants and economic growth

What were you talking about?
Being poor or rich has nothing to do with Hinduism. It has just as many believers in rich as in poor.

Why will god's influence decrease when everything is god that is including you the researcher. All activity happens within god. That includes research and influence. When there will be an increase in sphere of knowledge it just means god as scientists has uncovered some more of the mysteries of universe that is god. So there will never be any decreasing or increasing. Even if the whole world were to turn atheists, that will just be God playing the role of atheists.

Sorry that is not what is observed about life. Life never ends. You decompose or burn or whatever and then you recreate as some other thing or stuff. You are but energy and that energy will never disappear. It will just reconstitute as another form. That is true for your physical self as well as your spiritual self. The universe did not get made by accident.

If one was to be born without a purpose and die without a purpose than there is no meaning to any life. So it is not narcissism to be fond of the world and its experience.

To start with, i don't believe in a creator to start with, so your effort on including me into your sphere of belief is futile. I agree on the fact of conservation of mass and energy, and the physical and chemical transformation of my body.

And there one thing that bugs me about the believers. You guys never hold back to mock the scientists when we have discrepancies in test results but always comes in forefront to lecture about the preaching of books on any such instances. Do you have any personal manifestation of conservation of consciousness or any valid data to back that up with?

As per consciousness is concerned, even computers can be programmed to develop primitive form of emotions and consciousness. Read about the recent publications on Game theory. In my university there is active work going on artificial intelligence and machine-human interface, and there are programs which can replicate human emotions. If i die, my consciousness is dies with me. Consciousness is a state of understanding of stimulus around me. That is why my consciousness prompts me to work for the betterment of mankind every day, and for some to run an aircraft into to a building. Can you equate both at same level?

If you take a microbe, and subjects it to stimulus to modify it's homeostasis, it'll adapt to the environment to nullify the effect of the stimulus for stable homeostasis, that is its level of consciousness. Now increase the level of complexity and intelligence of the cellular being, the complexity of the consciousness increases along with the intelligence.

By 2080, machines will surpass human intelligence and develop superior consciousness than ours. What will be your answer then?
To correct few discrepancies of yours, Electron doesn't lapses into a wave when placed in vaccum. It turns into wave only if a potential is applied. If you look into the books of quantum and semiconductor physics, the mass of electron is two in different case, effective mass and actual mass and the ratio is taken into consideration. In semiconductors, effective mass is much lesser than the actual mass, and approaches zero in Graphene. Hence electrons behaves as wave rather than particle in Graphene, thus graphene shows super conductive characters even at room temperature. This shift in mass has to do with shift in impedance in the path of the flow.

While I am not in nanoelectronics, but here is what I understand about matter.

Ordinary material things are really empty of matter and filled with potentiality. 99.99% of the mass of an atom is in its nucleus. 10,000 times more of the space of the nucleus is empty. While there are electrons in that space, but they are not particles. They don't have units of matter or energy. Electrons are just forms. They are potentiality. If you were to take all the nuclei of all the atoms on this global and stick them together, they would fill a football field. That is the effective mass. The rest is empty.

So basically we are forms that exist in a state of potentiality, manifesting as mass.
To start with, i don't believe in a creator to start with, so your effort on including me into your sphere of belief is futile. I agree on the fact of conservation of mass and energy, and the physical and chemical transformation of my body.

It does not matter whether you believe in it or not. It is independent on your or my belief is my belief.

And there one thing that bugs me about the believers. You guys never hold back to mock the scientists when we have discrepancies in test results but always comes in forefront to lecture about the preaching of books on any such instances. Do you have any personal manifestation of conservation of consciousness or any valid data to back that up with?

There are so many afterlife examples. People who suddenly speak a language they were not brought up in, people with deja vu feelings. New born babies which has never observed traits of an ancestor which suddenly displays those traits. So just like energy does not get destroyed, consciousness never gets destroyed either.

As per consciousness is concerned, even computers can be programmed to develop primitive form of emotions and consciousness. Read about the recent publications on Game theory. In my university there is active work going on artificial intelligence and machine-human interface, and there are programs which can replicate human emotions. If i die, my consciousness is dies with me. Consciousness is a state of understanding of stimulus around me. That is why my consciousness prompts me to work for the betterment of mankind every day, and for some to run an aircraft into to a building. Can you equate both at same level?

