Also we Turks are generally not like in Europe, so it might be because of that, that I have a Bias, but here is a list from Fritz Neumark about Europeans against the turks. And I share those points with him
Fritz Neumark points of why Europeans hate Turks
When ask with the question of one of his students, "Why dont the europeans love us, professor"
his response
To be honest, Europeans Don't love the turks and it isint possible for them to love you.
For centuries the churchs hate against the turks and muslims has influenced them in their genetic level
for the following reasons
1- Because you are muslims, but even if you were to change into Christians that hate wouldn't go away
2- Maybe you aren't aware of this fact, but when you remove the Turks from history there wouldn't be any history left
when the full archive of the ottomans can be accessed the entire history which we have now would be rewritten
3- In the past you were Europe's market, now Europe is getting to be your market
4- For atleast 400 years you were able to roam freely trough europe with your horses
5- The Selcuk State made Anadolu and the Ottomans made central europe and balkans the graveyard
of the Crusaders
6- They couldn't beat you with guns, so now they have managed to controll you by making you be like them,
They started to damage your moral values(Which is based on islamic values), after that they will try to let you fight among yourselfs(well that happend alot)
7- The Selcuk state and especially the ottomans, if they didn't sacrifice everything, Islam would only be present in Saudi Arabia.
And comming to Wahabism, the starters of that movement were the men of the British Colonial Secretary, while the west
is perversing Islam everywhere, the ottomans preserved it.
8- Because of the reasons I stated above the Church hates you
9 - When I came to Turkey(1933), you only had 2 universities, now this number is arround 19(1940-50s).
During the ottoman state Every Religious Educational Facility had a faculty of science and you are the first ones
to invent the submarine while most of you aren't aware of it. (Looked this one up to be sure year 1719 name Tahtelbahir)
10- The moment you are back to your genuine Identity. Europe's wellfare and culture will collapse. But in your current state
that would be hard to achieve(1940-50s)