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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

During 70's Iran had extraordinary oil infrastructure with 5.6 million bpd crude oil production and agriculture that could feed close to 35 million people.in those days Iran could balance both scales of production and public needs(for a short term) because world was different and demands also were different.

Iran's agricultural self-sufficiency went down the drain after the so-called White Revolution reforms of 1963. In the 1970's the bulk of the wheat consumed in Iran was imported. Jahade Keshavarzi (as well as price control policies and rationing) redressed the sector after the Islamic Revolution.

What you like here is close to idea of cannibalization of industry (which has been built by previous system )and as you know those days were days of war and it required war economy.according to some officials war mentality ended 3 years after Iraq-Iran war so it was till 1991 and Iran ended heavy pro socialism practices in those years.

Not just because of the war but also an ideological choice. The Islamic Revolution concerns itself with the plight of the mostaz'afin. Meanwhile Iran has advanced a lot since 1979 in terms of industrial autonomy. Reintroducing the achievements of the 1980's isn't bound to result in industrial cannibalization. Especially since Iran is, for all practical purposes, still at war albeit essentially a 'cold' war.

Apart from domestic usage of railroads based on the location of each country in world this comparison of UK vs France rail usage wrong in a sense of one benefits a lot by improving it and one benefits less from it.

Railroads are an indispensable means of passenger transport in the UK so they have no interest in neglecting and everything to gain in maintaining them properly. Domestic usage is dominant both in the UK and in France. This kind of misses the point anyway, since private companies in charge of the British railways are not going to say, "the UK has no land borders so let's offer faulty services to our clients". They failed big time, that's all.

I have same problem with this view about your Iran of 1980s.some of these topics would take decades to shape their forms and show their real weaknesses and powers.

Relatively speaking Japan is getting smaller and India is getting bigger so it's only matter of time and you can see it's signs.

Japanese universities aren't worse than Indian ones.

I know very little about recent history of world and creation of USA with it's implications on Great Britain and her rivals.

But you know that English is the current lingua franca. People of a certain education level the world over speak English, while most do not speak French.

This evidently gives the UK a natural edge when it comes to attracting foreign students.

On top of that there are 370,000 reasons to support your claim and 690,000 reasons to reject it.

Yet to see this many arguments.

I think majority of these students are free to choose where they would like to continue their studies as they willingly choose UK and no one puts a gun on their head and force it on them to do it in UK.(let's say 99 percent to be safe
We are talking about choices of kids from wealthy families or highly educated ones so I thing margins of error here is limited. (most of the cases)

As said, their choice will gravitate towards a native English language setting.

Some countries are keen on attracting as many students from abroad as they can, others like Japan much less so.

It's also a matter of publicity, PR and image cultivation - eminently subjective criteria. Its fame does not mechanically and flawlessly reflect a university's scientific and pedagogical levels. Certain universities enjoy immense reputation including on job markets, even though they may not always be of better quality than some other, lesser known one.

Then, utilitarian views often preside over people's choice i.e. they'll focus on professional opportunities stemming from how well known a university is, rather than the actual education it offers.

Last but not least, not everyone will always choose what's best for them.

So there's a great deal of subjectivity involved. One cannot make strict inferences as to the quality of higher education systems based solely on the number of foreign students they enroll.

from the moment that government here took control of Azad universities( less subsidized ones) in Iran over all performance of all universities decreased/it didn't increase as it should because more people joined the universities. (scientific research required :) )

The finest universities in Iran are and have always been state-controlled.
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Iran's agricultural self-sufficiency went down the drain after the so-called White Revolution reforms of 1963. In the 1970's the bulk of the wheat consumed in Iran was imported. Jahade Keshavarzi (as well as price control policies and rationing) redressed the sector after the Islamic Revolution.
"Jahad Keshavarzi" What a lovely name , let me tell you a lovely story too :)

One of workers of this "Jahade Keshavarzi" during Iraq's war with Iran went to participate in that war and he got fired from his job.

later for some "unknown reason" they gave his job back to him then few years later when they buried this guy as martyr of war under ground, guys like this random dude became "role models" of such institutions.