Oh okay you are offended that I am saying everything is consciousness? So your objection is to being equated with the consciousness of a rock or a primitive being. There are different levels of consciousness. All atoms have a level of sentience, they know how to behave for their level. So they group together with similar atoms and react with other atoms in a particular fashion every single time. Obviously the level of consciousness of a nanotechnologist will be higher than the consciousness of a rock. It is like saying will 1 drop of water quench my thirst or a full glass. Obviously it is full glass, but that 1 drop of water is still water like the full glass of water.

If you take a microbe, and subjects it to stimulus to modify it's homeostasis, it'll adapt to the environment to nullify the effect of the stimulus for stable homeostasis, that is its level of consciousness. Now increase the level of complexity and intelligence of the cellular being, the complexity of the consciousness increases along with the intelligence.


By 2080, machines will surpass human intelligence and develop superior consciousness than ours. What will be your answer then?

Where such a thing to happen, then it would just be god manifesting like a superior consciousness computer. So what is the big deal.

What you do not seem to be getting is every experience is the experience of god. If god wanted to feel like a computer, a computer it will be.
While I am not in nanoelectronics, but here is what I understand about matter.

Ordinary material things are really empty of matter and filled with potentiality. 99.99% of the mass of an atom is in its nucleus. 10,000 times more of the space of the nucleus is empty. While there are electrons in that space, but they are not particles. They don't have units of matter or energy. Electrons are just forms. They are potentiality. If you were to take all the nuclei of all the atoms on this global and stick them together, they would fill a football field. That is the effective mass. The rest is empty.

So basically we are forms that exist in a state of potentiality, manifesting as mass.

Electrons bounded on a nucleus or without any potential field does have units of matter, 9.1 x 10^-31 kg, and for a proton or neutron is 1.67 x 10^-27 kg. It is not considered in Classical approach because of the mass of proton or neutron is 2000 times higher than electrons. But the mass of electrons are very significant for quantum physics.

Now as per Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, the position and velocity of an electron cannot be determined with absolute certainty. The energy you put to observe the state of electron interferes with it's quantum state. Therefore there is always a percentage in the certainty of the position of electron. And the position of increasing percentage is described as 'electron cloud'.

Stop taking Physics lessons from Deepak Chopra, he's a Ayurvedic proponent, he knows shit about physics.
Electrons bounded on a nucleus or without any potential field does have units of matter, 9.1 x 10^-31 kg, and for a proton or neutron is 1.67 x 10^-27 kg. It is not considered in Classical approach because of the mass of proton or neutron is 2000 times higher than electrons. But the mass of electrons are very significant for quantum physics.

Now as per Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, the position and velocity of an electron cannot be determined with absolute certainty. The energy you put to observe the state of electron interferes with it's quantum state. Therefore there is always a percentage in the certainty of the position of electron. And the position of increasing percentage is described as 'electron cloud'.

Stop taking Physics lessons from Deepak Chopra, he's a Ayurvedic proponent, he knows shit about physics.

You can dissect every little bit of it, give every possible explanation for it, but at the end of the day the fact remains electrons are potentiality. These are physicists over there talking that, not just Deepak. There was this another theoretical physicist who disagreed with Deepak and then went on to write a book with him. Leonard Mlodinow. The latest I see is he has stolen from Deepak's theories and now presenting a thesis which is based on Deepak's understanding.

Exactly, your reply will be 'I feel God in my heart, Atheists are substandard species to get in touch with the creator', come on, grow up.

So you basically assumed a reply to satisfy your inflated ego and you then blame religious people .... you need help dude....am being serious ...

You people laughed on Yoga until it was proved to work scientifically..
You people laughed on Art of living until it was found that it was very good for the lungs and your body.
You laughed at temples using Sandawood paste and Vibhuti until it was found both has an positive effect on your pineal gland

"Low Serotonin levels counts for a major reason why there is so much depression in Westerners today, especially in the United States . Usage of Vibhuti and Sandalwood can trigger off the production of serotonin in the brain, increasing overall happiness and contentment"

You people laughed at South Indians using Banana Leaf to eat food until it was found

"The antioxidants (polyphenols) in banana leaf is reported to help fight cancer. Another research says the leaf contains polyphenol oxidase that help fight Parkinson's disease. "

Sound frequencies can effect your DNA

MythBusters Episode 23: Exploding House

This was an episode from Myth Busters

Talking helps plants grow.


Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof. Four were set up with stereos playing endlessly looping recordings (as having the Mythbusters actually talk to the plants could contaminate the samples with their expelled carbon dioxide): Two of negative speech, two of positive speech (Kari and Scottie each made one positive and one negative soundtrack), a fifth with classical music and a sixth with intense death metal music. A seventh greenhouse, used as a control sample, had no stereo. The greenhouses with the recordings of speech grew better than the control, regardless of whether such talk was kind or angry. The plants in the greenhouse with the recording of classical music grew better, while the plants in the greenhouse with the recording of intense death metal grew best of all.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment

HI experiment has been duplicated successfully all across youtube

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies « Just Wondering - Alternative News and Opinions Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order


This could explain a lot of answers on how Prayers Hyms or simple words can effect a persons life or the Universe around them....
But i guess anyone who doe snot conform to your views is a Blasphemer :lol:
There are so many afterlife examples. People who suddenly speak a language they were not brought up in, people with deja vu feelings. New born babies which has never observed traits of an ancestor which suddenly displays those traits. So just like energy does not get destroyed, consciousness never gets destroyed either.

I have suffered from Deja-Vu and still do occasionally, it's is a stage of epilepsy seizure with more occurrence in adolescent stage and gradually decreasing over time. And through characteristic traits transfer through gene. For an example, my cousin walks and eat exactly my grandfather, and he was born before his trait. How can consciousness replicate and transmit with one being in sound health?

Oh okay you are offended that I am saying everything is consciousness? So your objection is to being equated with the consciousness of a rock or a primitive being. There are different levels of consciousness. All atoms have a level of sentience, they know how to behave for their level. So they group together with similar atoms and react with other atoms in a particular fashion every single time. Obviously the level of consciousness of a nanotechnologist will be higher than the consciousness of a rock. It is like saying will 1 drop of water quench my thirst or a full glass. Obviously it is full glass, but that 1 drop of water is still water like the full glass of water.

Consciousness vary within the same species, do you think the level of consciousness of a healthy person be same as an autistic patient? I know the reference sound harsh and inhuman, but the response to stimulus of both of them will be drastically different. So does he have a soul or equal magnitude as a normal being?

As a person, my girlfriend's consciousness may be way too evolved than mine. I lack few basic human interaction skills and emotions.

Where such a thing to happen, then it would just be god manifesting like a superior consciousness computer. So what is the big deal.

What you do not seem to be getting is every experience is the experience of god. If god wanted to feel like a computer, a computer it will be.

Does this statement even make any sense?
Deepak is also an MD with degree in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. If he is proponent of Ayurveda obviously he has considered the merit and demerits of both alopathy and ayurvedic systems. He still has a licence to practice medicine in US. Which means he has the legal authority to treat a patient and operate on a patient. He also rubs shoulders with more scientists than most of us do. So let us not just dismiss him as a quack.
Are you following the religion of islam AND the religion of rejection of Santa Clause AND the religion of rejection of the theory that feathers grow in pillows? are you following three religions or one while rejecting two absurd illogical unsupported theories? You seem to suggest that rejecting the pillow theory is a religion, weird.

That would answer your irrational query.
is rejecting santaclause and rejecting the feather growth in the pillow try to explain the universe and the relation between creatures , does they want to show us the way of salvation .
now these said as a Muslim I believe in Islam and its teaching but I also accept those other theories as they are common sense .
and here I must ask you why by believing one religion I must denounce one other ?
I follow Islam but also I believe in Judaism , in Christianity , in Zoroastrianism in Hinduism and...... why I must deny them as being religion ? I choose Islam as my ideology because I think that its teaching can guide me through life another one choose Christianity another choose shintu and....... and one choose atheism here the point is that you must choose one that is more suitable for you but all are religion with their ideology and teaching .
is rejecting santaclause and rejecting the feather growth in the pillow try to explain the universe and the relation between creatures , does they want to show us the way of salvation .
now these said as a Muslim I believe in Islam and its teaching but I also accept those other theories as they are common sense .
and here I must ask you why by believing one religion I must denounce one other ?
I follow Islam but also I believe in Judaism , in Christianity , in Zoroastrianism in Hinduism and...... why I must deny them as being religion ? I choose Islam as my ideology because I think that its teaching can guide me through life another one choose Christianity another choose shintu and....... and one choose atheism here the point is that you must choose one that is more suitable for you but all are religion with their ideology and teaching .

