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Officers Detained at Dulles, Call off visit


Passengers spooked when men removed from Tampa flight

Tampa, Florida -- An incident aboard a United Airlines flight to Tampa resulted in nine foreign-born people being removed from the airplane and left several passengers shaken. In fact, several thought the incident was serious enough that they asked to be booked on another flight.

At least 15 passengers who arrived in Tampa Monday on a United flight were supposed to be here Sunday night. However, the incident involving the nine men changed everything.

Photo gallery: Passengers spooked after men removed from flight
International Story: Airline incident a "dry run for terror plot?

John Luke, who was on the flight, says the nine men were seated throughout the airplane. Luke says he was told the men were of Pakistani descent and one man made a comment that apparently was "inappropriate" and made a flight attendant feel uncomfortable.

United Airlines spokesperson Megan McCarthy says at that point, the gate agent had a conversation with the men and they were asked to depart. But that's not how Luke and other passengers saw it.

Luke says the fact that the men knew each other caused concern and police came on with their hands on their guns. Then, according to Luke, the police started escorting the men off the plane.

Despite all of the security measures the TSA and the airlines have taken since 9/11, Luke says after seeing federal agents get on the airplane with guns and take the men off, he and several other passengers decided not to take any chances.

Luke says he was just using common sense and it made him feel more comfortable taking another flight.

United Airlines says it eventually became comfortable the men did not pose a threat and they were rebooked on another United flight.

While the "better safe than sorry" action is getting praise from passengers, it also is a reminder of the fact that things are still a little edgy when getting on a plane in this post 9/11 world.

I think this guy John Luke is the culprit.Caused the whole fiasco.
well done Pak Army we are proud of u ...

Exactly what our elected morons could not do.. Love You PA for not being slaves to yanks.

gherat mand mard. damn politions which proud to visit even they undress them gooood and great step pak army yeh you can do it.well done.

I am so proud of our men who refused to bow and yield to those rowdy puffed up yeehaaws.
Wish our politicians had half of the guts and balls our Army boys have.

Hatred is a bit¢h. It stops all rational arguments and even blocks rational thought itself (assuming that somebody can think rationally, a rarity itself - often visible at PDF)

Regardless of the irksome chest thumping and "ghairat" going on here, since the usual illiterate thing is to being in the shameless-politicians-military-is-god argument regardless of its relevancy and let alone its authenticity, might I remind you bunch that not so long ago did a 6 member Parliamentary delegation call off their visit - not after being detained but when they were asked to be screened at the airport. And then you bunch were cheering them as well. In the wake of that cancellation the US reviewed its special screening policies and no longer are Pakistanis subjected to extra screening.



Next time, sensible and realistic statements will be appreciated. No need to reply to post and especially no need to bring in historical realities of geo-political association.
I would agree with MK that Centcom could not have played any role,. TSA being paranoid they are (whether you consider it necessary or not), detained the Brig.
Centcom could have sent an adjutant along with them as escort. Then again, maybe they did...but can you imagine an American lieutenant successfully telling a bunch of Pakistani generals what not to do? Wouldn't they be tempted to do the opposite just to spite him?

Pakistani diplomats should have briefed the generals before the visit, or, once on the phone with them during the incident, calmed them down so they could proceed with the meeting. For whatever their nationality, whatever their rank, officers who abort assigned missions rarely make a good impression, do they?
Hatred is a bit¢h. It stops all rational arguments and even blocks rational thought itself (assuming that somebody can think rationally, a rarity itself - often visible at PDF)

Next time, sensible and realistic statements will be appreciated. No need to reply to post and especially no need to bring in historical realities of geo-political association.
er....are you dictating us on what to think and what not to think?
Sorry,but your opinion is not any more important than mine..its just a matter of perspective,and in a multi dimensional world thee are always more than one aspect of the same story...
If we feel proud of the Army deligates decission to return home after such treatment...we are entitled to feel what ever we want to.
some thing you guys chose to ignore........

The officers were detained after one of them made what a flight attendant considered to be an “inappropriate remark”:undecided:on the way to Dulles, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. That officer was removed from the flight after it landed,
Yanks are nothing but a bunch of scared, paranoid fools and have lost all sense of reality. They cannot differentiate between who is their friend and who is thier foe and they are digging thier own graves. And the apologist for the yanks like Mastaan are the bigger fools.


How are you? You maybe an apologist---I am not---. I am telling you how to behave and act like normal people and you keep acting like a primadona---that won't cut it.