That's how much patriotic and revolutionary these mouth filling institutions are.

In early years of 80s this institution was one of the most pro shah institutions out there.

The finest universities in Iran are and have always been state-owned.

Then what was the crime and threat of Azad university that it required state to take control of top tier chairs in there ?
. .
"Jahad Keshavarzi" What a lovely name , let me tell you a lovely story too :)

One of workers of this "Jahade Keshavarzi" during Iraq's war with Iran went to participate in that war and he got fired from his job.

later for some "unknown reason" they gave his job back to him then few years later when they buried this guy as martyr of war under ground, guys like this random dude became "role models" of such institutions.

An isolated anecdotal story won't prove too much about an entire institution. The success of Jahāde Keshāvarzi's work is documented, it literally breathed new life into the countryside and revitalized agriculture, which had been driven into the ground by the policies of the previous regime (resulting among other things in large-scale rural exodus and the formation of the Halabi Ābād shanty town on the southern fringes of Tehran etc).

In early years of 80s this institution was one of the most pro shah institutions out there.

A revolutionary institution, supportive of the monarchy?

Then what was the crime and threat of Azad university that it required state to take control of top tier chairs in there ?

Not familiar with the dossier so can't comment, but as a matter of fact it was under state control and thanks to sound governmental development programs that higher education experienced the stunning expansion we know and that a number of Iranian universities came to stand out as highly recognized centers of learning. Government involvement is needed for a vast endeavour like this, the private sector wouldn't cut it. Also education is a right enjoyed by every citizen, not something that can generally be conditioned upon payment of charges. It must remain essentially free and cannot be subjected to market logic. Private schools may be allowed to operate alongside but that's it.

Might I remind that one of the foundational thinkers of liberalism, Adam Smith himself, considered education as one of the so-called regalian functions of a government, that is the irreducible minimal role he thought state authorities should confine themselves to, leaving all the rest to the market which he believed must not be interfered with.

In The Wealth of Nations (1776) Smith defined his narrow conception of a government's duty in the following terms:

"The first duty of the sovereign, that of protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent societies, can be performed only by means of a military force."
"The second duty of the sovereign, that of protecting, as far as possible, every member of the society from the injustice or oppression of every other member of it, or the duty of establishing an exact administration of justice, requires two very different degrees of expense in the different periods of society."
"The third and last duty of the sovereign or commonwealth, is that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works, which though they may be in the highest degree advantageous to a great society, are, however, of such a nature, that the profit could never repay the expense to any individual, or small number of individuals; and which it, therefore, cannot be expected that any individual, or small number of individuals, should erect or maintain."

In others terms:

1) Police and military institutions to ensure security (equivalent to Thomas Hobbes' so-called Leviathan).
2) Judiciary system to uphold the law and enact justice.
3) State intervention in the kind of public works in whose realization private individuals see no profit.

Elsewhere in the same publication, Smith makes it clear that he considers education to form part of the third category:

"For a very small expence the publick can facilitate, can encourage, and can even impose upon almost the whole body of the people, the necessity of acquiring those most essential parts of education."


I'd advise liberal Iranians to ponder this and avoid going overboard. When one of the foremost classic proponents of liberalism acknowledged the virtues of public education, there should be consensus in Iran about the necessity of keeping the existing governmental education system off-limits to private entrepreneurship, for as Adam Smith was rational and decent enough to underscore in spite of his markedly liberal perspective, education is not a commodity.

Iran needs to completely de-dollarize the economy for inflation to come under control. Private interests (oftentimes corrupt ones at that) are resisting the completion of such a decisive transition because it could jeopardize their material privileges, but it is imperative to go ahead with it.
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به گزارش شبکه شرق، سخنگوی اقتصادی دولت از رشد ۶۰ درصدی درآمدهای دولت در ۱۱ ماهه امسال نسبت به مدت مشابه سال قبل خبر داد و گفت: در بخش هزینه ها نیز هزینه های دولت ۵۲ درصد رشد یافته است.

