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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

Oh no wonder the mess we're in today,this kind of extremists ideas will bring nothing other then more death and destruction upon these people.. Believe me it will not help anybody in any way..

Even though i'm a Sunni, i know that Sunni and Shia sects both weren't there in times of the Master pbuh.. We should avoid sectarianist hostilities.. It is not THAT important to be hostile towards each other for those little differences, its just stupid, reminds me of Europe in the old days, thing is every issue must be discussed, talked out peacefully.

acting tough from secure (Denmark) is easy mate.

You just got unbanned so write mannerly. And what are you talking about, acting tough? We just saw few days ago who acted tough with extreme insults and extremely unmannered behaviour. Why should i take you seriously, you have lost all the credibility you could ever have because of your nonsense ranting in this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...convoy-deck-product-skydex-4.html#post2863303

Git bir adam olmayi ögren sen ilk.

Translation: learn to be a man first

Just to sum up some of your insults http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...onvoy-deck-product-skydex-4.html#post2863303:
sana bok yemek düser bize karisma dedim hala yazdiklarimizi merak edip okuyor meziyetini siktigimin gavadi.

Coluk cocuk toplanmis bize ders vermeye kalkiyor, kimsiniz lan siz gotverenler.. Milliyetsiz Turk dusmanlari sizi!!
Sen bizim aramiza girme yazma ordan anani avradini siktirtme bana gavat oglu gavat.. gotune godumun libosu seni..

Translation of the above (your former lectures):
You should only eat sheet, i will **** your entire family.
Who are you bunch of @ss givers.
Don't meddle in our discussion i will **** your wife and mother, you son of a beach, i will **** you in the @ss.

Cem i must say you are one of the most unmannered persons i have met in this forum. I am still amazed at how u you can be tolerated in this forum. Well you are lucky you wrote those posts in Turkish.
good for the turks.

How does it feel to be pawns on a chess board?

You're so naive that you're boasting about how Turks will get control over you instead of XYZ lmao
wow you people are something else

In Iraq most people are shia arabs and the only reason Iran is close to Iraq is because of what Saddam and sunnis did to them. Gassing and killing shia arabs has that effect you know.
El anbar, salah din, nineva, diyala are all majority sunni provinces, and they will get independant whenn bashar will be removed they cannot live within the oppression
You havent witness ugly sectarism, in syria, you cannot respond to sectarism by denying the problem. In syria, if you want top jobs, the first thing they look if you are alawi or not. Intellignece services are 90% alawi, top officers corps 90%, and they are no more than 5% population.
Thats the reality, syrian are not sectarian but the regime is, so are their supporters from iraq, lebanon, iran all shia add russia

So it's Iran and Russia's fault that you guys are secterian and tribal? You do realize that we Iranians have more enemies than you right? If we were like you guys we would be killing each other based on nationality (Iran is made up of Kurds, Parsis, Turks, baluchis, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, Tajiks...) and blaming it on others.

Sort your **** out.

Iran is supporting one side, the US another, the saudis another and so on. Your country, your life, your guns, your bullets, your blood. Don't blame your cultural issues on others.
No matter what reason, it remains barbaristic, evil and most important unproductive, honestly imo best would be to disarm whole of ME.
do you think you are very big to say who get to have weapons and who dont ?
who are you to say that
So it's Iran and Russia's fault that you guys are secterian and tribal? You do realize that we Iranians have more enemies than you right? If we were like you guys we would be killing each other based on nationality (Iran is made up of Kurds, Parsis, Turks, baluchis, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, Tajiks...) and blaming it on others.

Sort your **** out.

Iran is supporting one side, the US another, the saudis another and so on. Your country, your life, your guns, your bullets, your blood. Don't blame your cultural issues on others.
Don't worry, when bashar will be hanged, be sure that the mullah regime will be kicked out from syria the dirty way
Again, i just wanted people to see who cem_ really is. In other words, do not listen to his nonsense he is a kiddo searching attention with curses etc. we have seen his kind many times in this forum, now they are all gone.
Don't worry, when bashar will be hanged, be sure that the mullah regime will be kicked out from syria the dirty way
so after you hang bashar you will kill every shia in syria ? do you know how many shia in syria and do you think that you can kil millions of syrians with no problame ?and if what you say is true every sunni and shia in the middle east should kill eachother while the west and isreal watch with a big ******* smile waiting to kill the victor and control the middleast
wake up
so after you hang bashar you will kill every shia in syria ? do you know how many shia in syria and do you think that you can kil millions of syrians with no problame ?and if what you say is true every sunni and shia in the middle east should kill eachother while the west and isreal watch with a big ******* smile waiting to kill the victor and control the middleast
wake up
No we will help the iraqi, about the shia they are not more 0.5% and mostly iranians.
We will build a secular syria, where every minority can participate life, but first , the sectarian government should be toppled thats the first thing to do now.
Again, i just wanted people to see who cem_ really is. In other words, do not listen to his nonsense he is a kiddo searching attention with curses etc. we have seen his kind many times in this forum, now they are all gone.

Yeah, as if any body will listen to you?! Like you're something really really important LOL, funny kid..
No we will help the iraqi, about the shia they are not more 0.5% and mostly iranians.
We will build a secular syria, where every minority can participate life, but first , the sectarian government should be toppled thats the first thing to do now.
what about hezbollah support ?
Once Sunnis take ahold of Syria, Iraq is next. Turkey should always support Sunnis in ME, because of obvious reasons. If you look at the history of Seljuk Turks and Ottomans you will see that Turks have always been the defenders of Sunni Islam against shia influence.

Funny kid, and from which people came this Shia influence from? Yup, it was the Safavid Turks from Safavid Empire of Iran.
Go ahead, see if anybody gives two shi-ts

you guys only know how to fight amongst yourself and that's why people can take advantage of you. Whether it's Iran or Turkey or somebody else, you will always find yourself at someone else's mercy.
i think you missunderstood my post
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