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Iraq leaning towards Iran, Turkey 'becoming hostile'

Did you just change your stance?

I haven't ever seen such unbelievably disgusting hypocracy and contradiction in a person like this guy. One part of his face has been exposed in the other thread where he called Palestinians terrorists and Israeli as the rightful side. Let me be like this only once although I am being hypocrite here, I love and admire Russians for many things since my childhood, but I currently love them the most because of their power and strength in enslaving people in central Asia especially in Kazakhstan during Soviet era, and I don't care if they were "Muslims", and I hope Russia keeps controlling them.
Son i can deal with that just don't be uber GAY okay?!

Who cares?! how can we in any way prefer one over another, based on what?! We should just focus on economy, just do trade with all of them, tourism etc.. and most important we should've keep our neutrality it was a mistake even with Israel..

Funny world we live in if the person who writes:

Don't meddle in our discussion i will **** your wife and mother, you son of a beach, i will **** you in the @ss.

... calls another person gay. Do you have some psychological issues which needs to be dealt with? You better visit your doctor kiddo... You seem to mix your sexual orientation.

Edit: Cemcik after getting owned several times you better leave this forum.

Kimse seni burada birdaha adam yerine koymaz zaten, en iyisi kaybol buradan.

Trans: No one in here will take you seriously from now on, you better leave before making a bigger clown of yourself.

They are backstabbing their own Syrian Arab brothers...

Our brothers? It's not possible? This is a big surprise. Thank you very very much to kill us.

Syria population (July 2012) : 22,530 million

Sunni 15,771 million
Alawi 2,928 million

Goodbye Alawi...
Yeah, that seems to be the viable option as Turkey cannot technically get too close to Iran due to NATO pressure. However, it is always good to be cautious, especially when you are dealing with Arabs. They are backstabbing their own Syrian Arab brothers as we speak now.
I thought you hate Arab nationalism, just want to let you know that Ba'thism(Syrian government) is an extreme Arab national ideology and Syria has been using it to justify the persecution of Muslims. So spare us your logic lecturing.
Funny world we live in if the person who writes:

... calls another person gay. Do you have some psychological issues which needs to be dealt with? You better visit your doctor kiddo... You seem to mix your sexual orientation.

Edit: Cemcik after getting owned several times you better leave this forum.

Kimse seni burada birdaha adam yerine koymaz zaten, en iyisi kaybol buradan.

Trans: No one in here will take you seriously from now on, you better leave before making a bigger clown of yourself.

Why are you stalking on me?! i already told you several times I'm not GAY.. please go find someone else to be your friend so leave me alone.. :wave:
Yes, that's something that you only yourself would like to believe.
Hmm, you're calling a large group of Syrians terrorists just because they don't support Al Assad and want freedom, what logic you have S-19! Bravo!

Go spout your ignorant, self-conceptual, prejudiced and sarcastic assertions elsewhere. You are clearly incapable of any degree of reasoning or civil debate.:tdown:

and most important we should've keep our neutrality it was a mistake even with Israel..

Yes I agree Turkey should have strong relation with Israel. I do not see any reason for Turkey to take part in the Arab-Jewish rivalry. At least the military relations should be restored.
Go spout your ignorant, self-conceptual, prejudiced and sarcastic assertions elsewhere. You are clearly incapable of any degree of reasoning or civil debate.:tdown:

Hmm, the classical 'copy the other guy argument.' If you can't argue, you put forth the flaws that you have yourself on the other person.

This is what's happening here.
Cem_ and Zulkarneyn, this is a thread about Turkey and Iraq, and not Zulkarneyn vs. Cem_

I know Cem_ has been very harsh with his words and cursings, and it's quite disgusting words he directed to especially Zulkarneyn, but this isn't the place to solve that issue. Take it on private or something.


To the topic, Maliki is just a dog of US. US didn't make an intervention to kill Saddam only, or to steal some oil, it's more political than economical, having a dog (Maliki) and a mastermind (Israel) in ME is a quite good combination.
Hmm, the classical 'copy the other guy argument.' If you can't argue, you put forth the flaws that you have yourself on the other person.

This is what's happening here.

Wrong. What is happening here is some people getting jealous over two Islamic Shia nations coming closer. And that includes someone who in all probabilities, is pretending to be a girl.:lol:
And that includes someone who in all probabilities, is pretending to be a girl.:lol:

Well, I didn't think you would go there. Quite ironically, you're the same guy who first said he was Kazakh, then Russian, then started defending Iran so much as to make some think that you yourself was an Iranian. Anyway, on to the topic.