سید احسان خاندوزی در نشست مطبوعاتی روز سه شنبه خود با خبرنگاران با ارایه گزارش مالی یازده ماهه دولت در سال ۱۴۰۱ گفت: در این مدت ۱۱۴۷ هزار میلیارد تومان مجموع درآمدهای واریزی به خزانه دولت بوده که معادل ۹۰ درصد مبلغ مصوب بودجه مجلس است.
وی با اعلام اینکه درآمدهای دولت در مقایسه با سال گذشته ۶۰ درصد درآمدهای واریزی رشد داشته است، افزود: در بخش هزینه های بودجه نیز در این مدت ۱۱۵۴ هزار میلیارد تومان مجموع هزینه های دولت بوده که در مقایسه با مدت مشابه سال گذشته ۵۲ درصد افزایش داشته است.

+52% government expenses compared to similar 11 months of last year.

There was a time in this country they could make TV series which indirectly they were mocking the former president of the country and at that time Mr Rafsanjani was their target.

Main character of this TV series had a magical coat and his solution for every problem was pretty simple :
Picking money from that magical coat pockets :)

Does this character looks similar to someone else ?

52% more expenses for 2-3% growth rate ?:suicide:
New and surprising to me and after I did some looking around I found out that Iran not only makes good UAVs but we also make good fish!..try a trout and you will see how tasty they are. :woot:

Iran is now world's largest producer of Farmed fresh water rainbow Trout..that is why China is now investing in Iranian fisheries:-)

Iran production is now bigger than Chile and Turkey and this year Iran produced 28% of world's trout production.


Iranian sea food production in 2019..even bigger now

ایران، بزرگترین تولیدکننده ماهی قزل‌آلا در جهان

حدود ۱ دقیقه و ۵۹ ثانیه
کشورمان با عبور از ترکیه و شیلی، سهم ۲۸ درصدی جهانی تولید قزل‌آلا را به دست آورد.
روزنامه ایران: ماهی قزل‌آلا از جمله ماهیان سردآبی است که به دو صورت وحشی و پرورشی تولید می‌شود و با این وجود صنعت پرورش قزل‌آلا در ۴۰ سال گذشته، به طور قابل ملاحظه‌ای رشد کرده است. در حقیقت امروز حدود ۶۰ درصد از ماهی قزل‌آلای تولید شده در جهان پرورشی است.
هم اکنون در ایران سالانه 220 هزار تن قزل‌آلا و دیگر ماهیان سرد آبی تولید می‌‌‌شود که حدود10 هزار تن آن صادر و مابقی نیز در داخل مصرف می‌‌‌شود؛ بنابراین به این ترتیب کشورمان توانسته بعد از سال‌ها دوباره بالاتر از شیلی و ترکیه در رتبه نخست تولید ماهی قزل‌آلا قرار بگیرد.
ماهی قزل‌آلا سرشار از مواد مغذی مانند پروتئین، کلسیم، ویتامین ب و دی 3، روی، ید، کلسترول و اسیدهای چرب امگا ۳ است. مصرف منظم آن باعث آرامش التهاب، کاهش فشار خون، به حداقل رساندن خطر ابتلا به سرطان و بهبود عملکرد سلول‌ها و شریان‌ها می‌‌‌شود.
صادرات 19 میلیون دلاری قزل‌آلا به 11 کشور جهان
در همین خصوص عباس مختاری، سرپرست دفتر بهبود کیفیت، فرآوری و توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات در گفت‌وگو با «ایران» اظهار کرد: آمارهای تولید محصولات شیلاتی که از مجموع صید و صیادی و آبزی‌پروری استخراج می‌‌‌شود، نشان می‌‌‌دهد که در 9 ماهه سال جاری یک میلیون و 6 هزار و 482 تن محصول شیلاتی در کشور تولید شده است.
وی افزود: طبیعتاً بخش عمده‌ای از این تولیدات شامل ماهیان سردآبی می‌شود که همان قزل‌آلا و سالمون است.
سرپرست دفتر بهبود کیفیت، فرآوری و توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات خاطرنشان کرد: از طرف دیگر طی 10 ماهه سال جاری و براساس آمار گمرک 7 هزار و 794 تن و 992 کیلوگرم انواع ماهی قزل‌آلا به ارزش 18 میلیون و 709 هزار دلار صادر شده است.
مختاری در پایان تأکید کرد: عمده صادرات ماهی قزل‌آلا به عراق و روسیه بوده است ولی به دیگر بازارها از جمله ارمنستان، عمان، امارات، بلاروس، ترکیه، آذربایجان، قطر، کویت و گرجستان نیز قزل‌آلا صادر کرده‌ایم.
ایران، رتبه یک تولید قزل‌آلا در جهان
از طرف دیگر ستار صحیحی رئیس اداره توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات کشور نیز گفت: ایران در تولید و پرورش ماهی قزل‌آلا در آب‌های شیرین و شور رتبه اول جهان، در میگو رتبه چهاردهم جهان، در تولید گوشت ماهیان خاویاری رتبه سوم و در تولید خاویار رتبه دوم جهان را دارد و اینها نشان‌دهنده ظرفیت این بخش برای اشتغال، تولید و ارزآوری است.
وی افزود: رتبه یک پرورش قزل‌آلای دنیا را داریم و نزدیک به 28 درصد قزل‌آلای دنیا در ایران دارد تولید می‌شود.
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New and surprising to me and after I did some looking around I found out that Iran not only makes good UAVs but we also make good fish!..try a trout and you will see how tasty they are. :woot:

