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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died

Big leaders death this year.

Mubarak sick
Gadaffi dead
Kin Jong dead
Osama dead or not

I love Christmas, this is by far the best Christmas I have ever experienced! Party time! :victory::chilli::cheers:

When will these take place???

Nguyen Phu Trong




Well, I agree with you, when East Germany merged with West Germany. The West Germans had to face too much economic hardship and economic burden of undeveloped East Germany and anger grow against outsiders particularly Turks. Even by simply seeing the Berlin city people could distinguish between East and West Berlin. But after 20 years everything is normal in United Germany.

Well, in Berlin things have become normal and it's hard to distinguish the East from West, but there is still a mental difference in most parts of the former East Germany. Also, I can often hear their accent, which is not so pretty to listen to. LOL
Is it not true that East Germans see West Germans as materialistic and money oriented while Westerners see Easterners as lazy. Also neo-Nazi groups are more abundant in the East as they never has to confront their Nazi past as much as West.

Sure, they have the perception that we are more materialistic, but it was West German TV and particularly the advertisments they saw with the infinite amount of consumer goods that was so tempting for them to come over and get Jakobs Krönung coffee and oranges and bananas (no joke).

East Germans were not only less confronted with the Nazi past, they also had little to no contact with foreign cultures. The Vietnamese indenture workers were confined to factory and their dormitories. There was virtually no contact between them and the Germans at all.
Götterdämmerung;2407541 said:
Yep, West Germany was much richer and technologically more advance than SK and East Germany was by far richer and advanced than NK and we still got into huge trouble when we reunified with the East. We from the former West still pay lots of money to the East after moren than 20 years of reunification. Also, we were three times more populous than the East, SK is only twice as polupous as the North and most East Germans were pretty well informed, because it was rather easy to visit each other, particularly from the West to the East and most East German could watch West TV. In fact, I grew up watching East German TV as we my city was not far from the former border and they had great children's programming. The rest was just crappy. :)

Any kind of unification would cripple the South economically.

Richer - maybe
Technologically more advanced - you must be kidding. Germany was technologically more advanced than South Korea, but not is. I lived in South Korea. Everthing there are automated to the extent I do not think it can happen in Germany. The strong point of Germany is traditional engineering, not hi-tech industries like Samsung, LG or Hyundai.
The Korean is hard-working and very disciplined people. Working until around 9pm in Seoul is normal. And they are also the world highest IQ people. I believe they can handle the unification better than Germany.
what are you talking about?

If you are speechless then avoid talks is better!!!!

That lengthy foolish behavior is drawing your picture!!!!

Lame! :rolleyes:

It's some thing wrong with ur brain ? it doesnt work ?
In Vietnam Mr. Trong will replace in maximum 2 term, not until his dead and his son will take his position in Party.:no:
It's some thing wrong with ur brain ? it doesnt work ?
In Vietnam Mr. Trong will replace in maximum 2 term, not until his dead and his son will take his position in Party.:no:

are you referring about dictatorship or something?>

well, your whole government is a dad-to-son powerhouse, no matter who is going to take place, they are just a same gang organization! :lol:

You fool laugh at North Korea because they are communists? :lol: Your viet cong must be brainwashed too much by your new master usa!!! :lol: you need to clean up your axx because in the future nobody give a damn care to help such a double faces ungrateful country like you! Yes I tam talking about the communist and non-communist nations!!! No one has a damn favorites to such cheating vietnam! :lol:
Richer - maybe
Technologically more advanced - you must be kidding. Germany was technologically more advanced than South Korea, but not is. I lived in South Korea. Everthing there are automated to the extent I do not think it can happen in Germany. The strong point of Germany is traditional engineering, not hi-tech industries like Samsung, LG or Hyundai.
The Korean is hard-working and very disciplined people. Working until around 9pm in Seoul is normal. And they are also the world highest IQ people. I believe they can handle the unification better than Germany.

Sorry mate, in terms of in depth high-tech and pure research, SK is no match with Germany. SK doesn't have anything comparable to Frauenhofer Institut or Max-Planck-Institut. LG, Samsung are making good consumer products for the masses, but they still have nothing in comparison to Loewe Loewe Home Entertainment Systeme, Leica http://de.leica-camera.com/home/ not to mention our automobile companies. In all those so called SKorean products, you would find tons of German products produced by German mittelstand and with German machine tools.

Germans are also known for being hard-working, disciplined and perfectionists. We don't need to work as long, because we are more efficient and with less working hours, we earn and produce more than the Koreans.
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