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Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else

A note should be added:
Who did this survey?How many people were asked about Iran? In which regions of those countries?Why this survey is only done regarding Iran? Why not other countries,like Israel, Saudi Arabia, U.S itself?
I already asked these questions along with many others. People believe in any survey which fits their personal opinion without asking neutral questions about the aspects of the survey.
About Pakistan, I think it shows majority of Pakistanis are not obsessed with sect,again, unlike Arab countries,in most cases.There is a huge difference between those animals who blow up Shias in Pakistan and regular Sunnis.Both Shias and Sunnis have lived in Pakistan in peace for many years, before Talibanism was introduced.Even now, I'm sure majority of Pakistani Sunnis don't put any difference between themselves and Shias.
I hope your country gets free of this Barbarism that is killing Muslims in name of 'Islam' and Pakistanis, live in absolute peace, once again, without any violence.

The other reason, I think is Iran standing against west and it expansionist policies and that's quite popular in Pakistan I suppose.

Iran has natural link with Muslims with Pakistan as the first Muslim Army came from Iran in the times of Hijaj Bin Yousaf and Mohammad Bin Qasim was the leader of the Army.

And do u know that he stayed in Pakistan for just 4 years n 4000 natives reverted to Islam. When he was leaving the non muslim in the area were literally worshipping him.

If today the islam is in the South Asia its because of the Muslim Sufies, saints who came from Iran, ME n CA.
Like u said we r not arabs who have forgotten their history n live in a delusional world.

Urdu, which is our national language is the sister language of farsi language, It actually derived from Farsi, Turkish, Arabic n some regional languages. during our approx. 1000 years rule in india, Farsi was the official language of India, it was then changed when the Britishers invaded india in 1857 they had changed it n brought English as Official language in India.

We all know about Allama Iqbal whose most of letrature is in farsi then in Urdu and he is the National poet of Pakistan.

Like Iran Pakistan is also a constitutionally declared Islamic Republic since 1973 even before Iran declared it.

Also let me tell u another interesting thing that Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an Independent State in the Entire World. And even at the times of barbaric Raza Shah Pehlvi's gov iran supported Pak in 1965 war against India too.

And another interesting thing is that Afghanistan was the last country in the entire world to recognize Pakistan as independent state in 1974 in the eve of the Soviat aggression when they needed us for refuges n arms support.

We in the otherhand gained our independence in 14th august 1947.
This "Muslim Ummah thing" is the reason why Pakistan exists in the first place. Why would Sindhis welcome UPites in 1947? Why would Indians Muslims support Turkey during and after WWI? Why would Pakistani pilots enlist in Jordan, Syria, & Iraq to fight against Israel? Why would Pakistan, Iran, & Turkey support Bosnians against Serbs?

If Pakistan were just a geographical entity, it would have been re-absorbed into India by now. Do you enjoy cutting your legs?

We all exist in the current places due to Islam but we all moved on except you people. Look, I understand your passion to Islam and I know that's what Allah wants us to do, but believe me if Pakistanis keep believing and working for Ummah thing, Pakistan will be doomed. Every Muslim nation is looking for it's national glory by using Islam taking advantage of other Muslims weakness of Ummah. Just look at Pakistan today where people mass killing eachother in the name of Islam.

Nevertheless, I am not saying that we shouldn't collaborate and help eachother out but rather to put our countries first. When Pakistanis realize that Pakistan is first most of their problems will be solved.
We all exist in the current places due to Islam but we all moved on except you people. Look, I understand your passion to Islam and I know that's what Allah wants us to do, but believe me if Pakistanis keep believing and working for Ummah thing, Pakistan will be doomed. Every Muslim nation is looking for it's national glory by using Islam taking advantage of other Muslims weakness of Ummah. Just look at Pakistan today where people mass killing eachother in the name of Islam.

Nevertheless, I am not saying that we shouldn't collaborate and help eachother out but rather to put our countries first. When Pakistanis realize that Pakistan is first most of their problems will be solved.

Pakistan's problems aren't specifically 'cause of this reason. We have a lot of things to deal with here. Trust me, if we make a list of factors affecting Pakistan badly, caring for the Ummah will be at the bottom end.

The terrorism that we are facing today is because of several reasons, mostly concerned with regional matters, nothing to do with Islamic world at large. You see, before American invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan was a peaceful country as compared to now, it's the damn WoT, tbh.

I have a great hope that once America withdraws from Afghanistan in 2014, Pakistan will be back on track, Insha'Allah. Just like 90s, when Afghanistan was at peace, we were developing, just like the early-to-mid 2000s.

And yes, Pakistanis do consider their problems to be more important, it's just that they care about other Muslims as well, if not less then just as much they care for their own countrymen. You can't take that away from them, this has been in their blood and secondly, I don't think it's doing any harm to them in any way.
Im surprised by the Arab countries and Turkey, heck even Spain, Russia and Mexico? WTF?

I'm surprised that you're surprised

Why should Russians, Mexicans and Spanish people like an Islamic regime? Iran isn't just the regime, but for as long as we have this regime we're defined as such.