Iran is now world's largest producer of Farmed fresh water rainbow Trout..that is why China is now investing in Iranian fisheries:-)

Iran production is now bigger than Chile and Turkey and this year Iran produced 28% of world's trout production.
View attachment 917313
View attachment 917310View attachment 917311
Iranian sea food production in 2019..even bigger now
View attachment 917312

ایران، بزرگترین تولیدکننده ماهی قزل‌آلا در جهان

حدود ۱ دقیقه و ۵۹ ثانیه
کشورمان با عبور از ترکیه و شیلی، سهم ۲۸ درصدی جهانی تولید قزل‌آلا را به دست آورد.
روزنامه ایران: ماهی قزل‌آلا از جمله ماهیان سردآبی است که به دو صورت وحشی و پرورشی تولید می‌شود و با این وجود صنعت پرورش قزل‌آلا در ۴۰ سال گذشته، به طور قابل ملاحظه‌ای رشد کرده است. در حقیقت امروز حدود ۶۰ درصد از ماهی قزل‌آلای تولید شده در جهان پرورشی است.
هم اکنون در ایران سالانه 220 هزار تن قزل‌آلا و دیگر ماهیان سرد آبی تولید می‌‌‌شود که حدود10 هزار تن آن صادر و مابقی نیز در داخل مصرف می‌‌‌شود؛ بنابراین به این ترتیب کشورمان توانسته بعد از سال‌ها دوباره بالاتر از شیلی و ترکیه در رتبه نخست تولید ماهی قزل‌آلا قرار بگیرد.
ماهی قزل‌آلا سرشار از مواد مغذی مانند پروتئین، کلسیم، ویتامین ب و دی 3، روی، ید، کلسترول و اسیدهای چرب امگا ۳ است. مصرف منظم آن باعث آرامش التهاب، کاهش فشار خون، به حداقل رساندن خطر ابتلا به سرطان و بهبود عملکرد سلول‌ها و شریان‌ها می‌‌‌شود.
صادرات 19 میلیون دلاری قزل‌آلا به 11 کشور جهان
در همین خصوص عباس مختاری، سرپرست دفتر بهبود کیفیت، فرآوری و توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات در گفت‌وگو با «ایران» اظهار کرد: آمارهای تولید محصولات شیلاتی که از مجموع صید و صیادی و آبزی‌پروری استخراج می‌‌‌شود، نشان می‌‌‌دهد که در 9 ماهه سال جاری یک میلیون و 6 هزار و 482 تن محصول شیلاتی در کشور تولید شده است.
وی افزود: طبیعتاً بخش عمده‌ای از این تولیدات شامل ماهیان سردآبی می‌شود که همان قزل‌آلا و سالمون است.
سرپرست دفتر بهبود کیفیت، فرآوری و توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات خاطرنشان کرد: از طرف دیگر طی 10 ماهه سال جاری و براساس آمار گمرک 7 هزار و 794 تن و 992 کیلوگرم انواع ماهی قزل‌آلا به ارزش 18 میلیون و 709 هزار دلار صادر شده است.
مختاری در پایان تأکید کرد: عمده صادرات ماهی قزل‌آلا به عراق و روسیه بوده است ولی به دیگر بازارها از جمله ارمنستان، عمان، امارات، بلاروس، ترکیه، آذربایجان، قطر، کویت و گرجستان نیز قزل‌آلا صادر کرده‌ایم.
ایران، رتبه یک تولید قزل‌آلا در جهان
