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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Why don't you order you president to dance the dance of war,...
I did. Obama is prepping the military.

...do you have a psychiatrist or do you want a new one.
I had a shrink once. After one session with me, he immediately retired and entered himself into therapy. Last I heard, he divorced his wife of 40 yrs, disowned his children, gave away all his possession, and left for the jungles of Africa. All I can do is pray for the poor chap. The American Psychological Association now have a classified file on me because they do not know what to make of my case. The APA ordered no shrink to take me out of the fear of their members' mental safety.

Iran already told the real US generals that it was waiting for them, this was done officially through worldwide media, not PDF trolls like you.
Big deal. It is a good thing that our generals obey our civilian leaders, otherwise Tehran would be a giant nighclub for Miley Cyrus.
I did. Obama is prepping the military.

I had a shrink once. After one session with me, he immediately retired and entered himself into therapy. Last I heard, he divorced his wife of 40 yrs, disowned his children, gave away all his possession, and left for the jungles of Africa. All I can do is pray for the poor chap. The American Psychological Association now have a classified file on me because they do not know what to make of my case. The APA ordered no shrink to take me out of the fear of their members' mental safety.

Big deal. It is a good thing that our generals obey our civilian leaders, otherwise Tehran would be a giant nighclub for Miley Cyrus.

So you recognize that even your psychiatrist has given up on your case.:taz:

Iran does not want your night life , they have nightclubs for Christians and Jews and others who can go there, dance and drink if they want too. Talk about some democracy. The fact is that the the Iranians who are majority Muslims, do not want that for themselves or for their kids.

You sound again out of reality when you say that your generals obey your civilian leaders, the facts show that your generals are standing up to your rulers about going to war again.
So you recognize that even your psychiatrist has given up on your case.
Iran does not want your night life , they have nightclubs for Christians and Jews and others who can go there, dance and drink if they want too. Talk about some democracy. The fact is that the the Iranians who are majority Muslims, do not want that for themselves or for their kids.

You sound again out of reality when you say that your generals obey your civilian leaders, the facts show that your generals are standing up to your rulers about going to war again.
And I think we can give up on you. :rolleyes:
And I think we can give up on you. :rolleyes:

Since when did I need you?

Anyway, go ahead and attack Iran if you can and we will see who is right and who is wrong, and the consequences of your craziness.
The Greeks & Romans are Indo-Europeans both in the genetic & linguistic sense. A quick look at the data presented on the link below will confirm that.

Y-DNA haplogroups by ethnic group

Their predominant haplogroups are European & most ancient Greeks including the Mycenaeans & Hellenes are Indo-European in origin, & so are their languages.

However, the Greeks & Romans had extensive contact with Semitic people, specifically Phoenicians & other Semitic groups residing in the Levant. The story of Europa who happens to be a mythical Phoenician princess is one example indicating that the Greeks were in contact with Semites. Apart from that, the Greeks give credit to Phoenicians for inventing the script that they later modified to use with their own languages. The Roman general Scipio Africanus is of North African origin.

The reason Middle Eastern or Semitic DNA is present in modern day Greeks & Italians is inter-marriage between different ethnic groups, but they generally avoided marrying non-Caucasoid races. The Greco-Romans imported slaves from all over their conquered territories including the Levant, & many of them married women from there. Apart from that there was a lot of miscegenation in the Byzantine & to some extent the Ottoman Empire.

Regardless, modern day Greeks & Italians are still Europeans & genetic evidence points to that as well. Historical & linguistic evidence must also be taken in to consideration, & both Latin & ancient Greek are members of the Indo-European language family.
Language families and ancestry/genetics are two completely different things. An Arab and a Afro-Arab might both speak Arabic but ones ancestry is Middle Eastern/Arabic while the others is Sub-Saharan or from the Horn of Africa or a mixture. Likewise with the Greeks and Southern Italians who in look are quite similar to many Arabs and also in terms of genetics not to say geographical proximity. Phoenicians founded many Southern European cities even.

Lastly a Portuguese and Italian have close to no ties if any at all with an Northern Indian, Iranian, Pakistani, Bengali etc. despite both speaking Indo-European (false actually since there is a difference between Indo-European and Indo-Iranian) be it culture, religion, physical appearance and ancestry/genetics.

