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Musharraf’s plan to divide Kashmir: Sultan

Indians havnt given it any hindu rulers name , except for Arjun. And not only that even Arjun didnt fight or slaughter or rape pakistanis. He was mythological fighter..

If you read my comments on the page before i was under the impression the indian missiles where names after hindu gods/kings but Adux has has put me right on the issue.

Who was babur, Ghanavi etc? All were people who looted the greater India killed and raped our women...

Whats greater india?
The majority of muslims converted to islam from hinduism,they did not come over with the arabs as invaders but where locals.
Well, before establishing Muslim empire or rule in India, it was divided land of Raja and Maharaja. Which used to fight with one another all the time. Muslim establish the first rule in India. That was time a United India govt was establish, after defeating all named rajas and maharajas of this area...and todays India founders are Muslim conquerers...
Well, before establishing Muslim empire or rule in India, it was divided land of Raja and Maharaja. Which used to fight with one another all the time. Muslim establish the first rule in India. That was time a United India govt was establish, after defeating all named rajas and maharajas of this area...and todays India founders are Muslim conquerers...

Go check up on History, Read about Maurya Empire, Gupta Empire, and Ashoka etc..Muslim Mughal rulers were the last rulers of India, They never controlled the South of India.
If you read my comments on the page before i was under the impression the indian missiles where names after hindu gods/kings but Adux has has put me right on the issue.

Whats greater india?
The majority of muslims converted to islam from hinduism,they did not come over with the arabs as invaders but where locals.

He is talking about India under the british, where we had Turkish/uzbek orgin Invaders looting. murdering, raping today's pakistan and northern parts of India. the concept of Sati in the Hindu community got its roots here. When the women preffered to die in the fire of their warrior husbands rather than get raped by muslim invaders. Hindukush mountain range in Afghanistan got its name after a 100 thousand Hindu's were killed by Muslim invaders.
So can anyone predict when Mushie will make his next big Kashmir proposal to one of the bigger Indian T.V. news channel?

^^ that sort of thing has become a quarterly routine nowadays!
Same thing for what people on other side go ad cry before Security Council !

Dont ask me to explain to you what is SC, who went there and cried on what.......every time I have to spend hours to make you a little thing understand.............lol
Welcome back
You wanna discuss and get back on topic, rather than these lil kids throwing mud.

He is talking about India under the british, where we had Turkish/uzbek orgin Invaders looting. murdering, raping today's pakistan and northern parts of India. the concept of Sati in the Hindu community got its roots here. When the women preffered to die in the fire of their warrior husbands rather than get raped by muslim invaders..

Aristobulus of Cassandreia, a Greek historian who traveled to India with the expedition of Alexander of Macedon, recorded the practice of sati at the city of Taxila. A later instance of voluntary co-cremation appears in an account of an Indian soldier in the army of Eumenes of Cardia, whose two wives vied to die on his funeral pyre, in 316 BCE. The Greeks believed that the practice had been instituted to discourage wives from poisoning their husbands.[2]


Hindukush mountain range in Afghanistan got its name after a 100 thousand Hindu's were killed by Muslim invaders.

The origin of the term "Hindu Kush" (and whether it translates as "Killer of Hindu") is a point of contention (Kush means beginning in Sanskrit.[citation needed]) The earliest known use of this name was by the famous Muslim Berber traveller, Ibn Battūta (circa 1334), who wrote: "Another reason for our halt was fear of the snow, for on the road there is a mountain called Hindūkūsh, which means "Slayer of Indians," because the slave boys and girls who are brought from Hind (India) die there in large numbers as a result of the extreme cold and the quantity of snow." In the Persian language of the Sassanian period, Hindu referred to any inhabitant of Indian subcontinent (Hindustan), or Hind, rather than to followers of Hinduism as it does now. At that time inhabitants of India were mostly Hindu, except for in present-day lands of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir and the Lakshadweep where they were Buddhist.[dubious — see talk page]