از طرف دیگر ستار صحیحی رئیس اداره توسعه بازار آبزیان سازمان شیلات کشور نیز گفت: ایران در تولید و پرورش ماهی قزل‌آلا در آب‌های شیرین و شور رتبه اول جهان، در میگو رتبه چهاردهم جهان، در تولید گوشت ماهیان خاویاری رتبه سوم و در تولید خاویار رتبه دوم جهان را دارد و اینها نشان‌دهنده ظرفیت این بخش برای اشتغال، تولید و ارزآوری است.
وی افزود: رتبه یک پرورش قزل‌آلای دنیا را داریم و نزدیک به 28 درصد قزل‌آلای دنیا در ایران دارد تولید می‌شود.
First the fifth generation fighter and now freshwater rainbow trout :( we're getting beaten by Iran left and right
First the fifth generation fighter and now freshwater rainbow trout :( we're getting beaten by Iran left and right
Cope..You just have to learn that you are No 2..Iran is No1 and will be the dominant force in the region..After Nato kick you out do not worry..Iran will bring Turkey under her nuclear umbrella..:bunny:
Cope..You just have to learn that you are No 2..Iran is No1 and will be the dominant force in the region..After Nato kick you out do not worry..Iran will bring Turkey under her nuclear umbrella..:bunny:
Thanks, I knew we could count on Iran.

By the way, how many Kowsars have been built so far? Still 4?

8:05 - 9:40

CEO of Iran Khoro in response to allegations of selling cars(heavily subsidized ones) to government institutions.

CEO of Iran Khodro:

"If this is violation (of law) then we should go(while pointing at the journalists and the wall ) and see what others did in this subject, other car makers even gave cars to workers of these government institutions"

"No comment" ( Thank you very much )


Acts like this are called systemic corruption.
Who could have guessed it ?
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. . . .

Iran’s Saipa signs €450 mln deal to start car exports to Russia


Saipa’s CEO Mohammad Ali Teymouri and businessmen from Russia signed the €450 million contract on Wednesday in a ceremony in Tehran, according to a report by Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO).

The deal will enable Saipa to supply 45,000 cars to Russian customers, said the report.

Well that was fast :)

At least it's Transparent ! and Agile !

Any one here is interested in €10,000 Shahin (I guess) of Saipa ?

It's the deal for 45000 cars so price of single car in Russia's market might be slightly higher.( + taxes ? )

I think it's biggest contract of any Iranian car producer so far :)
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