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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

It would be the people that live a hard life that would bring you down, not the people Iran pays wages for.

All we have to do is to simply give them some weapons and you'll inevitably collapse by your own people when shit hits the fan.
You could say the same for arming Palestinian resistance forces, who are just waiting to bite your head off :)
You could say the same for arming Palestinian resistance forces, who are just waiting for a reason to bite your head off :)
Iran can't arm Palestinians, Israel completely blockades Gaza and Israel's borders. Palestinians have had basically thousands of reasons to "bite our head off", it's just that usually when it's Israeli soldiers against Palestinian terrorists, at least 10 Palestinians die and 100 Palestinians are wounded, with 0 Israeli casualties.

Meanwhile Israel arms Iranian resistance with drones and other heavy weaponry. We kill your generals and engineers in your capital city.

Palestinians are behind walls, they can't do shit.
Iran can't arm Palestinians, Israel completely blockades Gaza and Israel's borders. Palestinians have had basically thousands of reasons to "bite our head off", it's just that usually when it's Israeli soldiers against Palestinian terrorists, at least 10 Palestinians die and 100 Palestinians are wounded, with 0 Israeli casualties.

Meanwhile Israel arms Iranian resistance with drones and other heavy weaponry. We kill your generals and engineers in your capital city.

Palestinians are behind walls, they can't do shit.
Palestinians are behind walls, they can't do shit.

Openly praising apartheid. At least try to hide it if you have an ounce of humanity left...
Palestinians are behind walls, they can't do shit.

Openly praising apartheid. At least try to hide it if you have an ounce of humanity left...
Didn't know keeping non-citizens out of your countries is apartheid.
Will Iran sign a JCPOA if Rial is furthermore devalued? Seems to be the hopes of the EU+USA block..
That's what happens when their are retards in charge of economics...

No, this is what happens when in 23 years you never reformed your economy. If China had done the same thing, then China today would still be following the failed economic policies of Mao.

While sanctions can be describe SOME of the economic pain of Iran. It cannot describe ALL. In fact, most experts say sanctions aren’t what’s hurting the Republic the most, it’s own economic mismanagement, which is just too much list to list or to attribute to one admin.

In short — the Republic itself is systemically economically incompetent, somewhat similar to Soviet Union.

While its survival and sanctions busting ability is worth lauding over. It has also led to greater corruption and economic mismanagement as certain factions have become powerful (and rich) from assisting government to skirt sanctions. Usually at a high cost to the government.

Will Iran sign a JCPOA if Rial is furthermore devalued? Seems to be the hopes of the EU+USA block..

I don’t believe so.

The issue is Iran usually negotiates on the basis of good faith and rather (but not complete) equal footing. If Iran were to initiate compromise of whatever remaining JCPOA issue is holding up the deal….it will signal to west as long as you keep economic pressure on Iran they will eventually cave.

So Iran is unlikely to sign JCPOA without a concession from the West of semi equal importance. That way the appearance of a somewhat equal footing negotiation is maintained.

Iran’s 11-month non-oil exports rise over 12%​

  1. Economy
February 27, 2023 - 13:5

TEHRAN – The value of Iran’s non-oil exports rose 12.22 percent during the first 11 months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022-February 19, 2023), as compared to the same period of time in the past year.
According to Mohammad Rezvani-Far, the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), Iran exported about 111.3 million tons of non-oil goods valued at $48.8 billion in the mentioned 11 months, registering a 1.16-percent decline in weight, IRNA reported.
Liquefied natural gas was the main exported product in the said time span, accounting for 13.97 percent of the total value of the exports, the IRICA head said.
Major export destinations of the Iranian non-oil goods were China, Iraq, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and India, according to the official.
The average value of each ton of exported goods has increased from $386 in the first 11 months of last year to $439 in the current year’s same period, which indicates a growth of 13.54 percent.
Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic imported 33.6 million tons of non-oil commodities worth $53.7 billion in the first 11 months of the present year, with a 15.28 percent growth in value and an 8.61 percent decrease in weight, year on year.
The IRICA head noted that the import of basic goods in the 11 months of this year has reached 22.6 million tons worth $17.8 billion, indicating a 6.33-percent growth in value and a 16.42-percent decrease in weight, year on year.
Corn, rice, soybeans, wheat, sunflower oil, barley, and soybean meal were among the items imported into the country in the said period, according to Rezvani-Far.
The United Arab Emirates was the top exporter to Iran in the mentioned 11 months, followed by China, Turkey, India, and Germany.
As previously announced by IRICA, the value of Iran’s non-oil exports also rose 17.66 percent during the first 10 months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022-January 20, 2023), as compared to the same period of time in the past year, registering a new record high.
Earlier this month, the head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) said that the country’s value of non-oil export is expected to reach $52 billion in the current Iranian calendar year (ends on March 20).
“According to the preparations made for increasing export from the country, and the statistics obtained so far, it is expected that Iran's non-oil exports will reach $52 billion by the end of the year”, Alireza Peyman-Pak said on February 7.
“Fortunately, in the past months, very good measures have been taken in the field of Iran's export development, some of which have already shown their impact, and the other part will be revealed in the final statistics of our exports in the coming years”, the official added.