Wrong. What is happening here is some people getting jealous over two Islamic Shia nations coming closer.

Correction, Syria is a Sunni Islamic country ruled by a population of the country which is so small that you wouldn't think it'd be possible for them to rule the 74% of Sunni Muslims + other religions. But, it's the ruling class who have all the guns and weapons.

Shia ruling Sunni has been very common here, but this is not the cause of the protests currently going on in Syria. Pakistan was ruled by a female Shia leader (Benazir Bhutto) twice, and Zaradri (current present), and the founder himself was Shia (a Shia, dragged millions of Sunni Muslims to build Pakistan).

The reason why the Syrian people are protesting is because they want freedom from the government. Syria's secular, nationalist government has for decades maintained stability and a safe, friendly, welcoming environment for foreign tourists, but it has also been an ally of the Soviet Union (Russia today) and the Islamic Regime of Iran;

The benefits of Iran was that it was a huge thorn in the side of Israel and Western countries which support Israel, because it supports Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon, two terrorist groups constantly threatening Israel. But after the proven events, it has been shown that Assad is worse than the so called 'western dilemma' himself. Hitler never killed Germans. Assad kills Syrians.

So the West is using this opportunity (along with Israel) to try and overthrow the Syrian government. In order to do this, they are supporting some Islamist terrorists in Syria, who hate their government because it is secular. But the majority of the protesters are not terrorists.

Western governments have given weapons to some of these "freedom fighters". Russia and China are supporting Bashar al-Assad's government, and warning Western countries not to invade Syria like they invaded Libya.

If Assad were smart, he would've made a deal with Western countries and Israel: Syria will stop supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, will recognize the state of Israel, and assume a friendly posture toward it; in return, Israel would return the Golan Heights, which they took from Syria after Syria attacked Israel in a previous war (1967?), and more importantly, would integrate Syria into the international economy and allow Syria to develop its economy the same way Asian countries developed theirs - by manufacturing and exporting products to the world.

Unfortunately, Assad is not so smart, so he will lose, just like other Arab idiots did - Mubarak of Egypt, Saddam etc.

Of course, this doesn't mean anyone else will win. Far from it. Things will be a lot worse.

The West is just as stupid as these secular Arab leaders - it should've learned a lesson 33 years ago when they did the same thing to Iran - they got rid of the secular, very progressive, modernizing and pro-West Shah (King) of Iran, because he wasn't a total puppet like the West wanted him to be, and had some minor disagreements with the West, like the price of oil (he wanted a fair price for Iran's oil so he could develop his country and improve the standard of living of his people faster), and replaced him with Islamist terrorists (Ayatollah Khomeini and his gang of murderous mullah thugs). That has been a total nightmare for the Iranian people and nation, and also for Israel and the West.

Egypt, Libya and Syria are going to need good decisions after these protests.
I really feel sad for people like cem.

1: they come here, curse everyone with extreme bad language
2: they accuse other people of different things without any proof.
3: 2-3 hours later they deny that they cursed and called people extreme insults

I am wondering what is happening in their minds. I just don't understand how people like Cem can live with themselves:

Extreme curses, insults and threats
Lies, denials and accusations...

Where does it end?

Just remember cem, not every person have 2 seconds of memory, people tend to remember what other people say and do.

Hey, calm down man. I deal with such insults everywhere. Just report them and ignore, they will eventually be dealt with by the mods.:tup:
Wrong. What is happening here is some people getting jealous over two Islamic Shia nations coming closer. And that includes someone who in all probabilities, is pretending to be a girl.:lol:

Enough with your pathetic crying for help and sympathy. You turn eveything into secteriansm here, accusing anybody who criticizes Iranian regime of being Shea-hater.

Off topic:
Oh, I love Russia, I hope there will be another Stalin.:smitten:
Enough with your pathetic crying for help and sympathy. You turn eveything into secteriansm here, accusing anybody who criticizes Iranian regime of being Shea-hater.

I agree. He thinks he's talking with logic and facts, when instead all he does is accuse others of being a shia hater.

Funny, he's so pro-Iran that you may actually think that he's Iranian himself. (Note - I am not relating Iran to Shia here, but rather relating S-19's posts which are always pro Iran).

In an India vs. Pakistan thread he had a post warning us against fighting each other, even though all of his own posts are either pro-Shia or anti-Arab.

