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NY cops and burqa-clad Muslim women scuffle at amusement park on Eid

No, he is helping the NYPD fulfill its duties, as requested.

Also CIA not operating internally in US is not a holy commandment... There are ways around it and I have posted the same above

btw, Bilal and others, why the protest.. Americans are doing what needs to be done to protect themselves. Most Pakistanis attack American beliefs and their mindset, and then seek refuge in their laws that are results of those beliefs in cases like this.. If people dont like it, they can just up and leave.. Isnt it?? Or is the lure of the failed Dollar still so great that leaving is not an option
Also CIA not operating internally in US is not a holy commandment... There are ways around it and I have posted the same above

But none of those procedures were followed, because the NYPD denies such a unit even exists. Hence, they would have no need to follow any of those procedures.
But none of those procedures were followed, because the NYPD denies such a unit even exists.

Do you have proof of the bold part above.. After all CIA denies existence of all its covert ops. Doesnt mean all of them are done without following procedures..
Do you have proof of the bold part above.. After all CIA denies existence of all its covert ops. Doesnt mean all of them are done without following procedures..

We're talking about a domestic agency here that has a completely different purpose from the CIA, which is a foreign intelligence gathering institution. The US constitution gives different mandates & authorities to the NYPD & the CIA. The NYPD has to go through non-covert legal procedures when it acts.
@ VC & B H,

I was the one who created that program, how dare you give credit to CIA or NYPD?


No one os above the law, if the law is discriminatory then court is the best place to decide not the road that too with a cop. Cops are supposed to enforce the law, this is what they were doing. If she had some problem with it then she should stay away from roller coaster.
We're talking about a domestic agency here that has a completely different purpose from the CIA, which is a foreign intelligence gathering institution. The US constitution gives different mandates & authorities to the NYPD & the CIA. The NYPD has to go through non-covert legal procedures when it acts.

You are digressing now.. You were claiming that this was a CIA operation since the architect was on CIA payroll. I just showed you a provision by which this operation, even if it was CIA driven would be legal. Refute that if you can.

By the way, where does it say that NYPD has to be non covert. Under cover agents of police force are considered a covert team of Law enforcement officers.. Innit?
You are digressing now.. You were claiming that this was a CIA operation since the architect was on CIA payroll. I just showed you a provision by which this operation, even if it was CIA driven would be legal. Refute that if you can.

By the way, where does it say that NYPD has to be non covert. Under cover agents of police force are considered a covert team of Law enforcement officers.. Innit?

You are speculating, & your speculations have no basis to reality. Please stick to the facts stated in the article & comment, like I have done. No need to come up with hypothetical stuff.

The NYPD is a law enforcement agency, it's not the Shah of Iran's secret police SAVAK for heaven's sake, that is illegal. The NYPD's job is to be out in the open, it is a law enforcement agency, it's not a spy/intelligence agency that's job is to be discreet.
You are speculating, & your speculations have no basis to reality. Please stick to the facts stated in the article & comment, like I have done. No need to come up with hypothetical stuff.

The NYPD is a law enforcement agency, it's not the Shah of Iran's secret police SAVAK for heaven's sake, that is illegal. The NYPD's job is to be out in the open, it is a law enforcement agency, it's not a spy/intelligence agency that's job is to be discreet.

Dude, its you who is speculating. You are the one accusing NYPD/CIA to have indulged in an illegal operation. The burden of proof is on you to show that the procedures that allow for such operations within USA were not followed..

It doesnt become illegal if some obscure individual calls it illegal on a Pakistani defence forum. Either show proof or button up.. Isnt that what our friendly Super Mod Agno says :)
Dude, its you who is speculating. You are the one accusing NYPD/CIA to have indulged in an illegal operation. The burden of proof is on you to show that the procedures that allow for such operations within USA were not followed..

It doesnt become illegal if some obscure individual calls it illegal on a Pakistani defence forum. Either show proof or button up.. Isnt that what our friendly Super Mod Agno says :)

I've shown you the proof, read the article carefully. You haven't shown me any. Another illegal thing about this program is that this program tried to infiltrate & dispatch undercover officers to monitor/spy Muslim businesses and social groups. It is not the duty of the NYPD to spy on its citizens, it is a law enforcement agency. This is not the Shah of Iran's SAVAK secret police we are talking about. The spying is done by the CIA, & the CIA is not entitled to spy on its citizen as per the constitution.
I've shown you the proof, read the article carefully. You haven't shown me any. Another illegal thing about this program is that this program tried to infiltrate & dispatch undercover officers to monitor/spy Muslim businesses and social groups. It is not the duty of the NYPD to spy on its citizens, it is a law enforcement agency. his is not the Shah of Iran's SAVAK secret police we are talking about. TThe spying is done by the CIA, & the CIA is not entitled to spy on its citizen as per the constitution.

I have read it all dude.. Please guide me towards the lines that show your so called proof please.. And I dont need to show you any proof.. You are the one laying down accusations..

NYPD and all police departments including FBI are allowed to monitor possible terrorism suspects and so is CIA provided the correct procedures are followed. If you think they were not followed, prove it..
Peter Tartaglia, deputy commissioner of Westchester County Parks, said the Muslim American Society of New York was warned in advance of the rule barring head scarves on rides for safety reasons.

"Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."

So they were warned but went anyway?
I have read it all dude.. Please guide me towards the lines that show your so called proof please.. And I dont need to show you any proof.. You are the one laying down accusations..

NYPD and all police departments including FBI are allowed to monitor possible terrorism suspects and so is CIA provided the correct procedures are followed. If you think they were not followed, prove it..

There is a difference between monitoring someone, & having a 'secret force' made up of 'secret agents' spying on communities. That is called crossing the red line. That's the job of the CIA.
There is a difference between monitoring someone, & having a 'secret force' made up of 'secret agents' spying on communities.

Now you are grasping at straws buddy.. You started with the angle of illegal CIA involvement and now are down to debating semantics. Had you been an Indian, you would have already received warnings and ridicules from the senior mods on the forum ;)
Now you are grasping at straws buddy.. You started with the angle of illegal CIA involvement and now are down to debating semantics. Had you been an Indian, you would have already received warnings and ridicules from the senior mods on the forum ;)

Both of the things are illegal, as I mentioned. Please tell me, what is the difference (if any) between the duties of the CIA & the NYPD? Please don't try to change the topic. Thanks. Appreciate it.
I hope those US Muslims who think that they experience discrimination, and from my conversations with many, I think this is a widespread perception, should not be cowed by brutish police behavior and should be informed by the notion that the public conscience in the US is integrally related to the law - challenge that conscience, particularly in the courts - American society may be a slow learner but it has a track record of learning and this is as good as any time for the Muslims of the US, to INSIST, by force of law, that they will not tolerate discriminatory behavior by authorities nor discriminatory codes, at least not without legal challenge in which public institutions are open to monetary loss
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