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Iranium - Documentary about Iran and her Nuclear Program

Iran needs nuclear weapons. Seriously, why are people looking at Iran's nuclear program when we should be far more concerned about Japan's secret stockpiling of plutonium?

Here are some facts about the Japanese war regime:

Nuclear power in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

35.4% of the power in Japan is produced by nuclear power. The area of Japan is 378000 km2. Assuming an even distribution of power, 133812 km2 is powered by nuclear energy. There are 55 nuclear plants in the country, therefore, 1 nuclear plant for every 2432 km2. For comparison, the area of a typical county in China (Chiayi in Taiwan as an example) is 1900 km2. This is approximately 2 nuclear plants for every 3 counties - in far excess of every other country, including the US, which has 104 nuclear plants but with over 30x the area of Japan. However, the per capita energy expenditure of Japan is lower than that of the US!

The only explaination is the illegal stockpiling of nuclear weapons by Japan. One must question why they do this. Israel's acquisition of nuclear weapons is completely justified based on its complex geopolitical reality, yet Japan not only has joined the NPT, surrendered use of nuclear weapons in its own constitution and is forbidden to have a military, it faces no immediate threats.
Well, we are so smart that we use arabs as cannonfodder for our foreign policy. Our military,cities remains safe while the arabs in palestine and lebanon get bombed back to the stone age.

well at least you have the guts to admit it.
man you need to stfu fast
you know nothing about Iran and what it's doing. We are investing heavily in solar energy but its use is limited. It can also only work in Eastern regions of Iran. Go read a little about solar energy and compare it to nuclear energy and come back. It costs 10 times more.

Regarding natural gas. Iran is heavily investing in natural gas as well but again, it's more expensive then nuclear energy. China is helping Iran build its infrastructure. Iran started its nuke program under the shah and it has invested billions upon billions already. IT MAKES NO SENSE TO SCRAP IT. Go troll somewhere else and grab a damn book.

And what fudging WMD? are you insane or just a stupid troll?

I was trying to stay polite..

But it seems you don't value polite comments.

If you don't want people to respond ("you need to stfu"), don't go to public discussion forums.
I don't think Iran is developing nukes, but I think Iran having a nuclear energy program is in Pakistan's interest because that way the Pakistan can get Natural Gas from Iran at a lower price which Pakistan needs.
#Have you everheard their supreme leader talk? frikkin insane. I'd be surprised if they don't have a bio/chemi programme too.
#Have you everheard their supreme leader talk? frikkin insane. I'd be surprised if they don't have a bio/chemi programme too.

for people who love to talk about Iran, you sure don't know much.
Iran's bio/chem program is very advanced. We had chem weapons before saddam did. When he attacked Iran though, we never retaliated in kind.

All you Iran haters are pretty dumb.

---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

isnt everybody else having nuke/bio programmes? let them have it too.

we're not after nukes
There are many things I dislike about the Iranian government; however, Iran should be able to develop nuclear power.

Some Iranians love Ahmadinejad and some of them hate him, but nuclear energy is something that 99% of Iranians are going to agree to because Iran's oil will run out in 60 years, or perhaps less, so nuclear energy fits within Iran's interests.

Part of reason why Ahmadinejad was elected in the first place was because Khatami agreed to suspend enrichment to appease western countries. Some Iranians saw this as a sign of weakness so under Ahmadinejad they were resumed.

The Iranians that do hate America do so because America's role in Iranian internal affairs since the 1950s, the "enemy of God" has little to do with it.

If those in the video really do care about Iranian people, will any of them condemn what happened to flight 655?

The only country with nuclear weapons that has zero cooperation with the IAEA is Israel. Will any of them bring that up?
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