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Is Nepal a South Asian Mongoloid nation ? are the people not Mongoloid ?


Aug 10, 2013
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Do you guys see Nepal as a South Asian Mongoloid nation? The territory of the people in North Nepal look closer to Tibetan and with heavy admixture of Dravidian/Aryan blood some look almost pure Mongoloid.

I have only 7 posts so I can't post the Autosomal DNA chart to confirm this, if someone can post it for me than I will message you.



South Nepalese have from 83% Indo-Aryan/Dravidian DNA with 17% Burmese/Mongoloid DNA and they speak Indo-European language


Central Nepalese have from 40- 65% Indo-Aryan/Dravidian DNA with 35 - 60% Burmese/Mongoloid DNA and they speak Indo-Burmese language


North Nepalese have from 27 - 38% Indo-Aryan/Dravidian DNA with 62 - 73% Mongoloid DNA and speaks Tibeto-Burmese language

@Pakistanisage - why do you think Nepal girls are easy pickings??? or are you going to make a trip to just look at them??
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Yes, I do, and find Nepali girls attractive. :P

Are these really nepalese? Are they rare? some of them look east Asians while others ones look North India mix.

90% of the Mongoloid Nepalese Indians have dark brown skin and looks as if they got admixture from low caste australoid tribes or something.
I think it depends on the tribe?

When I look at all the pictures this is what I come up with.

Nepalese racial features in my eyes.

50% Look North Indians

30% Mixture of Mongoloid and Dravidians

25% Look mixture of Mongoloid and North Indians

5% look east Asian with light skin, very slanty eyes like Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
Are these really nepalese? Are they rare? some of them look east Asians while others ones look North India mix.

90% of the Mongoloid Nepalese Indians have dark brown skin and looks as if they got admixture from low caste australoid tribes or something.

I googled 'Nepali girls' and lots of pretty girls showed up, but most of them were too hot for this forum. :P
I don't care what genes someone's got as long as they are easy on the eyes.
they are all cute .. not hot .. :P

They look mixed with low caste Australoid tribes

Not the Aryan North Indians but the Mongoloid ones

Some of them are black skin as hell and look mixed with Australoid, some look mixed with North Indians and some have southeast Asian look, a few look Korean, Chinese, Japanese
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