Notice that he always thanks Iranian members on all that they say.
Correction, Syria is a Sunni Islamic country ruled by a population of the country which is so small that you wouldn't think it'd be possible for them to rule the 74% of Sunni Muslims + other religions. But, it's the ruling class who have all the guns and weapons.

Shia ruling Sunni has been very common here, but this is not the cause of the protests currently going on in Syria. Pakistan was ruled by a female Shia leader (Benazir Bhutto) twice, and Zaradri (current present), and the founder himself was Shia (a Shia, dragged millions of Sunni Muslims to build Pakistan).

The reason why the Syrian people are protesting is because they want freedom from the government. Syria's secular, nationalist government has for decades maintained stability and a safe, friendly, welcoming environment for foreign tourists, but it has also been an ally of the Soviet Union (Russia today) and the Islamic Regime of Iran;

The benefits of Iran was that it was a huge thorn in the side of Israel and Western countries which support Israel, because it supports Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon, two terrorist groups constantly threatening Israel. But after the proven events, it has been shown that Assad is worse than the so called 'western dilemma' himself. Hitler never killed Germans. Assad kills Syrians.

So the West is using this opportunity (along with Israel) to try and overthrow the Syrian government. In order to do this, they are supporting some Islamist terrorists in Syria, who hate their government because it is secular. But the majority of the protesters are not terrorists.

Western governments have given weapons to some of these "freedom fighters". Russia and China are supporting Bashar al-Assad's government, and warning Western countries not to invade Syria like they invaded Libya.

If Assad were smart, he would've made a deal with Western countries and Israel: Syria will stop supporting Hamas and Hezbollah, will recognize the state of Israel, and assume a friendly posture toward it; in return, Israel would return the Golan Heights, which they took from Syria after Syria attacked Israel in a previous war (1967?), and more importantly, would integrate Syria into the international economy and allow Syria to develop its economy the same way Asian countries developed theirs - by manufacturing and exporting products to the world.

Unfortunately, Assad is not so smart, so he will lose, just like other Arab idiots did - Mubarak of Egypt, Saddam etc.

Of course, this doesn't mean anyone else will win. Far from it. Things will be a lot worse.

The West is just as stupid as these secular Arab leaders - it should've learned a lesson 33 years ago when they did the same thing to Iran - they got rid of the secular, very progressive, modernizing and pro-West Shah (King) of Iran, because he wasn't a total puppet like the West wanted him to be, and had some minor disagreements with the West, like the price of oil (he wanted a fair price for Iran's oil so he could develop his country and improve the standard of living of his people faster), and replaced him with Islamist terrorists (Ayatollah Khomeini and his gang of murderous mullah thugs). That has been a total nightmare for the Iranian people and nation, and also for Israel and the West.

Egypt, Libya and Syria are going to need good decisions after these protests.

Now that is a sensible post. :tup: If that is your opinion then I don't see why are we arguing at all. :rofl:

Okay, I agree with 90% of what you said except that Libya, Egypt and Syria having the same fate. I think Libya would be eventually divided with NATO retaining influence on the eastern part because of oil and the planned invasion of Egypt.

Egypt's islamist parties would win the elections and would be ruled by an extremist Salafi/wahabi government

As for Syria, I had accurate information that NATO would go for external military intervention in last december. They did not do so because Russia took necessary countermeasures. Though you may not agree, I have reasons to believe eventually this regime would survive.

Well, I didn't think you would go there. Quite ironically, you're the same guy who first said he was Kazakh, then Russian, then started defending Iran so much as to make some think that you yourself was an Iranian. Anyway, on to the topic.

LOL, cool down. That was a tease. You don't start hating your brother when he teases you. :angel:

No, i'm not officially Iranian nor kazakh but Russian. Cheers.
.........here, but this is not the cause of the protests currently going on in Syria. Pakistan was ruled by a female Shia leader (Benazir Bhutto) twice, and Zaradri (current present), and the founder himself was Shia (a Shia, dragged millions of Sunni Muslims to build Pakistan).

Correction : He used to prefer being called a Muslim and only a Muslim ! He was once quoted as saying, when someone asked him whether he was a Sunni or a Shi'ite : 'If the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a Sunni then I'm a Sunni, if he was a Shi'ite then I'm a Shi'ite' and at any rate to put an end to this regressive and fruitless debate he wrote in his will that his Funeral should be presided over by a highly respected Sunni cleric ! (I've forgotten the name of the cleric whom he named in his will)
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