But I do apologize if I have been disrespectful to anyone---have you ever apologized to anyone.
Great stuff - These Pakistani officers SHOULD spread the word about the US has become to others - and they in turn should make it known that military to military relations between Pakistan and US are a great danger to the Pakistani state - it is not required, the US and Pakistan have nothng to offer each other, in fact, soon, in less than 10 years, unless Pakistan takes an independent direction, the US will be involved in armed aggression against Pakistan.

While our forum members and some in the Pakistan armed forces continue to see the Indian as a threat, the real threat has been and will be, the US.

Military strategists might not understand that until the bell rings their house. They don't even know what is happening in the higher circles, trust me. Americans see Pakistanis and Afghanis through the same lens! The next victim is your country, not a paranoia. In fact, muse, you stated somewhere that we will be the victims in about ten years down the road! I disagree, you will see American soldiers evading your border very soon, more frequently. Ohh, I am anti American, conspiracy theorist! You guys will suffer big, it is not too late to--- Your chest will be nailed----if you don't take actions!
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I am not trying to create an anti American hysteria, not at all. I am a Canadian so I have to be closer to the U.S. emotionally and---I want to caution you because Pakistan is my mother country.

I truly believe in a multi dimensional foreign policy. The U.S. and Pakistan can/should form a true alliance!
What, what did the he say in the first place?!?!?!?!?
I still don't get it. What was the issue?
Damn US Citizens are too much paranoid.If they were facing bomb blasts left and right like Pakistanis are they would probably not even come out of their home.

Yes definitely they r very very paranoid ...:woot::lol:
there is no cure for that..
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As somebody who has regularly braved the nonsense put up by the TSA officials, I think its high time America reviewed the competency of its staff.

They have zero capability of actually stopping a terrorist. The questions they ask always leave me wondering "Would a terrorist actually admit to something like this?" The way they shout at Muslim passengers like we're subhuman, the god complex is always there.

Go to the far ends of the immigration section on JFK airport and it will always be like a mini Muslim refugee camp with passengers lingering out there, cut off from the world and unable to tell their relatives who might have come there to pick them up that they are being detained, while the TSA staff is chit chatting away, taking an insane amount of coffee breaks. To top it all off, if any one makes the mistake to go and tell them "Can you please hurry it up?" They are screamed at or worse, the usual yellow or green files are replaced with red files.

I kid you not, its one of the most horrible experiences out there that modern civilization can offer.
This one time, I was asked "Why are you coming to the US?", I said, for my cousins wedding. She shreaks "Whaaaat? You've travelled thousands of miles to attend a cousins wedding? That's not a good enough reason, give me a good reason". Wtf? Get a little cultural education, Pakistanis do give a damn about family values.

They are incompetent if they are not genuinely assholes.
Centcom could have sent an adjutant along with them as escort. Then again, maybe they did...but can you imagine an American lieutenant successfully telling a bunch of Pakistani generals what not to do? Wouldn't they be tempted to do the opposite just to spite him?

Pakistani diplomats should have briefed the generals before the visit, or, once on the phone with them during the incident, calmed them down so they could proceed with the meeting. For whatever their nationality, whatever their rank, officers who abort assigned missions rarely make a good impression, do they?


It would not be out of the ordinary if an adjutant was attached with the generals---actually it would have been better----the centcom knows how much out of control the TSA is.

And there is nothing extra-ordinary about generales following the lead of adjutants in a different country. As a matter of fact---it should have been a part of the protocol knowing paranoia that the americans have.
Military strategists might not understand that until the bell rings their house. They don't even know what is happening in the higher circles, trust me. Americans see Pakistanis and Afghanis through the same lens! The next victim is your country, not a paranoia. In fact, muse, you stated somewhere that we will be the victims in about ten years down the road! I disagree, you will see American soldiers evading your border very soon, more frequently. Ohh, I am anti American, conspiracy theorist! You guys will suffer big, it is not too late to--- Your chest will be nailed----if you don't take actions!

You r absolutely right...they will try to invade very soon..maybe within a year or at most two:woot:...but insha-Allah ..this will be their last breath on earth..:cheesy:..they dont even know what Allah subhanaho planned for them...insha-Allah we r going to enjoy the real game very soon just hold ure breath for now ..let them start their game and see what happens with them...this will Alhamdolillah change the world for ever with "HAQ" be the supreme ruler insha-Allah...:pakistan::pdf:
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