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Musharraf’s plan to divide Kashmir: Sultan



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April 15, 2007
Musharraf’s plan to divide Kashmir: Sultan

By Ashraf Mumtaz

LAHORE, April 14: AJK’s former prime minister Barrister Sultan Mehmood strongly opposed on Saturday the four-point formula given recently by President Pervez Musharraf for resolving the Kashmir dispute, saying it not only amounted to a departure from Pakistan’s principled stand on the issue but, if accepted, would also lead to the division of what Kashmiri people believe to be an indivisible state.

At a news conference here, Barrister Sultan, now the president of the People’s Muslim League, analysed the formula in detail, and said the softening of the Line of Control, demilitarisation, self-governance or joint management of the disputed territory would mean Pakistan and India should continue to control the areas already with them, a solution he termed unacceptable to the Kashmiris on either side.

He also disagreed with the All Parties Hurriat Conference leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s idea of abandoning armed struggle to find a political solution to the dispute.

The former AJK prime minister was of the view that it was the armed struggle which had brought India to table discuss with Pakistan the possible solution to the problem. He said it was because of the situation created by the resistance movement that India had expressed willingness to give more autonomy to the occupied Kashmir - although within the framework of the Indian constitution.

He said that now that the Indian army chief had `certified’ that infiltration from Pakistan had come to an end, there was little possibility of New Delhi agreeing to a solution acceptable to the Kashmiri people. He said India was not responding to any of the proposals offered by Pakistan to give the Kashmiri people their right.

Barrister Sultan Mehmood said the UN resolutions offered the best solution to the problem, and Pakistan should stick to them.

From Sunday (today), the People’s Muslim League is launching a month-long campaign for the right to self-determination for the people of Kashmir. In this connection, a meeting would be held in Lahore and gatherings would also be organised in all important cities of the AJK.

The former prime minister will also be visiting capitals of important European countries to address conferences in an attempt to internationalise the Kashmir issue.

He urged all democratic forces to have the same point of view on the Kashmir issue.

Answering a question, Barrister Sultan said Jihad and terrorism were two different things, and nobody would ever support terrorist acts.

To another question, he alleged that the AJK Muslim Conference government was devouring state funds in the name of freedom movement. According to him, Rs150 million had been spent on a Kashmir conference and another Rs120 million on Kashmir festival. “What conquests have the rulers made to justify such celebrations?” he asked.

He alleged that the Muslim Conference leaders had been misusing the state funds in the past as well.

He recalled that as prime minister he had ordered arrest of Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan and his son, incumbent AJK premier, for misappropriating Rs560 million. To escape arrest, he said, Sardar Qayyum approached various authorities and claimed that he had used the amount for freedom movement.

Dewan Ghulam Mohayyuddin, Ghulam Husain Chaudhry and some others were also present at the news conference.

Mushraaf can see the obivious truth, there is no other way, THe only thing he can salvage now, is some way the people on both sides can interact.
I second that, this is the only workable scenario for both India and Pakistan as neither will ever give up their part.

I've always said and will say it again that if someone is capable of solving the dispute it would be Musharraf.
Both of you are senior members, so I wont say you are wrong, but your statements are pre mature.

Let us wait untill US pulls out of Afghanistan, Musharaf is just buying the time.

What do you think Musharraf can do after the US pulls out ? Buying time for what ?

PS: you can always say anything to us, as long as you dont hurl abuses, sarcasm intended to hurt, racist etc etc and all the other yada yada...You will enjoy this forum, It will definitly increase your knowledge, spirit and how you see other people.

It will definitly increase your knowledge, spirit and how you see other people.

That is wahy I visit forums and learn from people, actully it is part of my work, and trying to learn some thing as well.

But it would be premature to say anything at this point of time, you batter know Indian government wants to resolve the issue, as this huge deployment in Kashmir is a white elephant for them, but extremists and establishment do not wants.

Musharaf also knows that and might have some plans but at this point of time lets talk about "peace process".

Indian government like any other government of any country, would like to solve a issue of this stature, But it is childish to think that they wouldnt do it at favourable terms for them, they deployed when they did not have money, they are more than relaxed in that front now. You will not see a kashmir pull-out, Kashmir has more meaning to the unity of India as a whole, If Kashmir breaks away you can expect more states to do so in the future. I expect the Indian Government to stand firm. So is the Case with Pakistan, kashmir is engraved in their mentality and their pull out is also not possible.