that the name is a corruption of Caucasus Indicus, a name by which the Hindu Kush range was known in the ancient world after its conquest by Alexander the Great in the Fourth Century BC. Greek rule in the Hindu Kush region lasted over three centuries, and was followed by the rule of a dynasty known, significantly, as the Kushan. In its early period, the Kushan Empire had its capital near modern-day Kabul. The Kushans lost the Hindu Kush and became an Indian kingdom. Later, when the Hindu Kush region became part of the Sassanian Empire, it was ruled by a satrap known as the Kushan-shah (ruler of Kushan). A Fourth century CE Hebrew book, the Talmudic tractate of Megillah, uses the term "Kush Hodu" (Indian Kush), possibly a translation from the Persian words ("Hindu Kush") meaning "Indian Kush".
In modern Persian, the word "Kush" is derived from the verb Kushtan - to defeat, kill, or subdue. This could be interpreted as a memorial to the Indian captives who perished in the mountains while being transported to Central Asian slave markets.
that the name refers to the last great 'killer' mountains to cross when moving between the Afghan plateau and the Indian subcontinent, named after the toll it took on anyone crossing them.
that the name is a corruption of Hindu Koh, from the (modern) Persian word Kuh, meaning mountain. Rennell, writing in 1793, refers to the range as the "Hindoo-Kho or Hindoo-Kush".
that the name means Mountains of India or Mountains of the Indus (from the Indus River, the largest river in Pakistan) in some of the Iranian languages that are still spoken in the region; that furthermore, many peaks, mountains, and related places in the region have "Kosh" or "Kush" in their names.
that the name is a posited Avestan appellation meaning "water mountains."
that the name is a corruption of Hind-o Kushan, containing the name of the Kushan dynasty that once ruled this region for more than three centuries.
that the name is a corruption of Hindu-Kusha, where "kusha" in Sanskrit meens "seat".

Same thing for what people on other side go ad cry before Security Council !

Dont ask me to explain to you what is SC, who went there and cried on what.......every time I have to spend hours to make you a little thing understand.............lol

Nothing new, been through the worst that he can possibly ever manage to throw. So, he really has nothing left. Talk or let the status quo remain. India has no problem either way.
wikipedia..........what a reliable source, no mature person refers these kids edited stuff as a serious in discussion, its far or against whoever not worth wasting time reading it.
Francois Gautier

Where's India's holocaust museum?

October 21, 2003

The massacre of 6 million Jews by Hitler and the persecution Jews suffered all over the world in the last 15 centuries has been meticulously recorded by the Jews after 1945 and has been enshrined not only in history books, but also in Holocaust museums, the most famous one being in Washington, DC.

It has not been done with a spirit of revenge -- look at Israel and Germany today -- they are on the best of terms; yet, facts are facts and contemporary Germany had to come to terms with its terrible actions during World War II.

Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists have also suffered a terrible holocaust, probably without parallel in human history. Take the Hindu Kush for instance, probably one of the biggest genocides of Hindus. There is practically no serious research ever done about it and no mention in history books. Yet the name Hindu Kush appears many times in the writings of Muslim chroniclers in 1333 AD

Ibn Battutah, the medieval Berber traveller, said the name meant 'Hindu Killer,' a meaning still given by Afghan mountain dwellers. Unlike the Jewish holocaust, the exact toll of the Hindu genocide suggested by the name Hindu Kush is not available. 'However,' writes Hindu Kush specialist Srinandan Vyas, 'the number is easily likely to be in millions.'

A few known historical figures can be used to justify this estimate. The Encyclopaedia Britannica recalls that in December 1398 AD, Taimurlane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi; likewise, the number of captives butchered by Taimurlane's army was about 100,000.

