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Maulana Tareeq jamils son passed away

He was electric shocking his son out of depression when all he might have needed is an arm around his shoulder and for someone to listen to him. He probably emotionally neglected his son and thought about himself and quickly tried to "fix him" by torturing him. Clearly this man has no capacity to deal with real life problems.

Be careful from whom you take spiritual and life advice.
What's shocking is some news outlets are reporting he was shot down...Tariq Jameel is known to be a soft spoken person with a good heart...wonder how can anyone target his son...i understand the enmity might be only personal (to his son) and not in anyway related to Tariq Jameel ..whatever my condolences to Jameel , his wife and his family members.

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilahi rajioun. May Allah forgive him and open the doors of jannat.

To all, please stop spreading lies or false information. Nobody knows what really happened.
He did Suicide.

میاں چنوں معروف عالم دین عالمی شہرت یافتہ مولانا طارق جمیل کا بیٹا گولی لگنے سے جاں بحق ڈی ایس پی میاں چنوں

میاں چنوں مولانا عاصم جمیل نے اپنے سینے پر گولی ماری ۔۔ڈی ایس پی میاں چنوں

میاں چنوں مولانا عاصم جمیل کو تشویشناک حالت میں تلمبہ رورل ہیلتھ سنٹر پہنچایا گیا

میاں چنوں ہسپتال میں مولانا عاصم جمیل دم توڑ گیا

میاں چنوں مولانا عاصم جمیل کی خود کشی کی وجہ سامنے نہ اسکی۔۔ڈی ایس پی میاں چنوں
He was not Molana. He was not even a primary pass.
So keep your propaganda with you.
Sad to hear but someone should ask Maulana sahib....
Would you have preferred your son death as it is or
Would you have preferred him dying while serving Gaza people...
I wonder what his answer would be?
So is my question to every Pak fauj general?
Heart attack miserable painful death like Musharraf
Or dying with honor on battlefield and going out as legend like Rashid minhas did....
Heart attack miserable painful death like Musharraf

He is a 65 war veteran. He died with honor.

According to social media, his son was being treated for being gay at his farm house, including electric shock. If that is true than Maulana deserve to be ridiculed.
According to WHO??? Some monkey like this guy posting on social media:

"DEJERWE TO BE RIDICULED" - No Chindoo bandar, he does not deserve to be ridiculed because you saw some pajeet post outright lies on social media. Why even use this an excuse? You didn't need an excuse to celebrate the murder of Palestinian newborns. Why do you pretend to have morals now? Who are you fooling? Have you forgotten that we're all aware of your unashamed worship of rapist Bhagwans?
According to social media, his son was being treated for being gay at his farm house, including electric shock. If that is true than Maulana deserve to be ridiculed.
I looked into this filthy Chindoo bandar's claim btw and the ONLY mention I've seen on social media of this is a now deleted tweet by a prominent murtad who pajeets swarm around (murtads are practically like Yogis and Gurus to these insecure bandars who need someone to validate their envy for Mujlims). This pajeet was ready to mock a man for the death of his son because of a deleted accusation on social media. Such are the morals bestowed upon these bandars by 10 trillion year old Tanatani kuchra.
Sad to hear but someone should ask Maulana sahib....
Would you have preferred your son death as it is or
Would you have preferred him dying while serving Gaza people...
I wonder what his answer would be?
So is my question to every Pak fauj general?
Heart attack miserable painful death like Musharraf
Or dying with honor on battlefield and going out as legend like Rashid minhas did....
Same question to you, making cheap talk on pdf or actually doing the things you are judging others for not doing. You are statistically very likely to die a crippled old man too, whats stopping you from goining to Gaza or the battlefield. Someone has died, atleast have the decency to pray for him instead of ridiculing him or his father.
Sounds absurd....Pak army itself has many people who are inclined to religion... it's ridiculous to make such baseless claim
Moreover I don't think they would stoop so low to kill an innocent just to intimidate his father( who is a very huge figure in pak)..the most army people do is to kidnap and harass imran supporters ..like what they did p to that journalist imran Riaz Khan ..that journalist has criticised army openly .but he was not killed.
We have to wait until the interrogation is over to know the reason ...
Not true, sepoys at its core are deeply colonial and the going creed of colonial establishment and their tools and enablers is secular.
Pakistan Army did it to try to intimidate Tariq Jameel for supporting Imran Khan.
You just spreading false rumors, Army is not behind in everything happening in Pakistan lol
You just spreading false rumors, Army is not behind in everything happening in Pakistan lol

Ishaq Dar was appointed by Army
From what I heard the son was cleaning the gun, and the gun fired, and the son died from the gun wound.

Anyways, sorry to hear of Tariq Jameel's loss.
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