Neither Pakistan nor India will give an inch or can take an inch at this point of time, Its a stand-off. Nuclear Weapons Ensures that. The only feasible solution is to make some sort of an arrangement that will make those poor people meet up with family members on each side on a regular basis.

If you talking about a military solution it is just not feasible for pakistan.
I second that, this is the only workable scenario for both India and Pakistan as neither will ever give up their part.

I have got a better one.....have a vote and see what the people want.
Is that not what the UN said and is that not also the principle the "biggest democracy" india so cherish's.
According to the UN resolution Pakistan has to pull out first, Which Pakistan wont cuz it dis-trust India. India doesnt reconginze Pakistan claim in the first place cuz of the accession treaty and British Partition Formula, You will not see a peblicite in kashmir.
You very conveniently forget one thing, when India deployed they had no money but there was no "pressure", today India have money but it is not enough to meet the "demand pressure".

That time people were literly living semi seveges lives, today they watch West and get informations from internet, soliders regularly commit succides in kashmir because of economic and social problems and youngsters are joining Naxals because of lack of livings.

This is time of awareness, its different time.

What do you think, which time was batter for government?

you obivisouly are making a mountain out of a ant hill. Suicides yes, it is happening, Maoist, Nothing to do with the Army. All these problems will not make the IA re-deploy.
These time are the best for our government as well as people, we have people who are dis-satisfied, some rightly so. Pakistan doing very well isnt it, it still has the Balochistan problem.

Other than IA re-deploying cuz of Internal problems how can you solve this kashmir problem from a Pakistani POV
According to the UN resolution Pakistan has to pull out first, Which Pakistan wont cuz it dis-trust India. India doesnt reconginze Pakistan claim in the first place cuz of the accession treaty and British Partition Formula, You will not see a peblicite in kashmir.

Do you think there should be a vote in the whole of kashmir to see what the people want?

I dont think so, As it might encourage extremism in India, Unity of India is more important to me personally. There are others here who think otherwise.

Additionally, Neither Pakistan will let Kashmir be independent nor India.Kashmiri's are the one's who are facing all the brunt from both sides. Azad Kashmir is filled with Punjabi and Pathan's anyways. Pandits and the Ladaki's are firmly against Kashmir going to Pakistan. No Indian Government will have the guts to do a preblicite, honestly speaking

I dont think so, As it might encourage extremism in India, Unity of India is more important to me personally. There are others here who think otherwise.

Additionally, Neither Pakistan will let Kashmir be independent nor India.Kashmiri's are the one's who are facing all the brunt from both sides. Azad Kashmir is filled with Punjabi and Pathan's anyways. Pandits and the Ladaki's are firmly against Kashmir going to Pakistan. No Indian Government will have the guts to do a preblicite, honestly speaking

Thankyou for honest assessment but i have to disagree on a few points.
India is not that weak that by solving the kashmir issue the union of india is threatened.
People do not just wake up one day and think lets start bombing and killing.When the human rights or some other form of injustice is done to them is when you get a reaction.
To be fair i will not use the kashmir issue but something closer to home balochistan.There is a military operation going on in the province at the moment.The importatant thing is what led to this point.
When we check balochistan record where soldiers outnumber teachers 7 to 1 and has the least representation in the civil service and army and a host of other unfair facts and figures to go along it is going to lead to nothing but conflict.
At the present moment the average balochi wants what everybody else in the world wants...a job healthcare and a education for his children.Musharraff is on the right track in the province and hopefully in 10/20 years time there is not a armed movement on the scale of kashmir.
The same can be said about kashmir where the main fight is about the promise for a free election to choose what they want.As long as this is denied it will be a problem that is covered up but not solved.

AJK can be full to the roof with punjabis or pathaans but they can never become state subjects and enjoy the full rights in AJK like buying land and other benifits.Only those born in kashmir and who's parents also came from any side of kashmir can be state subjects.

If there is not a multi religious/cultural/racial kashmir there is no point in a united kashmir.

I disagree, But i can see where you are coming from and respect your views on that context.

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