Unlike a land based SAM system, Maneuverability does not mean alot if the missile is coming at you, and you are it's target.
the incoming missile unlike aircraft does not have jamming or countermeasure, neither does it change path very often, there is almost no need , or no time to re-acquire target for and circle around, reaction time is always more important than maneuverability.
also one advantage of vertical launched SAM is to go for target head on once it gains energy, and not needing to adjust launch direction.
lateral acceleration means the missile is fast and capable of taking Gs, so does a 18th century cannon ball, but doesn't mean it flies backwards or makes 90 degrees turns like UFOs,
if it is 052D we are talking about, the west estimate the 346A is on par with US SPY-1, which ranges around 100+NM or 200 KM. since the ship is new there is no official numbers on it.