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Iranian Azaris and their love and loyalty to motherland

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Thats the only thing they share with Shias, they do not do prayers, instead they're playing instruments and dancing(thats their prayers), they do not fast in Ramadans, they do not do pilgrimage, they do not have any of your special days, they do not care about any place you consider holy.

Persian was not the language of educated class, Persian alongside with Arabic was a secondary language learned during the education, it was like English or French.
Read my previous post again. I said according to the source which I presented, during the Ottoman empire, the language amongst educated people were Persian. Period. I did not say that the ruling establishment did not write anything in Turkish.

I gave you official Ottoman vekayinama written as ruznama Style, diary book of the events During the reign of Mehmed IV. Written by http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdurrahman_Abdi_Paşa

Dated between years 1648-1682.
Shah of Iran, Reza Pahlavi (Iranian nationalist) talking with Ataturk in Turkish:

That doesn't make him Turkish.
wow, the use of Turkish by Ataturk is so articulate, clear, precise, humble, polite at the same time. That kind of Turkish not a lot of people speak anymore.
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No Shias in Turkey? Well my friend you should enlighten yourself though 20% of turkisk population is Shia/Alevi.

Islam in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : number of shia/alevis in turkey.

Alevis not even close to Shias? I am now pretty sure I am faced with a bunch of secular turkish teenagers from a rich area in istanbul.
Alevi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alevis are kind of a branch of shiism

Did you know that the Alevis in Turkey were allies with Iran already hundereds of years ago in wars against Ottoman? Alevi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alevis in Turkey:

Turkish Alevis/bektashis have basic belief in Emamat but there practices are not similar to Ithna Ashari Shiets of Iran. there place of worship is called cemvi/tekke where they dance and recite chants to praise there deities. If these Alevis are the citizen of present day Iran, I am sure they might have been persicuted by the Iranian regime like Bahais just because of pagan like practices (that do not match with main stream Shiet).
I gave you official Ottoman vekayinama written as ruznama Style, diary book of the events During the reign of Mehmed IV. Written by http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdurrahman_Abdi_Paşa

Dated between years 1648-1682.

My friend I dont question the authencity of your reference,but I am not an expert on evaluating linguistic similarities between languages. Ruznama in Persian is Rooznameh, meaning the the "daily letter". Vekayinama means Vekalatnameh, namely history of proceedings.
Turkish and Iranian trolls at work.
guys, seriously cut the crap, we have had this discussion dozens of times, bunch of stupid, race obsessed internet warriors.

If Turkish members do not like us to talk about Kurds in Turkey for any topic, I think it's reasonable for us to ask them stay out of this specific thread.
My friend I dont question the authencity of your reference,but I am not an expert on evaluating linguistic similarities between languages. Ruznama in Persian is Rooznameh, meaning the the "daily letter". Vekayinama means Vekalatnameh, namely history of proceedings.

Ruz is day, like imruz, diruz etc..
Nama also comes from Persian, book, wrting.
Vekayi comes from Arabic. Singular Vaka.

But Ottoman numbers and Ottoman verbs ( like to come, to do, to go) come from Turkish. Therefore it is considered as Turkish with heavy elements from Persian and Arabic.

Days are from Persian mostly. Dushenbih, Cheharshenbih. although Arabic examples have Been used as well, to lesser extent.

Months are from Arabic. Rajab, Shaban, Ramazan.
The fantastic debate needs to be enriched by Iranian Azeri Turks ...

Lets to check what is provided by the dictatorship of Elham in Azerbaijan. For this I refer to a report provided by Cimera (2008), a Geneva-based, private, non-profit organization.

No doubt the human right in Azerbaijan is not comparable with Europe zone, not at all, but the following is interesting:

"The Azeri state offers the possibility for pupils belonging to an ethnic minority to study their mother tongue at school. Georgian children in western Azerbaijan go to Georgian-medium schools with the whole curriculum being in Georgian. For Lezgis, Udis and Talyshs the general principle is that pupils have lessons of their mother tongue two hours per week from the first to the fourth grade. This opportunity is however exclusively available in mono-ethnic, or nearly mono-ethnic, settlements."

and Azerbaijan has joint the Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Should not a country in scale of Iran provide at least this kind of things for its minorities?
Alevi + Jafari are more than 10 million. Perhaps 15 million, some say exaggerated, could be.

Yes indeed, the various branches of Shia in Turkey make úp 20% of the population..just around 15 million which you mentioned.
Tomorrow it is Arbaein. My condolences to all Muslims. Ya Hussein mazloom!

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I don't understand why both Iranians and Turks are worried so much about Azerbaijan. How about this? they're not Turks or Persians, they're AZERIS. Just let them be...
Persians and Azaris performing Ashura ceremonies:

Iranian Azeris are not loyal to any specific ethnicity within the nations borders. Iranian Azaris are loyal to Iran and Ahl al Bayt.
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