Most importantly most Southern Europeans trace their ancestry to the Near East and not the Indo-Iranian homeland on the Central Asian Steppe.

Farming was spread to Europe from the Near East.

Besides Semites are Caucasiod races too.
Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Those facts do not really harmonize with a so-called common Indo-Iranian ancestry let alone origin on the Central Asian Steppe where proto Indo-Iranians came from. See language and origin/ancestry are complete opposites very often. Two very distinct things.

You can see here below that both Greeks and Italians have approximately half of their ancestry originating from haplogroups commonly found/native to the Middle East and Near East:

Y-DNA haplogroups in European populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lastly farming was introduced to Europe by Near Eastern (Middle Eastern) people during Neolithic times. That is a fact as well.

Are you a Pashtun btw?
Anyway can you tell me about the Pashtun accomplishments? Still not told anything. I am actually curious. Is that why you have adopted Western culture in such a clear way? That you know look down upon your likes?

You talked about "civilized". What do you think about the regular Pashtun village then?

Its far more advanced than the tents your people were living in before the White man came along.

Well basically 90% of all clerics were Arab and those who were not were either Arabized or under Arab influence and wrote in Arabic since that was a language of science. Ever heard about Bayt al-Hikma? The biggest library in the ancient world?

Ever heard about Prophet Muhammad (saws), the Sahabah, all of the first Arab Caliphs that ruled as Caliphs for the first 900 years of Islamic history? 3 of the 4 main Sunni Imams? Maliki, Shafi'i and ibn Hanbal?

Reality check Arab:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to your people why??

Answer: Because your people were the most backward, ignorant, and degenerate people at the time. Though, i still don't see any difference even today.

Congrats :tup:

Also why are you again talking about Europeans? You are not a a European but a Pashtun. Why don't you tell me about your achievements? I have asked you 5 times in a row with no answers.

I know who i am you Arab. The fact that my ancestors defeated countless empires and bled countless armies in itself is a achievement. Unlike your lot, we don't need a foreign Army to come a defend us.

PS, i'm sure a ignorant person like you has never heard of Ghandhara, the Indus Valley Civilization, among the few which flourished in present day Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Arabs ruled many parts of Europe for centuries and even had European slaves. What about Pashtuns?

Lol, poor Arab has to keep bringing up achievements of thousands of years ago in order to feel proud of himself!!!

Very pathetic and sad.
Maybe it's an empty shell where you live, we're doing just fine here. Indebted? We own China.....if not for us buying their cr@p they would still be starving in ditches. And Israel is an ally.....don't like it? Tough. They fight the same garbage we do.

If its crap, then why buy it?

Let me know when israel would be willing to fight America's wars.

And Israel is an ally.....don't like it? Tough. They fight the same garbage we do.

Israel attacked USS Liberty and killed American sailors.

Good ally ain't it?
LOL. Are you dumb? That is tradtional Yemeni architecture found nowhere in the world besides Southwestern KSA. No such presence did exist.

No i'm afraid you're the one who is dumb since you don't even know what you posted.

Look at your post again.

Secondly, those yemeni buildings resemble the sand castles little children build on the beach, only bigger. Nothing extraordinary:coffee:.

The ingenius Roman Arch, which distributes the weight of the structure away from the center and equally to the sides making contact with the ground. Now that is something to marvel.
Yes sure. Pashtuns a people that first appeared in history a few hundreds yeras ago (documented) were suddenly part of some Indian Empires. LOL.

Yes, we have a glorious history hence we can bring it up. What do you have?

Well, when the Arabs came you did a bad job it seems. Not able to defeat them. Guess who influenced who there.

Come back to me when you Pashtuns are going to rule European lands besides keeping many of them as slaves and influenced their language (20% of all Spanish and Portuguese words have Arabic origin) and left World UNESCO Heritage sites and cultural and ancestral legacies. Alhambra, Alcazar of Sevilla, Granada etc. I mean your cultural masters.

See, you could not mention one single achievement besides Bachi Bazi, Taliban, opium and cheap labour. Pathetic indeed. Maybe you need a few more hours to think about that?

Next time learn not to insult a people but the individual if you don't want to receive the same medicine yourself. I told you that it was going to hurt you.
Reality check Arab:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to your people why??

Answer: Because your people were the most backward, ignorant, and degenerate people at the time. Though, i still don't see any difference even today.

