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Egyptians complain over Netflix depiction of Cleopatra as black

Egypt DID have black kings & queens. In fact some think the Great Sphinx of Giza was also shaped on an african face (its nose is broken).
But by all accounts, and especially by Egyptian beliefs, Cleopatra was a Caucasian :rolleyes1: This is just another case of Hollywood wokism and politically correct "diversity" at play.:hitwall: All at the cost of a nation's sentiments (arguably most famous of Egypt's queens).:disagree:
According to my opinion, Egyptian protest is not related to racist behavior.

It is more about who control Egypt during ancient time. African said it was African, Egyptian said it was Arab Egyptian. By seeing mostly modern Egyptian are Arab, common sense said that Pharaoh are Middle Eastern people. North African like Marrocco, Libya, Tunisian are all Arabs.

Nothing to do with racist. There are several Cleopatra according to what I read. Not sure which Cleopatra that this Netflix story relate to.
According to my opinion, Egyptian protest is not related to racist behavior.

It is more about who control Egypt during ancient time. African said it was African, Egyptian said it was Arab Egyptian. By seeing mostly modern Egyptian are Arab, common sense said that Pharaoh are Middle Eastern people. North African like Marrocco, Libya, Tunisian are all Arabs.

Nothing to do with racist. There are several Cleopatra according to what I read. Not sure which Cleopatra that this Netflix story relate to.

Well you are wrong. Every side is making their own claims.
Any way Pharaoh Mummi is in museum. It is very clear about the look and DNA must have already been taken.

Basically it is about this. Real Cleopatra is actually Greek is not the main issue. Greek never claim Pharaoh is Greek. Every one knows Alexandria is conquered by Greek Alexander and Cleopatra is decendent of one of Alexander Military Commander. Alexandria itself is named after Alexander the Great.

If Cleo in Netflix is Greek, Egyptian will not protest. Egyptian protest is more due to African claim that Pharaoh is one of them. It is more about nation pride.

It is like their pride on their ancient great civilization is tried to be denied
First...Am making this comment in general, not directed at any individual and ethnic group. :enjoy:

I think y'all missed the point of what Netflix is doing.

If you are a Netflix subscriber, you are kinda sorta a captive audience. You paid for a service and you feel kinda sorta compelled to watch whatever Netflix produced. Good and Crap.

So when Netflix made this dreck, Netflix knows they got you by the (subscriber) balls. You paid to be entertained. You turned on the service and for a few hrs you watched. At this point, does it matter to Netflix if you were 'entertained' by this garbage or not? No, not at all. Netflix already had you. Netflix's social activism is independent of you AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN A SUBSCRIBER. Does Netflix care what overseas peoples say? No, because the bulk of their income is still from subscribers regardless of where they are. Even if Egypt discovered Cleo's DNA and %100 that Cleo has no relations to blacks, other thru anthropological lineage, Netflix sill would not care.

Solution? Not hard to finger out.
true bro. I'm looking forward to their next rendition as well

From now on, ANY and ALL actors portraying Superman MUST be from the planet Krypton. (According to Sigismind standards)
It is stupid to involve in western white washing of human history at all.
Others is in the south aren't ancient Egyptians but exclusively the north greener delta which is North Egypt.. These are white..

The only area where civilization is ethablish is the north because the rest is desert and these below that fertile area are nomads. The red zone up north is where Egyptians civilization is located in the past and current because no other area can sustain life

That was exactly my point. Even today Egypt is mostly uninhabited except for the north. The climate is what makes all the most difference.

Please consider making this post in the overpopulation thread that I started.
Imhotep !!
Imhotep !!

This is all i imagine Egyptians doing. The movie franchise The Mummy ruined everything Egypt for me.
That's because the media portrayal is steeped in political correctness and not historical fact. Cleopatra was Greek. She was actually foreign to Egypt.

But with the rise of Wokeism in Hollywood, to simply state actual historical facts like this that contradict the Black Nationalist agenda is considered racist.

Cleopatra was Greek, it's that simple. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being Black, she just was not Black.

Black Afro-centrist folks in the US have this strange fascination of expropriating Egyptian civilization as their own. It has been going on for the better part of the last century. This has given rise to racists unfortunately ridiculing this effort in the US ("We Wuz Kangs" etc.)

Black folks brought in from the African interior may have been used as slaves and workers in Egypt, but hardly any position higher than that. This is embarrassing to me as I sympathize with their plight and history in the US - but accuracy should be paramount.

We have seen depictions of Egyptian kings/queens and even high officials from 5000 years ago to the end of the Pharaoh dynasties, and they were VERY accurate (I have seen the exhibits of the TutanKhamun collection). Nowhere do you see any African traits in those depictions of Egyptian folks. Plus there is DNA tested from mummies etc. which means proof is conclusive now.

There were plenty of African empires and cultures in Africa (Yoruba in Nigeria, Sahel in Ghana) - Egypt wasn't one of them.

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Black Afro-centrist folks in the US have this strange fascination of expropriating Egyptian civilization as their own. It has been going on for the better part of the last century. This has given rise to racists unfortunately ridiculing this effort in the US ("We Wuz Kangs" etc.)

Black folks brought in from the African interior may have been used as slaves and workers in Egypt, but hardly any position higher than that. This is embarrassing to me as I sympathize with their plight and history in the US - but accuracy should be paramount.

We have seen depictions of Egyptian kings/queens and even high officials from 5000 years ago to the end of the Pharaoh dynasties, and they were VERY accurate (I have seen the exhibits of the TutanKhamun collection). Nowhere do you see any African traits in those depictions of Egyptian folks.

There were plenty of African empires and cultures in Africa (Yoruba in Nigeria, Sahel in Ghana) - Egypt wasn't one of them.

Yes, the entire thing is kind of ridiculous. Especially the application of American racial politics unto ancient Egypt.

It has got to the point where you can't even mention basic facts like Cleopatra being Greek, without being seen with hostility or condemned as a racist.
@Foinikas You have disappointed me. Give a reaction.
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