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Maulana Azad's predictions about the sub-continent

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What propaganda might that be?

this part...
If they like to be slaves, then let them.

infact they are the most pampered community in india....more than any others......if you knew a bit about the indian political situation you would know it.....
Cabinet mission plan was accepted because AIML knew it would be rejected by Nehru, if you go through the necessary contextual material...

Jinnah NEVER wanted that, its a plain lie. Jinnah even took the risk of his life, when had to visit East Pakistan, but did not stop in india to refuel the aeroplane. moreover, the only reference from HISTORY you can quote is where Jinnah mentioned in some letter that I would like to visit Bombay when things calm down. *(he had a mansion there, which is now occupied by the indians govt illegally). this by no means prove that he wanted to live in bombay. other than this letter you can give anything to prove this LIE.

on the other hand Gandhi wanted a long march, he wanted to live in Lahore, on which Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan said to Cabinet "even if you accept his request, I shall veto it".

Retire in Bombay -

‘Jinnah’s Pakistan’ is not dead

'Jinnah hankered to return to his beloved Bombay' - Rediff.com India News

Cabinet Mission Plan

Jinnah accepted the plan AFTER Congress accepted it. Jinnah than reneged when Nehru said that after independence, the plan could be altered.

I asked you for a reference, the only you could quote is already quoted by me, other than that what "Rumi" or "Haqqani" think matters little in Historic events. its just their opinions, got it ? Reference must be historic this is required to back the claim....-

the FACT is there is no HISTORIC EVIDENCE TO THIS LIE that you are insisting...

Cabinet Mission Plan

Jinnah accepted the plan AFTER Congress accepted it. Jinnah than reneged when Nehru said that after independence, the plan could be altered.

eerrrrrr.... Congress accepted on knowing that "The plan gave a state burial to the idea of Pakistan"

League accepted that "There is spirit of Pakistan in the plan after 10 years"

Nehru and Gandhi rejected and denounced the plan saying Congress is free to amend the plan whenever pleases...

I hope that helps recall necessary context of the event...

but we shold have gotten all Muslims together under Pakistan which was supposed to be twice or thrice than what we have now. We didn't need more than half of the Muslims in India back. We need all of them here together with us.

no need.we are already fed up from there cousins.
the only people who has right on this land are Pakistani Beharis living in Bangladesh.

And indian muslims are our enemies.because they are loyal to our enemy(india).when there parents did not like Pakistan what we can expect from them.
again read my previous post on migration.very carefully
I asked you for a reference, the only you could quote is already quoted by me, other than that what "Rumi" or "Haqqani" think matters little in Historic events. its just their opinions, got it ? Reference must be historic this is required to back the claim....-

the FACT is there is no HISTORIC EVIDENCE TO THIS LIE that you are insisting...

Then Read - Jinnah Papers: Pakistan Struggling for Survival by OUP Pakistan

"Sri Prakasa, don’t break my heart. Tell Jawaharlal not to break my heart, I have built it brick by brick. Who can live in a house like that? What fine verandas? It is a small house only for a small European family or a refined Indian prince. You do not know how I love Bombay. I still look forward to going back there," Jinnah had said.
Sri Prakasa, India’s first high commissioner to Pakistan replied, ‘"Really, Mr. Jinnah! I said. ‘You desire to go back to Bombay. I know how much Bombay owes to you and your great services to the city. May I tell Prime Minister that you want to go back there?’ He replied: ‘Yes, you may"’ writes Sri Prakasa in his memories Pakistan: Birth and Last Days. This conversation took place on July 30, 1948.

Incidentally, he had a house in Delhi too - which he sold before partition.

Gandhi denounced the plan because the grouping were along religious lines. Nehru-Patel assumed they could alter it later.
this part...

infact they are the most pampered community in india....more than any others......if you knew a bit about the indian political situation you would know it.....

I am sure the 3000 muslim souls that got burnt alive, knived or butchered to death did not feel PAMPERED.

The nearly 200,000 dead Kashmiris did not feel PAMPERED as they lay dead.

And yes, we know a lott about what happens in India. :hitwall::hitwall:
no need.we are already fed up from there cousins.
the only people who has right on this land are Pakistani Beharis living in Bangladesh.

And indian muslims are our enemies.because they are loyal to our enemy(india).when there parents did not like Pakistan what we can expect from them.
again read my previous post on migration.very carefully

Indian Muslims are our enemies ?

What are you getting high on Brother.

Get a grip on yourself, BRO.
Let me from the outset declare that I am a patriotic Pakistani who was born and raised in Pakistan. Both my Parents were born and raised in Delhi and migrated to Pakistan. Being a Pakistani is my ethos and my identity. Having said that I will say to my Pakistani fellow countrymen to not be emotional when looking back at historical events. Some wise man once said those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat same old mistakes over and over again. Now instead of emotionalism we need to look at the past with realistic and cool analysis to learn from our history. Calling Maulana Azad names without even having a remotest idea what he said to the Muslims of subcontinent is shortchanging history and even shortchanging ourselves.

The argument Maulana Azad was making was simply this. Muslims of Subcontinent are a minority but they happen to be a humongous minority. By creating Pakistan, you will divide Muslims into two and possibly three separate groups ( Yes he had predicted in 1947 that East Pakistan will break away from West Pakistan leaving Muslims of Subcontinent into three groups ) thereby weakening their collective bargaining power.