Congrats :tup:

I know who i am you Arab. The fact that my ancestors defeated countless empires and bled countless armies in itself is a achievement. Unlike your lot, we don't need a foreign Army to come a defend us.

PS, i'm sure a ignorant person like you has never heard of Ghandhara, the Indus Valley Civilization, among the few which flourished in present day Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Lol, poor Arab has to keep bringing up achievements of thousands of years ago in order to feel proud of himself!!!

Very pathetic and sad.

The original Arabs are a black Ethiopian ( kushite) people closely related to north Sudanese( beja), Somalians and afars. They are descendants of Ismail and Edom ( Yemen).There descendants can still be found in southern Arabia. The white Arabs ( Caucasians) are originally from central Asia ( Afghanistan etc) they are not natives to the region.... they came to the region during the Sassanian (Iranian) conquest of Yemen, Oman etc. Some of the white Arabs are also of Kurdish and Turkish ancestry... names like Turkmani and Irani is not uncommon in this region.
I have no problem with Pashtuns I rather like them and know quite a lot about them. They were simple people hence they did not leave much of a marker outside their borders. Their biggest heydays were 300 years ago when they conquered parts of India, current day Pakistan and Khorasan for a while. They were not a world player such as Arabs for example or others. Nothing wrong with that. I admire their conservatism and Desert Fox probably hates that hence why he prefers to attach himself to the Europeans than his own people. In his eyes the ordinary Pashtun is primitive and uncivilized. A shame to be a self-hating individual. I apologize if any Pashtun felt insulted by my comments but that guy started to insult Arabs and I replied in the same manner. He should have kept it personal.

Lol, you must be speaking about yourself?


I apologize if any Pashtun felt insulted by my comments but that guy started to insult Arabs and I replied in the same manner. He should have kept it personal.

Okay, lets see who started what:

My first post on this thread:


And in your reply you dragged in Pashtuns, Latino Americans, and your so called Arab "achievements" (laughable).


Arab, you type and yet you don't know what you type???

Is that a empty head or what??
Yes sure. Pashtuns a people that first appeared in history a few hundreds yeras ago (documented) were suddenly part of some Indian Empires.

So you're saying Pashtuns fell out of the sky a few hundred years ago!!!

LOL!!!!!!! Arab logic at its best.

Kepp it coming Arab. This is best form of entertainment.

Yes, we have a glorious history hence we can bring it up. What do you have?

You don't have a glorious history. You're using someone else's technology.

Well, when the Arabs came you did a bad job it seems. Not able to defeat them. Guess who influenced who there.
Arabs never conquered Afghanistan, just as they did not conquer Indonesia, Malaysia, or Bangladesh.

Lol, learn some history Arab.

Come back to me when you Pashtuns are going to rule European lands besides keeping many of them as slaves and influenced their language (20% of all Spanish and Portuguese words have Arabic origin) and left World UNESCO Heritage sites and cultural and ancestral legacies. Alhambra, Alcazar of Sevilla, Granada etc. I mean your cultural masters.

More garbage.

See, you could not mention one single achievement besides Bachi Bazi, Taliban, opium and cheap labour. Pathetic indeed. Maybe you need a few more hours to think about that?

Wow, what a pathetic attempt. BTW, Taliban are influenced by your country. What they do is a reflection of your people. :lol:

Next time learn not to insult a people but the individual if you don't want to receive the same medicine yourself. I told you that it was going to hurt you.

You insulted my people and i embarrassed your primitive bedouin logic.

List of Arab achievements:

Eating peoples hearts

blowing people up

burying little girls alive

enslaving black Africans and being proud of it


And taking claim of other people's achievements.

You must be a really proud Arab.:lol:
Language families and ancestry/genetics are two completely different things. An Arab and a Afro-Arab might both speak Arabic but ones ancestry is Middle Eastern/Arabic while the others is Sub-Saharan or from the Horn of Africa or a mixture. Likewise with the Greeks and Southern Italians who in look are quite similar to many Arabs and also in terms of genetics not to say geographical proximity. Phoenicians founded many Southern European cities even.

