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Maulana Azad's predictions about the sub-continent

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What propaganda might that be?
for starters... popular ones are

propaganda: Indian minority is deprived and opressed class
Truth: Poor people suffer in every society, same in India, poor hindu is as fed up of the society as the poor muslim or poor christian is.

Propoganda: Muslims are discriminated and do not enjoy equal representation.

Truth: There is no legal discrimination against any minority... if a citizen from minority wanted, he could become the PM or President of India (eg Zail Singh, Kalam, MM Singh). Social discrimination/differentiation exist in every Multilateral,multi-ethinic, multilingual society. Every aspect that unites two people based of linguistic/religious/geographical account, also separates him from a certain group. hence discrimination in India is not limited to religion but to geography, language, social status, education etc.

Propaganda: Babri masjid, Delhi riots, godhra are evidences of discrimination against minorities.
Truth: In a highly Multi ethinic and multi cultural society, fringe elements will use their divisive techniques to cause harm to the society. Every riot in India has been caused either due to Political Espionage by fringe elements to cater to their vote bank, or due to some event that played as a catalyst to evoke heavy retaliation. Riots in mumbai or karachi should be seen as riots (incompetence of governing authorities) and not as socially unjust treatment of a particular sect/religion.
Creation of Pakistan was an excellent decision.who ever will oppose it is lanti.no matter who it is.

to thread starter.
You have some plans and Allah has his plans.why not we conquer india,establish khilafat.
this thing is better or cleaning the dung of cows and giving snakes bath with milk is better.
are you not happy with the destiny which Allah has chosen for this country?

2nd thing.
who are the people who migrated to Pak to question the creation of Pak?

where are son of the soils?does not their opinion matter.
there is hadith/verse (not sure) with rough meaning that when migration happen,and some people chose to stay back then ummat is not responsible for them.

another hadith.
the one who migrate for land his migration is fore land,the one who migrate for women/money his migration will be for women and money.and the one who migrate in the name of Allah then Allah will give reward to him.

so mister first of all decide very carefully why your parents migrated to Pakistan.
and after three generations how the hell are you muhajirs?

My parents migrated from India to Dhaka in 1947, then again to Pakistan in 1971. That makes them twice the mohajir. They migrated for Pakistan, for Allah, for Rasool Allah (SAW) for Islam! It was a sunnat they performed and have never regretted it!

At the time of partition, my paternal grandfather was a nawab, and his estate included more than 12 villages. His ancestral mansion had carpets from Iran, Swords from Spain, and Chandeliers from Europe, and dozens of the finest Arab Stallions. He could have easily stayed in India, but he came to Dhaka and started working as a government officer responsible for water distribution! All this is not because i want to show off, I'm sure there were hundreds of such people who came to Pakistan because they wanted to be called PAKISTANIS not MOHAJIRS!! The word didn't even exist in the 60s before that fat faggot living in London politicized it for ulterior motives! I'm NOT a mohajir, I'm a Sindhi Pakistani and a Musalmaan! Those who believe that Pakistan should have not been created can go back and die in India at the hands of the likes of Modi.

To hell with all who opion that creation of Pakistan was a mistake, including molana ghullam! (that should be his real name). Ye tou waqt he bataey ga! Very soon!

Beware! Allah does not like to be questioned, wait for His will! the REAL prophecy is upon us!
Maulana Azad was neither all that Azad nor that popular. He had some following towards the North and MQM goons love him. Thats about it. Had he been alive today, he would happily crawl to Pakistan much like his co-idealogies like Jamat e non-Islami and Moulana mardoodi did. Which proves the point, these mullahs are just cheap opportunist acrobats.

somebozo, u killing me man!!!:rofl:
Indian Muslims are slaves. I want nothing to do with them.

Bro, not ALL slaves are bad, leaving out the likes of Shahrukh and Saif, there are some who indeed regret not coming to Pakistan and also some who could not due to some other reasons. A lot of Muslims I know living in India want to marry their cousins cross border so they can come and settle in Pakistan, I know some people who have done that personally.

Don't worry, we will free all those 'slaves', after all a slave cannot be blammed for not thinking as he wishes. ;)
It was a blessing in disguise for Pakistan that most of them stayed back in Hindustan.

If they all came to Pakistan, Altaf Hussain would be Pakistan's leader and all our cities and towns would be over-crowded and over-polluted like indian cities and towns.