The Britannica again mentions that Mughal emperor Akbar ordered the massacre of about 30,000 captured Rajput Hindus on February 24, 1568 AD, after the battle for Chitod, a number confirmed by Abul Fazl, Akbar's court historian. Afghan historian Khondamir notes that during one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afghanistan, which used to be part of the Hindu Shahiya kingdoms '1,500,000 residents perished.' 'Thus,' writes Vyas, 'it is evident that the mountain range was named as Hindu Kush as a reminder to the future Hindu generations of the slaughter and slavery of Hindus during the Moslem conquests.'

Or take the recent plight of the Kashmiri Pandits. Over 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits have been forced to flee their homeland. Many Pandit men, women and children have been brutally murdered. About 70,000 still languish in makeshift refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi. Scores of temples in Kashmir have been desecrated, destroyed, looted, more than 900 educational institutions have been attacked by terrorists. Properties of Pandits have been vandalised, businesses destroyed or taken over, even hospitals have not been spared.

Did you know that this huge human tragedy is taking place in Free India?

Burning books, looting culture is a very important part of the plan as we have seen during early Muslim invasions, where Buddhist centres of learning were ruthlessly burnt and razed to the ground.

Kashmir was also the crucible of knowledge, spirituality, a hallowed centre of learning and the cradle of Shivaism. It was known as Sharda Peeth, the abode of learning. Kashmiri Pandits excelled in philosophy, aesthetics, poetics, sculpture, architecture, mathematics, astronomy and astrology. Sanskrit was studied, propagated and spoken by women and men. Scholars like Kalhan, Jonraj, Srivar, Abhinavgupta, Somanand, Utpaldev, Somdev and Kshemendra created an intellectual centre of unrivalled repute.

Fundamentalism and terrorism have been ruthless in their assault on Sharda Peeth, zealous in ravaging its heritage, and consistent only in bloodthirsty intolerance. The destruction of Hindu places of worship, forced conversions of Pandits and death and ignominy to those who resisted, were accompanied by a savage assault on literary activity. This process has been going on since centuries.

As a correspondent covering India for more than 20 years, I have witnessed the terrible damage terrorism in Kashmir has inflicted upon people's lives, their families, their culture, the very fabric of society, not only of the Kashmiri Pandits, but also Muslims in the valley, who after all, are victims too of Pakistan's bloody designs. Hence, with two journalist friends, we started a Foundation: FACT -- Foundation Against Continuing Terrorism.

The first task of FACT has been to mount an exhibition on terrorism, focussing on the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits, so that the people of India, who do not suffer directly from terrorism understand, what it does to others. This exhibition, which opened at the Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on July 18, was a great success. More than 25,000 people visited the exhibition till its closing day, on July 23. Among them were Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani, Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission Justice A S Anand, Rajya Sabha MP Dr Karan Singh, Union Minister Murli Manohar Joshi... It was covered by most English and Hindi national newspapers and reported on the television channels.

Our aim is manifold: we would like to take the present exhibition all around India and all over the world, particularly the United States, where most symposiums on Kashmir, including some organized by the US State Department, are peopled mostly by Pakistanis, Muslims and US-based Indians who are anti-Hindu.

We would also like to start another exhibition on forced Christian conversions in the Northeast. Ultimately, we would like to build a Hindu/ Sikh/Buddhist Indian Holocaust Museum based in New Delhi, or in Bangalore. It will record not only the genocide of Hindus Sikhs and Buddhists at the hands of Muslim invaders, but also the terrible persecution of the Portuguese (hardly mentioned in Indian history books) and British -- nobody knows for instance that 20 million Indians died of famine between 1815 and 1920, because the English broke the agricultural backbone of India to get raw materials like cotton, jute etc.

We need your support for this Indian Holocaust Museum.

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Francois Gautier
Whats greater india?
The majority of muslims converted to islam from hinduism,they did not come over with the arabs as invaders but where locals.

I was refering to the pre independence era.
All the rulers that you have named your missiles after were invaders who came and looted us.
I think we can discuss history some time to make things more clear, obviously we know more then these white guys. Why not to open a seperate thread?
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