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Japanese warship arrives Vietnam

Unlike a land based SAM system, Maneuverability does not mean alot if the missile is coming at you, and you are it's target.
the incoming missile unlike aircraft does not have jamming or countermeasure, neither does it change path very often, there is almost no need , or no time to re-acquire target for and circle around, reaction time is always more important than maneuverability.
also one advantage of vertical launched SAM is to go for target head on once it gains energy, and not needing to adjust launch direction.
lateral acceleration means the missile is fast and capable of taking Gs, so does a 18th century cannon ball, but doesn't mean it flies backwards or makes 90 degrees turns like UFOs,:blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:

if it is 052D we are talking about, the west estimate the 346A is on par with US SPY-1, which ranges around 100+NM or 200 KM. since the ship is new there is no official numbers on it.
I mean tactical ballistic missile

Yes, tactical ballistic missiles or shorter range BM, the S-400 can only engage it <50KM. You can say 50KM is for the export monkey model and Russian domestic model can intercept at 80km. But no way can a S-400 intercept any ballistic missiles at 200KM.

And right now, the HQ-9 is not better than the S-400. So maybe HQ-9 can only intercept ballistic missiles at 30km. But I'm waiting for my friend to answer.
No way, thats very hard to believe. S-400 (which uses better missiles than HQ-9) can only intercept ballistic missiles at under 50km range.

200km sounds more like the interception range against a Boeing 767. But I'm waiting for my friend to answer.

Lol flight path of air launched version, it will be hard not to see it coming, please cheer on

After release, the missile free falls for 100–150 meters, then goes into a cruise phase at 14,000 meters and finally the terminal phase at 15 meters,
Lol flight path of air launched version, it will be hard not to see it coming, please cheer on

After release, the missile free falls for 100–150 meters, then goes into a cruise phase at 14,000 meters and finally the terminal phase at 15 meters,

Please provide a source that says the HQ-9/HHQ-9 can intercept a ballistic or cruise missile at 200km.

You don't have to give an official source, even just a Chinese military enthusiast blog will do.
Please provide a source that says the HQ-9/HHQ-9 can intercept a ballistic or cruise missile at 200km.

You don't have to give an official source, even just a Chinese military enthusiast blog will do.

lol i never said that it could, the radar can barely scan that far. but cheer on. :cheers:
lol i never said that it could, the radar can barely scan that far. but cheer on. :cheers:
if it is 052D we are talking about, the west estimate the 346A is on par with US SPY-1, which ranges around 100+NM or 200 KM. since the ship is new there is no official numbers on it.

I'm afraid you don't know much about Chinese military weapons. Everything you've said above is incorrect. You are even confusing the 346A radar specs with the HHQ-9 specs. 200km is the maximum engagement range of the HHQ-9, not the 346A radar. The 346A radar can scan well over 300km.

Now I think you are not a real Chinese, just a random guy thats learnt how to write hanzi. lol

@cnleio please help explain the 052D to this guy. lol
The HHQ-9 or HQ-9 is a long-range anti-aircraft missile, which also has capacity of intercept a ballistic missile.
It's the important reason why Turkey ever chose HQ-9 as their next missile defense system.

In my Leio's PLA pic thread, there'r HQ-9 intercept a ballistic missile pics, two years ago.
I always sleep well..
We have money, strong tech knowledge and military, every day we are developing very fast...
It is not me that should not sleep well...

@hans: let believe your own statement and you woud sleep well.
We have anti-air missile, HHQ9 long distance, HHQ16 middle distance, HHQ10 short range missile
For big size missile with great heat radiation, it is not difficult to shoot down Brahmos, an old soviet based missile..

So far only Aster 30, SM 3, Barak 8 have shown and claimed decisive capability against Brahmos class missiles. Which of these does 052D have?
It is meaningless to discuss detection distance without the size of object to find.
For a big air plane, the radar can see 300-400 KM
For a big missile like Brohmos, the detection distance will drop much.
Probably 100Km or less, but enough to launch HHQ9 for intercept..
If a stealth missile under horizon, the distance may drop to 30Km...

I'm afraid you don't know much about Chinese military weapons. Everything you've said above is incorrect. You are even confusing the 346A radar specs with the HHQ-9 specs. 200km is the maximum engagement range of the HHQ-9, not the 346A radar. The 346A radar can scan well over 300km.

Now I think you are not a real Chinese, just a random guy thats learnt how to write hanzi. lol

@cnleio please help explain the 052D to this guy. lol
Brohmos can fly only 100km if it is flying all the way Sea skimming..
The problem is how to find the target at such low height..

If it is flying at 14Km height, it can be detected from long distance..
HHQ9 is waiting for it...

Aster 30 and SM-3 have been tested against GQM 163A Coyote > Sea skimming M2.5+ drone. Barak-8's users (IAI and DRDO) say that it can defeat Yakhont-class some 98% of the time. Since India has BrahMos, I think they know what they are talking about.
And as I said S-300 (or its copies) are not capable of defending against a terminal steep-diving Mach 3 missile so your radar range (of which a link is needed) is useless here.
vietnamese are not China's friends. They will betray and backstab you in an instant. Their brain is primitive and not developed yet.

chinese betrayed both Soviet Union 1969 and Vietnam 1979 in cold war, betrayal is main character of chinese, Han Jian !
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I always sleep well..
We have money, strong tech knowledge and military, every day we are developing very fast...
It is not me that should not sleep well...

I am afraid that you are talking about Xu Caihou not you.
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