Phoenicians traveled to many regions, but they predominantly migrated to North Africa. The city of Carthage & the Carthaginian empire were of Phoenician origin. Queen Elissar or Dido, the found of Carthage is Phoenician. I agree, that language families & ancestry are separate, but languages are often used to track down the origins of different ancient populations, & there is no point denying their importance in that regard. Afro-Arabs are generally considered to be mixed with Arabs as in the case of the Sudanese people, am I correct? In that case, their origins will naturally differ. As far as Greeks & Italians go, I already explained that there was extensive miscegenation at those times & many Arabs married Southern Italians during the rules of Arab Caliphates. The ancient Greeks & Romans are Europeans.

Lastly a Portuguese and Italian have close to no ties if any at all with an Northern Indian, Iranian, Pakistani, Bengali etc. despite both speaking Indo-European (false actually since there is a difference between Indo-European and Indo-Iranian) be it culture, religion, physical appearance and ancestry/genetics.

In modern times, Indo-Aryan languages have spread all over the Sub-Continent, but genetic studies indicate that the Vedic Aryans's upper castes are indeed related to other Europeans, especially Eastern Europeans. My ancestors at the time of their arrival in the Indus Valley were pure Indo-Aryans, that is a sub-group of Indo-European tribes. Of course, they did mix with local women because the migrants were mostly male, but women were obviously present as well. I can post lots of genetic studies on this if you wish for further clarification. You may consider reading this article for now.

You are correct that I can't use Indo-Aryan languages to point out origins because many non-Indo-Aryan groups speak those languages today. However, you do not know the history of the ancient Sub-Continent too well. It's a well know fact that the Aryans predominantly settled in the north western regions of the Sub-Continent. Genetic studies prove that apart from historical documentation written by those people themselves, including the Vedic scriptures. I can post lots of genetic studies if you are interested & please check my previous post where I posted one extremely detailed study for you to check out. An Italian would have ties with Indo-Iranian & Aryan ethnicities like Pasthuns, Balochis, Kashmiris, etc. These ethnic groups are known descendants of Indo-European tribes or more precisely Indo-Iranians/Aryans.

Besides Semites are Caucasiod races too.

Of course, I never claimed that Semitic people aren't Caucasian.

Most importantly most Southern Europeans trace their ancestry to the Near East and not the Indo-Iranian homeland on the Central Asian Steppe.

Farming was spread to Europe from the Near East.

Those facts do not really harmonize with a so-called common Indo-Iranian ancestry let alone origin on the Central Asian Steppe where proto Indo-Iranians came from. See language and origin/ancestry are complete opposites very often. Two very distinct things.

You can see here below that both Greeks and Italians have approximately half of their ancestry originating from haplogroups commonly found/native to the Middle East and Near East:

Y-DNA haplogroups in European populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lastly farming was introduced to Europe by Near Eastern (Middle Eastern) people during Neolithic times. That is a fact as well.

I think the sources you have read have misled you. No one ever claimed that all Indo-European people migrated from Central Asia. That is not true at all. Indo-Iranians & Indo-Aryans however did migrate from Central Asia. The ancient Greek language, Sanskrit, & Avestan are well known sister languages & their original speakers were related Indo-European tribes. Speakers of Uralic languages in Europe for instance claim to have not migrated from Central Asia at any point whatsoever. They aren't wrong either. You may want to check out this map. It shows the spread of Indo-European tribes along with their languages combined. Remember that a language never spreads without its native speakers going along with. I agree that we can't look at modern day language speakers to trace origins, but it's undeniable that original speakers of sister languages are related. Genetic studies prove my point anyway, & the one I posted in post #106 elucidates that. I already clarified that Italians & Greeks are Indo-European people with admixture in post #140, & the link I provided in regards to them earlier proves their DNA is mostly European in origin. The map I referred you to in this paragraph will shed light in to near Eastern origins of certain European ethnic groups.

Are you a Pashtun btw?

I am a Kashmiri.
LOL, at that Ethiopian troll. Same troll who claimed half of Africa as Ethiopian, Arab world as Afghan and Ethiopia as the greatest military force in Africa. Hilarious.:laughcry::omghaha:

Ok, Pashtun come back to me with all your achievements. You seem not to have any besides Bachi Bazi, Taliban and opium. It's quite tragic. No wonder that you are trying to act more white than the white's themselves. I would too if that was the best my people could offer to the world.

No, nothing of all that happened and Arabs are from planet Mars. Satisfied now clown?
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