I agree with many things you said, but NOT that atheism is a religion.

A - I think religion X is right (no proof)
B - I think religion Z is right (no proof)
C - I don't believe in (existing) religions because there is no proof

A & B - C is following a religion called ''I want proof before I believe in religion''!


"But the higher developed an individual’s consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device! One can achieve these results by oneself, and science will finally stop to laugh at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn’t end there.?The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! :D Wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars).? These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time." :lol:

Even though the article is a pile of horse crap, you should have atleast read it before insulting yourself by posting that shyte.

Coming back to topic, even in that pile of horse crap, it is nowhere mentioned that DNA responds to frequency of audible. range. So lets keep those mantra, hymns and Honey Singh mantras at back burner. Coming back to some real science,


This is what we do in lab, manipulating and modifying Nanostructures is possible with LASER or high energy beams, we do that often in Laboratory. So theoretically DNA will responds to frequency, but much higher frequency than you can speak or listen to. :lol:

Try some credible links from next time, without making fool of yourself.
I have suffered from Deja-Vu and still do occasionally, it's is a stage of epilepsy seizure with more occurrence in adolescent stage and gradually decreasing over time. And through characteristic traits transfer through gene. For an example, my cousin walks and eat exactly my grandfather, and he was born before his trait. How can consciousness replicate and transmit with one being in sound health?

You may experience deja vu as a stage of epilepsy, not everyone who experiences deja vu is having epilepsy. It is not gene, if it was gene then it would not have skipped generations or all of you would have inherited the trait. Can they have the gene figured which makes you cousin have traits of your grandfather? What has consciousness got to do with being healthy or sick, it is immortal soul which just took on the form of your healthy cousin without the actual memories of your grandfather, just some traits.

I think you are confusing consciousness with some ghost. It is not some malevolent spirit. It is the person in your head, the one who talks to you and talks like you.

Consciousness vary within the same species, do you think the level of consciousness of a healthy person be same as an autistic patient? I know the reference sound harsh and inhuman, but the response to stimulus of both of them will be drastically different. So does he have a soul or equal magnitude as a normal being?
As a person, my girlfriend's consciousness may be way too evolved than mine. I lack few basic human interaction skills and emotions.

Of course he could have a soul of equal magnitude but only his access to the source of information is limited so is his bodily mechanics to express. It is like his data receiver is faulty, does not mean absence of data. You are saying like if some radio is not functioning, there are no radio programs in the air at all.

That is where karma and choices come in. Your GF's karma may be shining brighter because of her choices and your may not be. Universal consciousness is differentiated and born as different entities to experience variations, not uniformity.

Does this statement even make any sense?

Of course it does. The statement is everything is god. That is all the elements in the whole wide multiverse. Every atom, every particle. So god is rock, god is tree, god is computer, god is human, god is. The one constant energy force that flows as potentiality and takes forms suited to an environment.
Even though the article is a pile of horse crap, you should have atleast read it before insulting yourself by posting that shyte.

Coming back to topic, even in that pile of horse crap, it is nowhere mentioned that DNA responds to frequency of audible. range. So lets keep those mantra, hymns and Honey Singh mantras at back burner. Coming back to some real science,


This is what we do in lab, manipulating and modifying Nanostructures is possible with LASER or high energy beams, we do that often in Laboratory. So theoretically DNA will responds to frequency, but much higher frequency than you can speak or listen to. :lol:

Try some credible links from next time, without making fool of yourself.

I did not read the entire article so i missed out on that BS

You could have made your point across in a less offending tone....Bro...do you really expect people to accept your viewpoints when you are insulting them and their believes non stop .. this is pretty much the fault with Atheists like yourself who has a sense of a superiority complex over the believers .. Get of the high horse first... you want people to listen you you..learn to be polite rather than being an imbecile ...

What do you think of Dr. Emoto's water experiment ....
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