Even though I realize their is no going back, I just want you to know these facts. Today Indian government claims that Muslims are only 13.64 % of Indian Population. Most of my Indian friends say the govt undercounts Muslims for political reasons and that the correct %age is closer to 20%. Even if we accept this number to be 13.64 % govt. figure, both Congress and and BJP perform somersaults to get this votebank. Imagine the power of 500 million + muslims would have wielded in an undivided India. We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them. Muslims would still not have been the kings but instead they would have been KINGMAKERS , and my friends a KINGMAKER is more powerful than the King because the Kingmaker can pull the carpet under the feet of the king anytime.

Please listen to the Prophetic words of Maulana Azad with a cool mind and then tell me if he did speak the truth and he was anti muslim. Here is the Speech Maulana Azad made in 1947:

Prophetic sayings of Maulana Azad

Are you by any chance a MQM supporter?

Maulana Azad was just a man, if you are really Muslim you would know that men can't make predictions only Allah knows what the future will hold for us.

As for India, maybe it has 200 million Muslims, who knows, Indian government says India has 150 million Muslims. There are still a billion Hindus in India, and we Muslims still would be a minority.

And the land of Pakistan always had a different history from today's India.

You can go call yourself Indian and be Indian, but Khuday Kay Liye leave us real Pakistanis who always belonged in our Pak Sar Zameen as Pakistanis. We are happy being Pakistanis, if Indian Muslims are happy being Indians thats good for them. We are also happy being Pakistanis and we are happy we are not indians.
Are you by any chance a MQM supporter?

Maulana Azad was just a man, if you are really Muslim you would know that men can't make predictions only Allah knows what the future will hold for us.

As for India, maybe it has 200 million Muslims, who knows, Indian government says India has 150 million Muslims. There are still a billion Hindus in India, and we Muslims still would be a minority.

And the land of Pakistan always had a different history from today's India.

You can go call yourself Indian and be Indian, but Khuday Kay Liye leave us real Pakistanis who always belonged in our Pak Sar Zameen as Pakistanis. We are happy being Pakistanis, if Indian Muslims are happy being Indians thats good for them. We are also happy being Pakistanis and we are happy we are not indians.

i agree with you this question is so passe
Then Read - Jinnah Papers: Pakistan Struggling for Survival by OUP Pakistan

"Sri Prakasa, don’t break my heart. Tell Jawaharlal not to break my heart, I have built it brick by brick. Who can live in a house like that? What fine verandas? It is a small house only for a small European family or a refined Indian prince. You do not know how I love Bombay. I still look forward to going back there," Jinnah had said.
Sri Prakasa, India’s first high commissioner to Pakistan replied, ‘"Really, Mr. Jinnah! I said. ‘You desire to go back to Bombay. I know how much Bombay owes to you and your great services to the city. May I tell Prime Minister that you want to go back there?’ He replied: ‘Yes, you may"’ writes Sri Prakasa in his memories Pakistan: Birth and Last Days. This conversation took place on July 30, 1948.

Incidentally, he had a house in Delhi too - which he sold before partition.

Gandhi denounced the plan because the grouping were along religious lines. Nehru-Patel assumed they could alter it later.

I asked you in the first post, not to bring up this letter, but ironically you did it.

it by no means prove anything about the claim of his desire to live as a retired man in bombay. he might have wanted to visit his home in bombay, not a big deal.... but what LIE is being fixed upon is surely a flat LIE, which has no historic proof of it. yes he wanted peaceful relations with everybody...America-Canada relations he exemplified.... kindly dont extract your own meaning out of a memoir of some another person, about what Jinnah was thinking...

besides this is not at all the way Jinnah would speak about a man who according to your authors, had a egoist fight with Jinnah which divided the subcontinent aka your maha bharat. and above all, its not J's style of speech..

he had property all over the subcontinent and in London as well... he was a good investor...

Yes, Jinnah didnot wanted a communal base division thats why AIML regretted on division of Punjab and Bengal. as for Gandhi he wanted nothing but Hindu Raj in india, same as any other hindu leader of subcontinent...
Azad was a old Congressi turd.May he rot in hell.
Azad was a old turd.May he rot in hell.

he was a good leader, he kept a chunk of followers to his view... respect that !!

We think he was flawed in his approach towards the politics of Subcontinent, and certainly he was as we see now, his prophecies couldnot see Pakistan rise from scratch to a Nuclear power... into a Leader of Muslim Nations...now he and his followers hold a subservient position in india, oh he couldnot see that !!
he was a good leader, he kept a chunk of followers to his view... respect that !!

We think he was flawed in his approach towards the politics of Subcontinent, and certainly he was as we see now, his prophecies couldnot see Pakistan rise from scratch to a Nuclear power... into a Leader of Muslim Nations...now he and his followers hold a subservient position in india, oh he couldnot see that !!
I mean sometimes we think that maybe just maybe Azad was right but after looking at the hatred that Indians hold for Pakistanis and to be more precise Islam I cant express how much i thank Jinnah that he got us this homeland.
To the thread starter: he might be mauluk (your lord/master) but not maulaanaa (our master). Please don't include me in your personal statement of slavery.
This shouldn't even be discussed. Pakistan is a reality. Who wanted what is history!

By the way, I sometimes ask Pakistanis I meet in US - do you believe in two-state theory (given the reality that there are already three) and how do you justify migrating to western countries when they have the the same ethos and characteristics as India (obviously Indian system falls way short of that of western countries): -

1. Multiculturalism
2. Democracy
3. Muslims being the minority (literally no representation in govt.)

All they say is because of egalitarian society and economic opportunities which to me is not very satisfactory.
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