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India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

Well they are bigger on an average and wear body armor and what not on top of that.

I don't if indian army has this quota or not but in bd you have to maintain your weight, where my buddy who's in the canadian army weighs 190 pounds 10 percent bodyfat. I know I won't get in bd army I weigh 180 pounds with 10 percent bodyfat, I think its pretty old school measuring bmi instead od bodyfat percentage in our subconintal armies.
most? you mean 11/35. Besides, your numbers are for the 2009 scale, which is higher than the 2010 scale. When we go by the 2009 scale, China still blows India out of the water.

List of Chinese administrative divisions by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, 0.7+ is considered "high" in India, but it has to be 0.8+ to be considered "high" in China. There are 14 provinces above 0.8 in China but 3 in India.

correct its 13/35. my mistake. keep in mind however the 1 child policy which is enforced in china is the single most responsible factor for its rapid development. This is because poor people tend to have more children (they are seen as more hands to earn money) while rich have 1-2 kids (splitting of inheritance). This is the single largest problem in india which brings down every social indicator despite bringing 100's of millions out of poverty.

---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

who do american army look so badass where our south asian armies look so starved and skinny?

south asian armies are a remnant of the british sepoy system where a single educated officer commands 100's of foot soldiers who are basically farmers or poor people
Then why are Indians ALWAYS crying about "Chinese border incursions" every other day?

I guess the Indian forces find it easy to shoot at unarmed civilians, but when it comes to PLA soldiers... they drop their guns and cover their eyes.

100 % Correct Picture of that Coward Nation.
Then why are Indians ALWAYS crying about "Chinese border incursions" every other day?

I guess the Indian forces find it easy to shoot at unarmed civilians, but when it comes to PLA soldiers... they drop their guns and cover their eyes.

I think you should go and learn what is diffrence between disputed land And International border ...Use google it very helpful... ooh sorry you can't its sad....... use your baidu or Ask your CCP masters :P
I say good policy Continue it ,,anyone trying to cross border illegally shld be pumped with metal

Friendship doesn't mean U can come and go in my home Illegally anytime u wish .... Same is with friendly nation...You r always welcomed if you come thru legal channel......:coffee:
Respect the border, the border guard will respect you. Or else if feel like living in India so much, just dissolve Bangladesh and become part of India.
Respect the border, the border guard will respect you. Or else if feel like living in India so much, just dissolve Bangladesh and become part of India.

Are u crazy ? why would you want india to suffer....what does Bangladesh bring to table that will help india Economically rather it would be a disaster... I say seal the borders with mines like we have with pak Have border check posts for PPl who travel daily for business ........ We already have enough mouth to feed we don't need more...:fie:
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