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Modified Stealth Helicopter in OBL raid

Apart from using stealth helis, this operation is a good example of Cyber war...The US forces jammed Pakistan's radar and get advantage of terrain as well...resulting in complete success.

PA never knew anything about this operation, only few people knew about this op in US.

do you honestly think that the radar operator after seeing that the radar is jammed will just sit there rather than act according to SOP???.....you cant just jam the whole radar coverage of a region by sitting in a growler...i say slap the media.
one likely and most probable possibility for the crash could be vortex ring state.
It was a MiG-25 Foxbat (supersonic recce aircraft, now retired from IAF), not the MiG-27 (a ground attack aircraft). It was well AFTER the completion of the mission that the pilot decided to buzz Isloo and shatter some windows on the way back home. That means, the aircraft was in Pak airspace for quite sometime, the precise details still classified. And that was back in 1997!! These MiG-25s were also used to fly into Chinese airspace - so the rumors go, IAF officials neither denying nor accepting such intrusions.


Another link


Any idea which AC had replaced these birds?
india have Stealth helicopters ? .....NO
india have capability to jam Radars ?..... NO
india have commandos trained like US seals ?.... NO
how thay can think of attacking Pakistan ..??

A few days back... We would have answered 'NO' to the first two questions for US as well... That's the beauty of Militarycraft... everything is not always known... The other important point (other than capabilities) is the terrain of strike... A mountaneous trail makes it very difficult to keep track of an incoming (or outgoing) foreign machine (even visually, as the sound echoes back from all the directions)... If India does do it (and I see strinking terror camps as the only logical point for that kind of a strategy), the mountains of J&K could work to its benefits as most of the targetted area will be in Pakistani side of Kashmir... I don't think anyone would think of a US like surgical strike in Mainland Pakistan (a la Lahore or Islamabad), as we won't get the same kind of 'love' that Pakistan has still shown towards US, unless we know of some weak radar areas specifically and work on that kind of a strategy... However, so far as I understand, the service chief simply said that 'Yes, we do have the capability' and that does not imply that he wants to 'attack' Pakistan. And with due respect, I have not even questioned if your radars indeed are as reliable as you would like to believe (And I do believe that the same question can be asked for our forces as well) because Americans have demonstrated that otherwise...

Having said that, I think everyone would agree that a surgical strike from any side (though I do not know, why PA or PAF would ever need that for) will have serious consequences including an obvious larger sized ratallioation (and including a risk for it to escalate to a full blown war)... Some would say, 'Stike first and wait for international intervention to avoid a retalliation'... I don't think that is possible between India and Pakistan. So, retalliation is the only certain recourse for either side and therefore, anyone who does this first, will obviously be ready for a retort in 'kind' and would have plans for that, for sure!... So, according to me, the answer to your question is that, it is possible for either side to have a surgical strike inside other's territory. But, I don't think that anyone will step into that kind of a minefield in a normal scenario... Plus, the Administration on Indian side has been known to be a bit of a chickenheart on this issue and unless they are literally forced by public (which could happen in case of another large sized incident), I don't see it happening... if they do it, i am sure they will be ready for an escalated conflict...

But, I wish to ask a larger question here... Stealth Chopper or a sling shot... How can Pakistan allow her soverignity to be challenged? How can US infiltrate your country, run a full scale mission, get away with that , demonize your secret service agency (that they can not depend on it), threaten you with an aid cut off and and still use Pakistan for it's operation... And all you politicians and beaurocrats are doing are threatning them? If the real intention of public at large is against the US of A, then why is a country tolerating them and their antics?

People here are talking about using the tail of the rotor to make a plane and some said (here on another thread) that we atleast got something out it, as if that was an achievement... But, where is the questioning of the government as to why the hell did they allow it and what are the doing about it? Isn't this the base of the concept of patriotism that in your own country you can not be told what to do or how to react?

I am sure what the situation would have been, had this been India attacking... We would have declared a war already... But, then, why is Pakistan's national ego so 'soft' (don't want to use any demeaning word) when it comes to Americans? How can you believe that the same politicians will show spine tomorrow if they attack again... ?

Don't mean rhetoric and would appreciate real replies...
india have Stealth helicopters ? .....NO
india have capability to jam Radars ?..... NO
india have commandos trained like US seals ?.... NO
how thay can think of attacking Pakistan ..??