Stay away from us Indian Muslims :wave:

By the way, only 9% of total mohajirs settled in Karachi and Hyderabad. The rest disperssed all over Pakistan. I'm from Karachi and each day I pray Allah for Altaf Hussein's death, and the true face of MQM be unearthed. So don't generalise bro, most families who migrated from India DONOT like MQM or the kala kawwa turned british bulldog
My Grand father who was an Englishman said for him it was an impulse of a moment and he never looked back again (to Britain). For him it was dedication to Pakistan and dedication to the struggle of its people. He was born to live and die on this land and he lived up to his words until the age of 93. May Allah bless his soul and rest in peace.
By the way, only 9% of total mohajirs settled in Karachi and Hyderabad. The rest disperssed all over Pakistan. I'm from Karachi and each day I pray Allah for Altaf Hussein's death, and the true face of MQM be unearthed. So don't generalise bro, most families who migrated from India DONOT like MQM or the kala kawwa turned british bulldog

Those who love india and want to be indian, can go apply for indian citizenship and leave us Pakistanis alone. I have no problems with patriotic Pakistanis (regardless of their ethnic groups or their ancestry), but MQM makes my blood boil, begging india to take them back and asking india to take in MQM workers. They should just go back to india if they love india so much.

Each and every part of Pakistan will always stay part of Islamic Republic of Pakistan including Karachi and Hyderabad. Those who dream about unification between Pakistan and India, should leave Pakistan and go to India.

MQM people and Indian Muslims stay away from us Pakistanis as far as possible !!!!!!!!!
We should not really be arguing about the creation of Pakistan or whether it was a right thing or wrong, it has happened, lets move on , and build a prosperous Pakistan.
In my humble view with full respect for the eminent and late Maulana Azaad, what he said 60+ years ago is a thing of the past. Pakistan is here and now. Lets fix it (it is certainly not beyond repair) and move on.
I believe this is where you are veering off the wrong course. History has always been a loyal teacher ; Those who are not bound to learn from it are doomed. Pakistan has been simply a playground of the ruling military-bureaucratic elites since its founder's death. Has there been any change in the doctrine to make its people subservient to the governing elite, be it PA or be it the feudals ? Azad has precisely stated it that the Muslims demanding Pakistan have never learnt to walk, always flow with the tide. Yesterday it was anti-India, today it is anti-America. But what about your internal failures ? That will always be masked, and this is simply the reason why Pakistan has never been able to take off truly in its history. Every single point of Azad rings true today. This in effect says that Pakistan needs to change the very definition of its ideological existence as a state.
Out of curiosity what % of Pakistanis think that creation of Pakistan was a mistake?
In my humble view with full respect for the eminent and late Maulana Azaad, what he said 60+ years ago is a thing of the past. Pakistan is here and now. Lets fix it (it is certainly not beyond repair) and move on.

I guess we"ve reached a consensus here.
Bro, not ALL slaves are bad, leaving out the likes of Shahrukh and Saif, there are some who indeed regret not coming to Pakistan and also some who could not due to some other reasons. A lot of Muslims I know living in India want to marry their cousins cross border so they can come and settle in Pakistan, I know some people who have done that personally.

Don't worry, we will free all those 'slaves', after all a slave cannot be blammed for not thinking as he wishes. ;)

Most foolish. The borders of Pakistan were open for many years and not too many slaves came. Second if you want to free slaves just replenish your border and see how many go there . Hehe not too many
LOL, how were they right? They let Indian establishment take down their holy sites, then lay down and let everyone in India, give it to them from behind. After receiving the abuse they proclaim how India is great and Pakistan is not.
Dint know you were this dumb. Bahri masjid was not a religious site . It was defunct mosque where cows used to graze. Please read up before giving fundas

---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

What ahem... Did govt of India allow destruction of babri masks.
If you say yes this will be my last post in reply to ignorance
LOL, how were they right? They let Indian establishment take down their holy sites, then lay down and let everyone in India, give it to them from behind. After receiving the abuse they proclaim how India is great and Pakistan is not.
Dint know you were this dumb. Bahri masjid was not a religious site . It was defunct mosque where cows used to graze. Please read up before giving fundas
Hehe first you should not have lost bd and then talk about united Muslims. Let go of this stupid religion obsession.
Second Pakistan and bd formed 25% of land and at partition only 20% were Muslims. So please stop your thoughts that you require more land. You can take Mecca and medina if u want but get nothing more than that. Also my Muslim bros from India will never move to Pak Unless they are criminals like dawood or bhatkal. So please close you openings

I guess we Muslims are gotten divided by the british deception. They divided our power.

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

but we shold have gotten all Muslims together under Pakistan which was supposed to be twice or thrice than what we have now. We didn't need more than half of the Muslims in India back. We need all of them here together with us.
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