Export from knowledge-based firms hit $1b​

  1. Economy
February 26, 2023 - 16:24

TEHRAN - Iranian Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani Firouzabadi said the country’s knowledge-based companies have managed to export $1 billion worth of products in the current Iranian calendar year (started on March 21, 2022).
Two Golden speech:


What the hell happened in 1992?

Also isn't it crazy that Iran has a bigger military budget than Turkey, yet no air force to speak of?
Makes you question where the money is going.
View attachment 918397
What the hell happened in 1992?

Also isn't it crazy that Iran has a bigger military budget than Turkey, yet no air force to speak of?
Makes you question where the money is going.
Saddam got *** pummelled in desert storm and their was no threat of land war anymore.

Also the budget towards the end you see there, is not taking into account inflation. The real value actually drops a bit for the regular army. If you increase military budget by 20% but you have 80% inflation etc...

We already know where the money is going we can see it in the growth in other sectors, including the AF which has improved over the last 3 years through various upgrades and construction of new AF infrastructure. The acquisition of new combat aircraft essentially proves their is a shift in focus and the AF part of this re-building process with cooperation with Russia.

How you expect Iran to acquire a potent AF a decade ago, when obviously US & Europe would not sell, Russia was unwilling to cooperate due to its relations with Israel (Russia who supported UNSC sanctions on Iran as close as 2015), and China was not worth nor had the willpower to oppose the US foreign policy in the 2000s. More so over, did you think it is worth while investing billions into a force that would have to deal with USAF and US-N? What a waste.

Situation has changed dramatically today both in AF survivability as compared to the past and a willing partner. This phrase "yet no air force to speak of?" or similar phrases will not exist anymore.
View attachment 918397
What the hell happened in 1992?

Also isn't it crazy that Iran has a bigger military budget than Turkey, yet no air force to speak of?
Makes you question where the money is going.
My interpretation:

By 1992 Iraq was eliminated as a military threat to Iran ..so time to relax and use the money on other things...

Iran's military budget is most used on missiles and the infrastructure to house these underground..Turkey spends on airforce Iran spends on missiles...missiles gave Iran a byproduct also..space launch capability..all depends on who is your no1 enemy.
Iran no1 enemy is Us+Israel...Turkey no1 enemy is little Greece..
Saddam got *** pummelled in desert storm and their was no threat of land war anymore.

Also the budget towards the end you see there, is not taking into account inflation. The real value actually drops a bit for the regular army. If you increase military budget by 20% but you have 80% inflation etc...

We already know where the money is going we can see it in the growth in other sectors, including the AF which has improved over the last 3 years through various upgrades and construction of new AF infrastructure. The acquisition of new combat aircraft essentially proves their is a shift in focus and the AF part of this re-building process with cooperation with Russia.

How you expect Iran to acquire a potent AF a decade ago, when obviously US & Europe would not sell, Russia was unwilling to cooperate due to its relations with Israel (Russia who supported UNSC sanctions on Iran as close as 2015), and China was not worth nor had the willpower to oppose the US foreign policy in the 2000s. More so over, did you think it is worth while investing billions into a force that would have to deal with USAF and US-N? What a waste.

Situation has changed dramatically today both in AF survivability as compared to the past and a willing partner. This phrase "yet no air force to speak of?" or similar phrases will not exist anymore.
These figures are in US dollars so the inflation of Lira or Rial inflation isn't part of the equation.

I was always a proponent of Pakistani JF-17s in Iran. With support from ground based SAM systems, these planes could preform hit & run attacks on an enemy, also an assymetric threat against naval assets such as aircraft carriers.
Iran's military budget is most used on missiles and the infrastructure to house these underground..Turkey spends on airforce Iran spends on missiles...missiles gave Iran a byproduct also..space launch capability..all depends on who is your no1 enemy.
Iran no1 enemy is Us+Israel...Turkey no1 enemy is little Greece..

Do you feel like you're getting your money's worth? No air, Not much of a navy, just little drones and ballistic missiles.

You're spending more money than Turkey, are you getting beter capabilities than Turkey? Because you should be.

Also 1. Don't underestimate Greece and 2. be it Greece or Russia or France, or assymetric threats in Iran, Iraq, Syria. Doesn't matter we play our own game. Turkish military isn't modeled around fighting just Greece or any one enemy.
These figures are in US dollars so the inflation of Lira or Rial inflation isn't part of the equation.

I was always a proponent of Pakistani JF-17s in Iran. With support from ground based SAM systems, these planes could preform hit & run attacks on an enemy, also an assymetric threat against naval assets such as aircraft carriers.

Do you feel like you're getting your money's worth? No air, Not much of a navy, just little drones and ballistic missiles.

You're spending more money than Turkey, are you getting beter capabilities than Turkey? Because you should be.
Military planner and not me can only answer that..All I know is that it has prevented an attack on Iran by these two actors..I am sure they did not hold their attacks because Iranian girls are so beautiful..lol
Military planner and not me can only answer that..All I know is that it has prevented an attack on Iran by these two actors..I am sure they did not hold their attacks because Iranian girls are so beautiful..lol
You did get attacked in Syria, and recently you got attacked in your own country too.
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