Come on let them think.
A few days back... We would have answered 'NO' to the first two questions for US as well... That's the beauty of Militarycraft... everything is not always known... The other important point (other than capabilities) is the terrain of strike... A mountaneous trail makes it very difficult to keep track of an incoming (or outgoing) foreign machine (even visually, as the sound echoes back from all the directions)... If India does do it (and I see strinking terror camps as the only logical point for that kind of a strategy), the mountains of J&K could work to its benefits as most of the targetted area will be in Pakistani side of Kashmir... I don't think anyone would think of a US like surgical strike in Mainland Pakistan (a la Lahore or Islamabad), as we won't get the same kind of 'love' that Pakistan has still shown towards US, unless we know of some weak radar areas specifically and work on that kind of a strategy... However, so far as I understand, the service chief simply said that 'Yes, we do have the capability' and that does not imply that he wants to 'attack' Pakistan. And with due respect, I have not even questioned if your radars indeed are as reliable as you would like to believe (And I do believe that the same question can be asked for our forces as well) because Americans have demonstrated that otherwise...

Having said that, I think everyone would agree that a surgical strike from any side (though I do not know, why PA or PAF would ever need that for) will have serious consequences including an obvious larger sized ratallioation (and including a risk for it to escalate to a full blown war)... Some would say, 'Stike first and wait for international intervention to avoid a retalliation'... I don't think that is possible between India and Pakistan. So, retalliation is the only certain recourse for either side and therefore, anyone who does this first, will obviously be ready for a retort in 'kind' and would have plans for that, for sure!... So, according to me, the answer to your question is that, it is possible for either side to have a surgical strike inside other's territory. But, I don't think that anyone will step into that kind of a minefield in a normal scenario... Plus, the Administration on Indian side has been known to be a bit of a chickenheart on this issue and unless they are literally forced by public (which could happen in case of another large sized incident), I don't see it happening... if they do it, i am sure they will be ready for an escalated conflict...

But, I wish to ask a larger question here... Stealth Chopper or a sling shot... How can Pakistan allow her soverignity to be challenged? How can US infiltrate your country, run a full scale mission, get away with that , demonize your secret service agency (that they can not depend on it), threaten you with an aid cut off and and still use Pakistan for it's operation... And all you politicians and beaurocrats are doing are threatning them? If the real intention of public at large is against the US of A, then why is a country tolerating them and their antics?

People here are talking about using the tail of the rotor to make a plane and some said (here on another thread) that we atleast got something out it, as if that was an achievement... But, where is the questioning of the government as to why the hell did they allow it and what are the doing about it? Isn't this the base of the concept of patriotism that in your own country you can not be told what to do or how to react?

I am sure what the situation would have been, had this been India attacking... We would have declared a war already... But, then, why is Pakistan's national ego so 'soft' (don't want to use any demeaning word) when it comes to Americans? How can you believe that the same politicians will show spine tomorrow if they attack again... ?

Don't mean rhetoric and would appreciate real replies...

come on now....we all know that india does not have the capablity to do it...but US can spring surprises like these but not the indians or any other nation in the world except maybe the chinese....so a few years later....i still cannot think that the answer to the first to questions would be a big fat YES.....
i dont believe that our politicians will show any spine to the yankees ....answer to mastan....adn the country isnt tolerating their antics but the politicians or rulers are tolerating the weight of their money filled pockets......if an attack like this comes again...we should say GO TO HELL to the US adn its aid....then no WoT...remember the WoT in pakistan is only because we are supporting US...if no support to the yanks then no WoT......then we can build our economy...but the problem is that US needs us at this time.....and after another attack...we should retaliate to some extent in a careful manner.....and make our intentions adn policy to the US very clear.
Any idea which AC had replaced these birds?

Those Birds were replaced by "Pies in the Skies" mainly. Apart from some aircraft of ARC etc. which fly along the border and look sideways across at objects of interest. But it is the first thing that has mainly avoided the need for over-flights.
Stealth or no stealth, when India launches something like this the response would almost be a foregone conclusion. In such actions superiority of Indian force numbers would not matter at all. Both India and Pakistan can keep hitting each other in this manner for a long time and obviously at the end of the day, Indian ego would hurt more.
Pakistan did utilize the fallen dud Tomahawks that fell in Pakistan during the Clinton Era Attack on OBL Camps to design Babur Cruise Missiles.

Its not an easy thing to develop and helicopter.......if this was the case Pakistan could have made already choppers from the previous one's as sample its using from decades.
Hi, according to this article, the helicopters were modified by add on kits that reduced their radar and noise signature. I also posted an earlier article, in which the PAF admitted this mission used gaps in their radar and low level flying also. Active jamming was not used, as it would have alerted the radar operator to something.

GRAPHIC: Pakistan raid reveals US Army
Now they are asking the blown up heli pieces.I can imagine pak army trading helicopter bits with sweets as most of the parts were picked up by local children.
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