Survey Iranians and I'm sure half the countries in this list will have a more favourable view of Iran than Iranians have about their own country. Basically we're being rulled by a bunch of arabesque shia saudis. Neither Iranians nor the rest of the world has any reason to like these people.

Re. Arabs, well they're sunnis, we're shia. They're arab, we're ajams. Apart from North Africans and West Asian arabs, the rest (khaleeji arabs) would hate us no matter what. The Turks see Iran as a country that used to be liberal and modern and then it went to the loo b/c of the 6th century arab wannabe morons. The same type of 6th century morons also exist in Turkey and they always have that "what if" in the back of their minds.

This is a process that Iran has to go through. We're finding ourselves and if it means we have to piss off 99 percent of the world doing so than so be it. All world powers went through this phase at one time (Germany, Japan etc...). I just wish we didn't have to go through this process with arabesque bearded mullahs at the helm. Oh well, it'll change. The revolution did give us a lot of things we didn't have before: mainly self belief, nationalism, self determination... All these will come handy once the mullahs return to their caves in Najaf and Qom.
China and India. :woot: No friends of Iran it seems.

I'll ask u a simple question n u'll get ur answer :

Do u believe that in country like India with a population of over 1.2 billion people, these guys were able survey even 1% of our population bcoz even 1% would mean 12 million people:woot: i bet they not even surveyed 0.1% of our population...:agree:

That said in general Indians may be good at acadmics but we suck at geo politics, general people don't even know whats happening in our own region, infact this is true for most people around the globe...:D

N even if u still wanna go with this report then well u can see that even 19% of Indian popluation would mean roughly 200 million people in favour of Iran n we r still the 2nd least when it comes to unfavourable people....:lol:
We all exist in the current places due to Islam but we all moved on except you people. Look, I understand your passion to Islam and I know that's what Allah wants us to do, but believe me if Pakistanis keep believing and working for Ummah thing, Pakistan will be doomed. Every Muslim nation is looking for it's national glory by using Islam taking advantage of other Muslims weakness of Ummah. Just look at Pakistan today where people mass killing eachother in the name of Islam.

Nevertheless, I am not saying that we shouldn't collaborate and help eachother out but rather to put our countries first. When Pakistanis realize that Pakistan is first most of their problems will be solved.

I disagree. This Ummah thing is the reason Pakistan was created in the first place. If we turn out backs on it, then we are simply a bunch of ethnic / regional entities trying to live together for no particular reason.

Yes, there is some geographical logic behind Pakistan, it largely being based on River Indus, but this geographical factor works in a round-about way (Muslim majority populating Indus and its tributaries). But this geographical factor is not strong enough to bind this country together. The Eastern borders are no defined by any geographical feature. The Western borders are also open to interpretation. Three ethnicities are shared with three neighbors (Punjabis with India, Pashtuns with Afghanistan, & Baluch with Iran & Afghanistan). The difference between different ethnic elements are enough to tear apart this country, once Islam is taken out of equation.

Perhaps now you can begin to understand how can a strategist set about to tear this country in a couple of decades. One simply has to discredit the role of religion in Pakistan's internal and external dynamics - this being accomplished to an uncomfortable extent. The other process is to fan the apathy into hatred in ethnic terms - a process well under way.

My friend, Paksitanis point to the fact that very few others in Muslim world attach importance to religion as a basis for identity and that we should do the same. These people seem to predominate on the Pakistan-related forums and such. However the common man on the street is not represented on such forums. The street would resist such views.

If you assume that Pakistan is a country like Iran, or Turkey, or Egypt, then you are vastly mistaken.
anyway if they hate us due to our religion or our independence,then let them hate as much as they want.
but if this is due to western propaganda against Iran then their hatred is not going to last so much.
What has Pakistan ever done to Iran that make most Iranians here to think that we cannot be liked ? But would you believe it. We are neighbours ! Just think. How many neighbouring countries in the world are either peaceful today or were peaceful sometime in history ? Iran and Pakistan are lucky to have had great relations in both time frames. Just why on earth would you want to add wahabi or even shia stuff to something that never involved the 2 countries ?

It seems some members, Iranians particularly, are looking for something to prove that the survey is wrong. First they came up with because of ahmedinjad, then they came with standing against U.S, then came religion what bloody nonesense is this. Suddenly Arabs come mentioned and their actions lead to make us victim of crime. These 'made up' theories create a rising action and it would get endless. Is this the right way ? Is leg pulling necessary against someone who is praising you ? Think for a second. Manners should mean a lot at the same time.
Anyone who has met iranians in real life will most likely have a positive opinion of iran. Anyone with negative is likely to have based that on media reports supported by aggressive ahmednijan antics or some graphic images thanks to the mullahs.

In India the bomb blast last year targetting israeli diplomats wife has not gone down well. Yet very few people have a negative opinion of iran because the negaitive media for iran is largely limited to western sources in India. Some people also consider shias more moderate and progressive compared to sunnis.

The positive numbers in the US may have come from california which is home to many iranians and thus people may have had some exposure.
If we go by the survey , while Iran may not be popular among indians , its not very unpopular or unfavorable among the indians either.
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