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Seriously i dont think that headscarfs are allowed on jobs with Uniforms, if so then whats point of an Uniform?
The point of the uniform is so that everyone is equal. What if the uniform required head scarfs? Should people that dont want to wear it have to wear it? I mean if they dont there is no point to the uniform.
The point of the uniform is so that everyone is equal. What if the uniform required head scarfs? Should people that dont want to wear it have to wear it? I mean if they dont there is no point to the uniform.
Well the point is, i dont know a uniform that requires a headscarf. :D
Why not have a uniform where you can wear a scarf aswell. Does it do any harm?
Kaan everything has a rule, the point of a uniform is that everone looks the same, you could ofcourse introduce a Uniform where everybody has a scarf but then again you would force a big number of women into something they dont want because of a small number of women.

Dont forget that it was AKP who brought this law, they would love to introduce Scarf everywhere but they couldnt because of obvious reasons, it is what it is, lets agree on disagree.

Lets not derail the topic anymore.
Kaan everything has a rule, the point of a uniform is that everone looks the same, you could ofcourse introduce a Uniform where everybody has a scarf but then again you would force a big number of women into something they dont want because of a small number of women.

Dont forget that it was AKP who brought this law, they would love to introduce Scarf everywhere but they couldnt because of obvious reasons, it is what it is, lets agree on disagree.

Lets not derail the topic anymore.
You see we agree. We dont want to force something on everyone. the part you dont agree with is making exceptions for people. You just make the hijab a part of the unifrom aswell. If you want to wear it you can, if you dont you dont have to. The only way you will have achieved freedom of religion is when government institutions dont restrict you based on your religious beliefs.
Why? Are muslims a different species? if not, what's the difference here. Actually, I believe that a secular system is much more needed in islamic countries than everywhere else. Because their religion keeps meddling in their politics and causes injustice, and brings some medieval laws in the post-modern era.
BTW, I am sure that I am talking about Hamas. do more search about them.

PS. Hopefully, one of the side effects of the mullah regime is that the iranian society is evolved very fast to seek for a secular system, since mullahs showed them the incapability of the religious system.

No you aren't talking about Hamas, how are you telling me to do research on people I love and know from years ago. You're seriously an outsider who gets information from broken sources. Hamas is a normal government and are the sons of the Palestinian people. Our Prophet(SAW) told us not to separate religion from our life even if some Muslims do it's wrong and there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Secular people who think otherwise and that hate God well it sucks to be an collaborator. You make it sound like I'm not familiar with Hamas I have been in Gaza a whole year while they were in power you never even been to Gaza. Watch this:

Turkey is probably more secular than USA, i mean they have slogans like ''God save America'' and ''In God we trust'', the Republican party has no difference to AKP for me, boot are using the religious feelings of people for their agenda.

Nope buddy, As I said before, USA is a secular system, and Turkey is a laicite system. Those slogans added to the dollar bills after WWII and to counter the communists and USSR. Republican party is also very different from AKP. about 10-15 % of young republican followers are atheists, or agnostics, and they are even irreligious. BTW, Republicans never try to implement, or suggest some laws because they are in christian sharia. ;)
Nope buddy, As I said before, USA is a secular system, and Turkey is a laicite system. Those slogans added to the dollar bills after WWII and to counter the communists and USSR. Republican party is also very different from AKP. about 10-15 % of young republican followers are atheists, or agnostics, and they are even irreligious. BTW, Republicans never try to implement, or suggest some laws because they are in christian sharia. ;)
AKP has also many voters who arent religious, you know i dont like AKP but to be fair, they didnt implement any religious law so far.
In the u.s military the women are allowed to wear the head scarf. You can pray with no restrictions. The bosses at the work place will let you pray in their office. Even when i went to school competitions they had special rooms set asside with prayer mats so the muslim students could pray. This is real religious freedom. In america they have accepted the reality that religion Plays a role in people's Lives. The government plays no role in religion and religious institutions dont play a role in the government.
That is what I love about USA, there are 3 different churches of different sects and a synagogue side by side where I study. A mosque is not far from, and is pretty close to them. This is what a normal society needs.
On the other hand we have France which is Very extreme. There secularism/liberalism has become a religion in its self that interferes with the states interests.
Nope, buddy, try to differentiate between these terms. Secularism, is the basis of USA government, which does not allow religion or government meddle in each other. The France system is laicite, which does not allow religion to meddle in politics, but the government is allowed to meddle in religion. liberalism, is another different concept ;)

