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Well you and a considerable number of considerable aren't really convinced by Islam so I don't know what to tell you, being Western born doesn't mean you have to adopt their views that everything is being forced when there is little such thing and outsiders don't know of a culture. I haven't lived from Arab countries so I don't know but most people are satisfied with Arab culture and used to it. In Gaza Hamas does almost a perfect job of implementing and promoting Islam. People there love religion and many females run to be more religious. MB as ive told you are the only people currently in the Arab world whom understand how to manage religious affairs and make people have pride in their faith. Of course some nations such as Saudi Arabia have a few conservative laws which aren't necessary, but not their whole population is religious and a good but still minority percentage are immoral, this in my opinion is due to money. Whenever we Muslims get too attached to this life we will have people who will degrade their morals and lose many good qualities. Our Prophet(SAW) warned us of being too attached to life, he told us at one point our religion will become strange again just as it was when he was preaching it. So all the secular people here are not right.

They have a problem with the horrible experiences we experience today and the less inspiration by religion the more we will go astray, my advice to you is do not let the current state of Muslims have any affect on your personal faith and your faith in our Islamic foundations. God willed things to be this way but for the Muslims it will be a short period, once Muslims have gone astray this is when our good people will appear very soon and we will be revived. You really should just ask me questions regarding the future, current state and religious positions we have and our revelations. Remember God is very merciful, let me tell you a incident of a man who killed 99 people at the time of our Prophet(SAW) and he went to meet a cleric for advice and asked him: "WIll God forgive me for my crimes"? The cleric responded: "No way he committed major evil, go see this cleric who is more knowledgeable but it far away." So he was angry at this cleric and killed him also. He went on the journey but died on the way there and the angels of God went to the scene and told God that the man went to make repentance truly from his heart but died on the way there. So God asked them about the distance from the man he killed and the cleric he went to seek knowledge from, if he was closer to the men he killed he would be punished, if he was closer to the man he sought knowledge from he would enter Paradise. Turned out he was closer to the man he killed, so God made it so the sand moved and brought the mans body closest to the cleric, this is how forgiving he is.

I cannot stress it more, you need to pray to be guided and have your heart open, trust me from personal experience this will change your life for the better. I assume you're also a 16 year old because you sound like one and many muslims had similar thoughts like this since they were brought up to such views but many snapped out of them.

No 19 anyway let’s keep it at that don’t feel like arguing
No 19 anyway let’s keep it at that don’t feel like arguing

We aren't arguing, you should seek to understand Islam if you feel your faith is weak at this point which as a normal thing, and one should start the journey by praying.
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