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King of Saudi Arabia Invites Iranian president to visit Riyadh

I didn't even know that war was still on.. good to see the Saudis reach out.. they fueled it for years but they can redeem themselves..

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that he would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost troop numbers in the Middle Eastern country, suggesting Moscow’s military presence there should become permanent.

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, they wanted to Assad dynasty gone. Reason the Arab spring which was spreading across the region swept Syria as well. Had Assad left power like any reaaonablemleader would have done, then Syria wouldn't be in such a state and probably would have avoided the civil war..
Yeah, Assad should have left his people to western thugs and NATO butchers.

Like Libya maybe, the country cannot recover from western supported terrorism yet.
however, like every power hungry tyrant he wouldn't even at the cost of his country as long as he and his family remain in power..
Given that UK is beacon of democracy, with that retarded king that you have chosen by his own family without a single vote from public and generations of colonial savages called queens (may they burn in hell), you can represent the non-powerHungry country for us poor muzzies. Not even your PM is chosen directly by people's vote and yet you dare to speak of freedom and so on. Man, you are defining new borders for bawdiness and enormity.

Why don't you revolt against that retard, your so called king to prove us your hunger for democracy?
Yeah, Assad should have left his people to western thugs and NATO butchers.

Like Libya maybe, the country cannot recover from western supported terrorism yet.

Libya, Syria, Iraq... Not all of the Middle Eastern chaos is from the foreign interference but those three countries certainly wouldn't have been that much in mess without foreign interference.

@mike2000 is back : Reading your various posts lately, you seem to repeat something like 'that's how the world has worked all the time where big fish eats the smaller fish and there is no point crying over it and so get over it'. [I am paraphrasing]. In another thread--I think today--you were championing the Ukrainian sovereignty to decide to join NATO or not. To which I think @etylo rightly pointed out the Cuban Missile Crisis.

You don't have to be a 'patriotic' Westerner to the point of blind hypocrisy. And why not 'break the wheel' as Deneres Tygerian said?? Fiction inspires real world all the time. The wheel must be broken. The humanity's enemies are war-mongers who profit from wars and currently they are in their strongest in Washington. They can be removed. Rivers of Milk and Honey may not flow after them but rivers of blood may stop flowing. There are already powerful forces in America who want to break the wheel. You may or may not like a President Trump or President DeSantis in 2024 but I believe they would wind down the war in Ukraine.
Well, they wanted to Assad dynasty gone. Reason the Arab spring which was spreading across the region swept Syria as well. Had Assad left power like any reaaonablemleader would have done, then Syria wouldn't be in such a state and probably would have avoided the civil war..however, like every power hungry tyrant he wouldn't even at the cost of his country as long as he and his family remain in power..
Had he been toppled and left power like Mubarak in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisa or even Al Bashir in Sudan then Syria would have found a replacement for him after some political reshuffling/machinations and the country would have carried on, avoiding a civil war..However he didn't, and unlike the top officials of the Egyptian army who saw that it is better to remove Mubarak from power than let their country citizens and army be fractured and start a civil way most of the Syrian top military leadership by large still backed Assad though many also diffected forking the free Syrian Army. The rest is history.
No man is worth a whole country, that's all I can say.

No sane person in the world want a Caliph under ISIL

In addition unlike your family ruling Britain Bashar al Assad chose by people's vote
Wow what a great news.If Peace and stability comes to Middle East. This Region is going to be unstopable.
May be they will find a peacefull solution for the Yemen Question.

May this process go through with great success
Let's pray these two idiots can stop the war in Yemen and let the people live in peace .

Let's pray these two idiots can stop the war in Yemen and let the people live in peace .
@AlKardai what's so funny that caused you laughter? You condone the slaughter od poor people for their politics?
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I honestly wish no harm to Jews. Very smart people. Do a lot of philanthropic work. Been making great contributions to humanity. And I'd like to think I am a 'Humanist' above all.

The problem in the Middle East is that Israelis claim to be 'an Outpost of the West in the Middle East' instead of thinking of themselves as 'Middle Eastern'. If their claim to the land is so strong and old then where the hell is this 'West' coming from??? It's pure hubris, sense of superiority, and opportunism!! Why should the locals--who are in hundreds of millions--would like them against such attitude?? Would a Christian Europe like, say, an exclusivist, belligerent, heavily armed Muslim Lichtenstein in the heart of Europe being supported by a powerful Ottoman Empire?? That's of course a hypothetical scenario.

Israel's very survival hinges on Israel's control of the American Congress. When that ends--and it will eventually end as new generations of Americans with more pacifist and less Evangelical thought process would rise to power--then what would be Israel's options? Arabs would by then be more united and more powerful--and more in the mood for revenge because their Palestinian brothers have been brutalized. Arabs wouldn't launch frontal war--but they can cripple Israel's economy with cheap missiles. Hezbollah reportedly paralyzed northern 3rd of Israel in 2006 with weeks of cheap rockets raining down on Israel. What Israel's nukes would be good for in such situation? Israel is not an island nation.

Please... let's not over-think. Maybe during the Cold War, Israel was a good tool for America in the Middle East. But that was a long time ago and in 2006 Mearsheimer and Walt demythified the Israeli control over America in simple words: The Israeli Lobby.

In American politics, candidates lose in the Primaries if their opponents get massive funding from Lobbies with deeper pockets. Candidates have been known to have lost in Primaries because they, following their conscience, tried to be fair about the Israel-Palestinian conflict: The Israel Lobby is supposed to be the second most powerful lobby in America after AARP and they, using deep pockets, can ruin candidates' chances. In such political environment, who, but the most secure politician would dare say the truth?? In essence, Israelis have hijacked the American policies in the Middle East.

Here is Bernie Sanders talking about the power of the Lobbies. He knows it the best. And he speaks the truth because he is very secure in his office.

Our establishment fucks up again.

They wouldn't dare to go to Malaysian summit due to their masters getting offended but the same masters are now making relations with Iran. What incompetence from Pakistan establishment, they are untrustworthy, backstabbers and puppets.

Saudi and Iran relations will hopefully end the Yemen war, so many innocent died. Syria war is between Bashar v MB v Salafis. All foreign terrorists need to leave Syria, Libya and Yemen so peace can come back to their countries. So many deaths and destruction and what benefit did middleeast achieve?
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