AKP has also many voters who arent religious, you know i dont like AKP but to be fair, they didnt implement any religious law so far.
Well, I think we had this discussion before ;) I think their ban, or limiting, on alcohol is due to religious reasons. Also, the foreign policy of Turkey, is now influenced from this religious view. Anyway, I think you are familiar with my suspicious about AKP :)
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Well, I think we had this discussion before ;) I think their ban, or limiting, on alcohol is due to religious reasons. Also, the foreign policy of Turkey, is now influenced from this religious view. Anyway, I think you are familiar with my suspicious about AKP :)
Ofcourse its religious motivated, but they are smart, everything is inside the Democratic borders, In Turkey you cant buy alcohol after 22:00 the same as in many European countrys.
Ofcourse its religious motivated, but they are smart, everything is inside the Democratic borders, In Turkey you cant buy alcohol after 22:00 the same as in many European countrys.
Well, let's agree to disagree. The motivations and goals always are very important. Anyway, let's close this discussion here, since it is thousands of miles away from the title of the topic :lol:
Well I'm not sure about Iranian people, but secularism will never ever work with Arabic people. The Arabic people need to work on many aspects on theirselves. Putting a system in place won't give us solutions. And no, we Muslims are Muslim and don't separate religion from society or state. Hamas only hangs convicted criminals and there's nothing wrong with that. They aren't no monsters and have very popular support amongst the Palestinian people. I believe you're confusing other Islamists with Hamas, Hamas has actually succeeded in many places where other Arab governments and Islamists have not. Hamas doesn't have sharia law either, it's a mix between national law and Islamic law. I'm not sure where you get your information from.

Worked better on us then the current more in the direction of Islam, it brought complete equality & good education that created one of the most advanced societies in the region just a few decades back. (70’s and early 80’s) Look at these time don’t look at Abbasid and other medieval times.
Worked better on us then the current more in the direction of Islam, it brought complete equality & good education that created one of the most advanced societies in the region just a few decades back. (70’s and early 80’s) Look at these time don’t look at Abbasid and other medieval times.

I agree with you about the 'current' direction of Islam, we need the right people and we need the right will. Going secular isn't an option, by secular we mean foundations of a state. However, many secular laws and point of views are already available in Islam.
I agree with you about the 'current' direction of Islam, we need the right people and we need the right will. Going secular isn't an option, by secular we mean foundations of a state. However, many secular laws and point of views are already available in Islam.

Which right people though, some idiot with a beard comes to tell you what you should do & believe.

Why is it no option, your living in such a state now it’s better then a state where they would force all kinds of shit on you. Even as a Muslim if you’d live in an Islamic state you will disagree with them, look at how often they disagree and what it results in.

Any 'Islamic rule' while all of them disagree that is currently being applied anywhere in the world isn’t a good place to live in, it was better before.

Besides Saudi Arabia isn’t islamic, ISIS Raqqa is the worst place on earth. Iran is different they don’t even accept Shi’a, Pakistan supposed to be Islamic & fights other Muslims fighting for the same Islamic rule ?
Which right people though, some idiot with a beard comes to tell you what you should do & believe.

Why is it no option, your living in such a state now it’s better then a state where they would force all kinds of shit on you. Even as a Muslim if you’d live in an Islamic state you will disagree with them, look at how often they disagree and what it results in.

Any 'Islamic rule' while all of them disagree that is currently being applied anywhere in the world isn’t a good place to live in, it was better before.

Besides Saudi Arabia isn’t islamic, ISIS Raqqa is the worst place on earth. Iran is different they don’t even accept Shi’a, Pakistan supposed to be Islamic & fights other Muslims fighting for the same Islamic rule ?

Well you and a considerable number of considerable aren't really convinced by Islam so I don't know what to tell you, being Western born doesn't mean you have to adopt their views that everything is being forced when there is little such thing and outsiders don't know of a culture. I haven't lived from Arab countries so I don't know but most people are satisfied with Arab culture and used to it. In Gaza Hamas does almost a perfect job of implementing and promoting Islam. People there love religion and many females run to be more religious. MB as ive told you are the only people currently in the Arab world whom understand how to manage religious affairs and make people have pride in their faith. Of course some nations such as Saudi Arabia have a few conservative laws which aren't necessary, but not their whole population is religious and a good but still minority percentage are immoral, this in my opinion is due to money. Whenever we Muslims get too attached to this life we will have people who will degrade their morals and lose many good qualities. Our Prophet(SAW) warned us of being too attached to life, he told us at one point our religion will become strange again just as it was when he was preaching it. So all the secular people here are not right.

They have a problem with the horrible experiences we experience today and the less inspiration by religion the more we will go astray, my advice to you is do not let the current state of Muslims have any affect on your personal faith and your faith in our Islamic foundations. God willed things to be this way but for the Muslims it will be a short period, once Muslims have gone astray this is when our good people will appear very soon and we will be revived. You really should just ask me questions regarding the future, current state and religious positions we have and our revelations. Remember God is very merciful, let me tell you a incident of a man who killed 99 people at the time of our Prophet(SAW) and he went to meet a cleric for advice and asked him: "WIll God forgive me for my crimes"? The cleric responded: "No way he committed major evil, go see this cleric who is more knowledgeable but it far away." So he was angry at this cleric and killed him also. He went on the journey but died on the way there and the angels of God went to the scene and told God that the man went to make repentance truly from his heart but died on the way there. So God asked them about the distance from the man he killed and the cleric he went to seek knowledge from, if he was closer to the men he killed he would be punished, if he was closer to the man he sought knowledge from he would enter Paradise. Turned out he was closer to the man he killed, so God made it so the sand moved and brought the mans body closest to the cleric, this is how forgiving he is.

I cannot stress it more, you need to pray to be guided and have your heart open, trust me from personal experience this will change your life for the better. I assume you're also a 16 year old because you sound like one and many muslims had similar thoughts like this since they were brought up to such views but many snapped out of them.
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