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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died


Koreans cry and moan for their passed leader.

I guess all it ever mattered was for his people to love him, and he succeeded.
hope the “great successor." is really a great successor and a human to lead the n.koreans to a better life and peace
RIP Kim and good luck to the future of the North Koreans.
YOU are the product of the brainwash machine of the West!!! They are having sympathy to their country leader, what is wrong with that???

Watch your Iran, don't laugh on others!!!!
we are watching our country and we are enemy of the west so avoid prattling is more better for you.
north koreans are not allowed to have any mobile or any internet system.they are realy poor and dependent of foreign-aid.
we are watching our country and we are enemy of the west so avoid prattling is more better for you.
north koreans are not allowed to have any mobile or any internet system.they are realy poor and dependent of foreign-aid.
youtube forbidden, facebook forbidden, very low connection , spies softwares provided by Chinese, Internet is not free in our country.
they even go on our roofs to destroy our dishes so we cannot watch anything else than propaganda on TV
this is Iran too
I guess all it ever mattered was for his people to love him, and he succeeded.

Exactly....his subject liked him and loved him and were happily living in whatever political system he made for them,and thats what matters.
yeah they were very very very happy
looks sincere on videos :D
yeah yeah ... let's go parti ;)
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Not immediately, in the sense of the next two years. But the baby general, Kim Jung Un, is incompetent to maintain a repressive dictatorship. The internal fighting for the spoils of the corrupt NK system will take, perhaps, five years to resolve into a new government. In the meantime, I expect China to steer NK toward an opening to the world and to improve the lot of NK citizens by integration into the world economy, as has been done by China. Twenty years from now there will be re-unification with South Korea. So sayeth all-knowing, and all-understanding, Truthseeker!!!

20 years is a too less time. By that time South Korea would have edged even further. Why would they want North? Doesn't make any sense.

RIP sir - may you ride forever on your heroic white horse in a freezing blizzard, with no real jacket, immune to the cold, protecting the peace-loving people of North Korea from the Americans:


they dont celebrate Christmas,they celebrate Chinese new year ,I guess Vietnamese also celebrate Chinese new year.

hahah this photo makes me laugh!


This i just pure propaganda. Only Kim Jong-Illness would do this to people


Only the sick minded Kim Jong-Illness would imagined this and paint this picture.
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