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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

Not going much into the theological discussions, we have a hell and heaven difference between our education systems. So, the data shown makes me feel a little bit shocked.

I suggest you look at the videos of Ken Ham and likes, before making an assumption of the scenario.
Suuuuuuure it is...

The Japanese believes in spirits -- kami -- that lives in rocks, animals, water, etc.

The Muslims believes in 7 layers of heaven and never mind that I actually debated a few Muslims on their own playground who believes in geocentrism.

The Hindus believes in an elephant headed god and a monkey headed god, the Earth is held up by a snake, and karma.


But the difference is you wont find a Hindu or a Buddhist or any other Asian religion who refutes scientific facts ...they have always co-existed peacefully and have been open to scientific facts and evolution.... go ask any Hindu ..I dare you... But Americans...OH boy..they are a completely different ball game... ever seen the creationist museum ?? :lol:

But America deserves to be mocked because some Christians believes in the literal Bible.


What happened...don't like getting mocked ? sometimes its nice to get a taste of your own medicine :lol: .

I have to go to work now... see you later :usflag::haha:
But the difference is you wont find a Hindu or a Buddhist or any other Asian religion who refutes scientific facts ...they have always co-existed peacefully and have been open to scientific facts and evolution.... go ask any Hindu ..I dare you... But Americans...OH boy..they are a completely different ball game... ever seen the creationist museum ??

How open are you accept human in it's present form is a spinoff of evolution? I've seen Ramdev baba teaching your folks as Evolution is a western conspiracy and humans were creation of God.
I suggest you look at the videos of Ken Ham and likes, before making an assumption of the scenario.
Ken Ham is a funny guy,isn't? But I see him debating with those who does not conform with his stupid ideas. He argues with people to defend his case,no matter how idiotic they sound. But this is not the case in my home. We don't ask questions, we don't argue with the idiots giving them a free ride all over.
How open are you accept human in it's present form is a spinoff of evolution? I've seen Ramdev baba teaching your folks as Evolution is a western conspiracy and humans were creation of God.

Give me a video link or something to back that up with ? i would like to know where you seen it or are you blindly shooting in the dark hoping for a brownie point.... Hindus have absolutely on problems with evolution or any other scientific theories.... and if i believe Science is the way in which God interacts with the Universe, what will you say the ?

Baba Ramdev is often ridiculed by the media , especially after he started talking about black money and started taking on Congress ...
Some of it is that Americans are anti-authority and like to play games with tests and polls that are thrust upon them by a$$holes ......

For example, whenever the Government sends me a form that asks me my "race", among other things, I always lie and make up stupid answers to the other questions.

That still does not explain one particular American who used to ask me if Lions and Tigers roam around in Mumbai and Delhi. no matter how many times I told him, they stay in forests, he would not believe.
Ken Ham is a funny guy,isn't? But I see him debating with those who does not conform with his stupid ideas. He argues with people to defend his case,no matter how idiotic they sound. But this is not the case in my home. We don't ask questions, we don't argue with the idiots giving them a free ride all over.

The question isn't if we should debate them or not, the question should be do we have our version of those nutjobs or not? If you can believe in a God with the head of an elephant, or on an all loving Goddess Mother who wears the garland made out of heads of her own creation, and then you're mocking the Americans for their religious beliefs, then you clearly have issues, man.
The question isn't if we should debate them or not, the question should be do we have our version of those nutjobs or not? If you can believe in a God with the head of an elephant, or on an all loving Goddess Mother who wears the garland made out of heads of her own creation, and then you're mocking the Americans for their religious beliefs, then you clearly have issues, man.

I would suggest you not talk about stuff you have no understanding over ... ill come back and give you a detailed reply , but i guess you will be happy to remain oblivious ..
With the possible exception of 'is the earth flat?' it is (according to Discovery magazine at least) the most basic question in science: 'does the earth orbit the sun?'

The good news is that 74 per cent of Americans know the answer.

The very bad news is that means 26 per cent really don't.

These results, which appear in the National Science Foundation (NSF) survey of 2,200 Americans, will form part of a report set to be presented to Barack Obama and lawmakers in congress, and are likely to once again raise the issue of educational standards in the United States.

Other startling results from the survey included that only 39 per cent of Americans believe "the universe began with a huge explosion". And fewer than half of the people surveyed (48 per cent) agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals".

