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Musharraf’s plan to divide Kashmir: Sultan

According to the same resolution India has to reduce her troops to 18.000 which she refused to do resulting in Pakistan's refusal to pull out completely.
This is a fact.


Pakistan pullout was the first step, Indian troop Reduction comes after that,
And you expect us to trust you in this?
No way man!

I believe both measures were related but India refused to reduce the level regardless our possible pullout.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Trust between our countries is just not there, India said that according to UN yada yada, you have to pull out first, Pakistan didnt trust India, and rightfully so and did not pull out. Possible pullout doesnt amount to pull out, does it.
It is stupid to talk about the issue, cuz both dont trust each other and will not budge an inch. The only possible way is the work around that, and do something for the people
Trust between our countries is just not there, India said that according to UN yada yada, you have to pull out first, Pakistan didnt trust India, and rightfully so and did not pull out. Possible pullout doesnt amount to pull out, does it.
It is stupid to talk about the issue, cuz both dont trust each other and will not budge an inch. The only possible way is the work around that, and do something for the people

Give some ideas other then obvious ones like trade and opening up roads in kashmir.
Kashmir represents the secularity of India in essence. If India cannot provide for the Muslims in Kashmir, and has to let it go, then this would be tantamount to declaring India as a Hindu nation to all the harliner politcians. For eg: Modi, CM of Gujarat..

India is a hindu nation if you like it or not.When was the last time your military named a missile or anything else for that matter after a muslim/sikh/buddhist or christian?
The BJP a right wing hindu party which modi is a member of was in power for a decade in india.The muslim right wing has never held power in pakistan govt.

All is good. except that Indian flag/Pakistani flag should be flown in the respective territories. Joint police force is also not feasble. There would be the issue of favouritism, allegations etc etc between Indian and Pakistani police forces in the area, that would make them ineffective.

Tell me what carrot if not the flag are you willing to give to kashmiris to give them a sense of achieving,the flag is more of a symbolic measure then a attack on the union of india.
The police you forget will come from kashmir not from pakistan or india.I know a family where one uncle is head police guy in pak kashmir and his brother on the other side is a head police officer in indian kashmir.
India is a hindu nation if you like it or not.When was the last time your military named a missile or anything else for that matter after a muslim/sikh/buddhist or christian?

That would make Malaysia & Indonesia as hindu nation aswell since most of their cities names are from ancient hindu scriptures(Putrajaya/Sumatra/Bali etc).

The BJP a right wing hindu party which modi is a member of was in power for a decade in india.The muslim right wing has never held power in pakistan govt.

You're right but to hold power in Pak govt Pak army has to reliquinsh its power first.

When did BJP rule for a Decade ?
The same party was outsed by the Indian People
Indian missiles are name after Agni - Fire, Prithvi- Earth, Nag -Snake etc it has more to do with sanskrit and hindi which is our language than Hindu names. Heck I could argue why we dont have Tamilian or Malayalee names for our missiles, But it is a stupid arguement.

We have a Sikh Army Chief, a Parsi Airforce Chief, a Hindu Navy Chief, A Muslim President, A Sikh Prime Minister, A Christian Defence Minsiter, A Roman Catholic Woman from Italy who has immense power in India
Trust between our countries is just not there, India said that according to UN yada yada, you have to pull out first, Pakistan didnt trust India, and rightfully so and did not pull out. Possible pullout doesnt amount to pull out, does it.
It is stupid to talk about the issue, cuz both dont trust each other and will not budge an inch. The only possible way is the work around that, and do something for the people

I'm trying to find out the text of the resolution, it was posted somewhere in WAB. I remeber reading that the resolution suggested troop reduction instead of complete pullout, figures being 6.000 vs 18.000.
Yes, That is also a true fact, which came at a later date, when the compelte withdrawal never happened, just like the withdrawal even this didnt happen.
When did BJP rule for a Decade ?

The BJP held power three times during the period 1996 until 2004,a couple of years under a decade.

Indian missiles are name after Agni - Fire, Prithvi- Earth, Nag -Snake etc it has more to do with sanskrit and hindi which is our language than Hindu names. Heck I could argue why we dont have Tamilian or Malayalee names for our missiles, But it is a stupid arguement.

Tell you the truth i thought the indian missiles where named after hindu gods/kings or something religious.But now i know what they mean.

We have a Sikh Army Chief, a Parsi Airforce Chief, a Hindu Navy Chief, A Muslim President, A Sikh Prime Minister, A Christian Defence Minsiter, A Roman Catholic Woman from Italy who has immense power in India

My point was that india is a hindu nation with a majority hindu population,the same way pakistan is majority muslim.
That would make Malaysia & Indonesia as hindu nation aswell since most of their cities names are from ancient hindu scriptures(Putrajaya/Sumatra/Bali etc)..

No it would not,just becauce you have areas/cities of your country named after a certain religions does mean that they following that faith.
One example is toba tek singh in pakistan or ahmedabad in india.

You're right but to hold power in Pak govt Pak army has to reliquinsh its power first.

The army in pakistan never has and never will give power to the civilian govt.

In 1996, BJP kept power for 13 days, then it was I.K Gujural and HD Deve Gowda's United front which ruled for the next 1.5 years. During which they signed the Sukhoi-30 MKI deal BJP came to pwer again in 1998. Two or months before the nuclear tests

India maybe a Hindu majority nation, but it is not a Hindu nation.
India is a hindu nation if you like it or not.When was the last time your military named a missile or anything else for that matter after a muslim/sikh/buddhist or christian?

Indians havnt given it any hindu rulers name , except for Arjun. And not only that even Arjun didnt fight or slaughter or rape pakistanis. He was mythological fighter.

Who was babur, Ghanavi etc? All were people who looted the greater India killed and raped our women. Dont you have any problem with your country naming ther missiles after such horrendous looters.

The BJP a right wing hindu party which modi is a member of was in power for a decade in india.The muslim right wing has never held power in pakistan govt.

Its this same BJP that was thrown out of power in the centre by the hindu majority electorate.
No it would not,just becauce you have areas/cities of your country named after a certain religions does mean that they following that faith.
One example is toba tek singh in pakistan or ahmedabad in india..

So how does it make India a hindu nation simply for its weapons having ancient sanskrit names?

The army in pakistan never has and never will give power to the civilian govt.

So no question arises of MMA ever getting a chance of coming to power in Pakistan or the matter of fact PPP, Muslim League, MQM, National Awami Movememnt etc etc....
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