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Modified Stealth Helicopter in OBL raid

What utter nonsense. The Americans make stealth Black Hawks and then send them on a Top Secret mission deep into another country along with a couple of Chinooks which are the noisiest helicopters ever built. I have never heard of anything more ridiculous. These conspiracy theorists need to take a break.
The PAF Chief should be busy looking for another job. It is time for him to go too. If the PAF has an ADA of 40-60 minutes, then he needs to fired.

To fire a american heli need courage and clearance from highest authority .:hitwall:
I wish and wish soooo much that all the wreckage would be studied and re-assembeled to the levels possible by the Chinese/Pakistanis engineers. After JF-17, it could be another mind-blowing project in which both countries would gain beyond expectations.
This is a misconception. With modern techniques, jamming is SEAMLESS with the operator being absolutely unaware that anything is amiss.

can you tell me that are you in anyway related to the RADAR arena??....let me clear the air please.:

there are a few ways to jam a radar.....one of them is to send a signal on the same frequency as the radar...these two opposing frequencies collide adn cause interference....hence the radar operator is confused.....but this can be cleeared by frequency hopping....this means that instead of one frequency ...a radar uses alot of frequencies and constantly changes them in interval of time...so if one frequency is beiing interfered with...then the other will come into action....to jam a radar of this type...you need to know the exact orderthat the radar executes of the frequencies....the americans could have known that....but pakistan uses radars of chinese and possibly french origin as well....

another way is to hide behind mountains but the way to abbotabad is not mountainious so it excludes this possibility...i can explain to you the path as well if you like.

another way is to use stealth....and stealth does not mean only RAM or only wierd shape....for full stealth...you need a combination of low vibrations....RAM....wierd shapes....specific other things...so you need minimum 7 or so things for pure stealth....

alongside chaklala airbase....a air defence centre is established and in that building...a huge electronic map of pakistan is in place which shows all the activity in pakistani airspace and bordering areas.....so if there is some area of pakistan that is not showing anything...then you know....

and trust me...a radar operator does know if his radar is being jammed.
It would be interesting to know which radars were being used in that part of the country if they are of american origin that there is no doubt that why US wouldnot have jammed or able to jam them,because they would have known the frequency and each and every bit about radars

agreed with this.
^^^^^^^^^^^....exactly what i have been trying to say in the past 4 days on this whole forum!!!....i say screw the media....higher than expected temp...low altitude.....vortex ring state develops.....adn hence recirculation of air....and the same air flows over the wingtips....a shortage of air...adn heli goes down.
Hugging the Earth and the majority of Pakistan's air defence would be pointed towards India? If I remember correctly Abbottabad is hilly/mountainous correct? Doesn't seem like a good area for radar tracking.


Then all I Can say is Well done to America in exposing Pakistan Lasiness and LAck of Knowledge of thier defence on thier country.
However I love it how you edited your post, just to make an attack on me when after realising that there wasn't anything anti-american.
Timely edit Anon
Hi, the Pakistan Army is plain and simple incompetent in this scenario. If you look at the picture in this article, village boys are running off with downed helicopter parts. A British journalist at the scene also was holding downed chopper parts. So much, for the PA throwing up a security cordon and not letting anyone in or around the compound, after the fact. Simply pathetic...

Osama bin Laden | Stealth Helicopter

Very smart moves by pakistan. now if america asks them to return different parts of the aircraft, they can tell them, the kids and local population took everytthing away. thats the purpose of doing all this.. and US cant say anyting as they have seen the proof on TV.
india have Stealth helicopters ? .....NO
india have capability to jam Radars ?..... NO
india have commandos trained like US seals ?.... NO
how thay can think of attacking Pakistan ..??

Easy by talking rubbish about APkistan Thats their greatest weapom they got.
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