Meanwhile, 51 per cent of Americans knew that antibiotics don't kill viruses.

The study also demonstrated that a total of 42 per cent of Americans thought astrology was either "very scientific" or "sort of scientific".

The survey, as reported by Agence France-Presse, is carried out every couple of years in order to analyse whether America is making educational progress.

Despite the somewhat negative findings of the study there is a significant glimmer of hope.

The survey revealed that nearly 90 per cent of Americans believed the benefits of science outweigh any dangers. 30 per cent believe science deserves more funding from government, and around 90 per cent expressed an interest in learning about medical discoveries.

One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution - Science - News - The Independent
well, Americans believe they are the center to everything and everything revolves around them!!
Well america only builds it,s positive image with the help of it,s strong media but according to my experience most of them never had an experience of leaving their country or living abroad and hence they are extremely ignorant about other nations.They thing america and few other countries have good life and standard of living and rest of them are third world countries where people live in caves lol and eat monkeys and ride on donkeys.Yes most innovation and science comes from USA but they are some few people in the government who wants to maintain the technological edge of USA.I was shocked when few americans said "You muslims are violent people and are fighting for more than 3000 years that,s why israelis kicked you out " :rofl: Islam has a history of 1400 years only and yea israelis kicked pakistanis out and now we live in gaza :lol:
Americans also don't believe they are reincarnated from rats.

How do you know that? All of your body cells are replaced in a few weeks to months. That is the food that you eat, the air that you breathe, the water that you drink that goes to make you and sustain you comes from the food chain and everyone is a part of it. The cells which made up the rats cells a few weeks ago, could very well be the cells in you a few days later.

Let me get this straight...

Some Americans believes in geocentrism and the literal Biblical origin of mankind and for that America deserves to be ridiculed...

...By a country where people worships animal gods and holy men eats rotten human flesh...???


You are too dumb to know about nonduality of nature. Much of Hinduism follows that principle.

Exactly, they have no room to talk.:usflag:

There is more science in that video than you can conceive in your peabrain.
its the religion that is fuc*ing their brains, americans are not more or less smart than rest of us.
US is the most religious country in western world.
Well, dont believing and ignorance are two different things...
I would suggest you not talk about stuff you have no understanding over ... ill come back and give you a detailed reply , but i guess you will be happy to remain oblivious ..

Exactly, your reply will be 'I feel God in my heart, Atheists are substandard species to get in touch with the creator', come on, grow up.

The sole reason why atheism has double digit growth rate in developed countries, and third world nations are clinging to the all creator God.
Nigel Barber: Atheism to Defeat Religion By 2038

I grew up in a very religious family, but those religious beliefs made me sick.
The question isn't if we should debate them or not, the question should be do we have our version of those nutjobs or not? If you can believe in a God with the head of an elephant, or on an all loving Goddess Mother who wears the garland made out of heads of her own creation, and then you're mocking the Americans for their religious beliefs, then you clearly have issues, man.
Mocking should be the last thing we would have tried in this thread. But as I see that happening I prefer to move my a** outta here :D

I grew up in a very religious family, but those religious beliefs made me sick. When half the nation cannot afford food, you waste food on stone statues?

I said these words more or less similar when I was not more than 50 posts old here. People posted "facepalm" all over quoting me.:-)
Mocking should be the last thing we would have tried in this thread. But as I see that happening I prefer to move my a** outta here :D

Ha, did i hurt any nerves there? :D

It's funny debating them, i suggest you look for a video on 'Does God have a future?', some intellectual debate you'll see there.

Being a Hindu by birth, it feels kind'a douchy to mock other religions. So i mock my own religion i grew up in.

I said these words more or less similar when I was not more than 50 posts old here. People posted "facepalm" all over quoting me.:-)

Here's their irony, they have problems accepting homosexuals but they tell stories to their children about five brothers sharing a wife? :D
Ha, did i hurt any nerves there? :D

It's funny debating them, i suggest you look for a video on 'Does God have a future?', some intellectual debate you'll see there.

Being a Hindu by birth, it feels kind'a douchy to mock other religions. So i mock my own religion i grew up in.

Personally, I like the thoughts of Swami Vivekananda more acceptable. The influence of Buddhist schools of philosophy in his teachings are much simpler to follow for a layman like me.
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