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India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

Then why are Indians ALWAYS crying about "Chinese border incursions" every other day?

I guess the Indian forces find it easy to shoot at unarmed civilians, but when it comes to PLA soldiers... they drop their guns and cover their eyes.

Good going, bring China in, unless you derail it, how will you digest the food.
Good going, bring China in, unless you derail it, how will you digest the food.

If only you guys could apply this logic to all your China-bashing as well. :lol:

On topic: If India doesn't like illegal crossings into their borders, then they should apply the logic equally and shoot the next time they claim that there is a Chinese border incursion. But we all know that it has happened time and time again, with the Indians dropping their guns and covering their eyes every time.

Double standards.
If only you guys could apply this logic to all your China-bashing as well. :lol:

On topic: If India doesn't like illegal crossings into their borders, then they should apply the logic equally and shoot the next time they claim that there is a Chinese border incursion. But we all know that it has happened time and time again, with the Indians dropping their guns and covering their eyes every time.

Double standards.

Actually Indian armymen are very good at killing even against 1:4 odds. for eg: Rifleman Jashwant singh singlehandedly killed 300 chinese troops in 1962. thats more than what Rambo achieved in all 5 movies.

PLA troops intrude when IA troops are somewhere else. when the IA troops return, they find the border infrastructure destroyed.

Besides PLA does not cause economic strain to india unlike bangladeshis
Actually Indian armymen are very good at killing even against 1:4 odds. for eg: Rifleman Jashwant singh singlehandedly killed 300 chinese troops in 1962. thats more than what Rambo achieved in all 5 movies.

PLA troops intrude when IA troops are somewhere else. when the IA troops return, they find the border infrastructure destroyed.

Besides PLA does not cause economic strain to india unlike bangladeshis

That's why in even Chola incident you brag about, we get 4:1 kill ratio. in 2012 this might just become 40:1.
Actually Indian armymen are very good at killing even against 1:4 odds. for eg: Rifleman Jashwant singh singlehandedly killed 300 chinese troops in 1962. thats more than what Rambo achieved in all 5 movies.

PLA troops intrude when IA troops are somewhere else. when the IA troops return, they find the border infrastructure destroyed.

Besides PLA does not cause economic strain to india unlike bangladeshis

Someone has been watching too many movies. :lol:

The truth is that India has never won any land from anyone. Even third-world countries like China and Pakistan could take Aksai Chin and half of Kashmir respectively. India has only lost land.

Meanwhile, China was fighting against superpowers like the USA (pushed them out of North Korea during the Korean war), and the USSR (during the Sino-Soviet split).

India can't even defeat third-world countries let alone an actual power.
To be honest, and completely unbiased I suggest border incursion fees. If you guys work something out with Bangladesh, this would be a profitable and less violent alternative. Capture a cross-border traveler, verify identity and fine them from across the border in cooperation with Bangladeshi government. I can promise you it will be way more effective than shooting them.

It won't be a deterrent. Cause no matter how much you fine them, smuggling will still be profitable for them.
Does it make sense at all why Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are still under Indian sovereignty?

Because you could not win them back in a battle. The Indian Army just prayed and hoped that the PLA would consider Aksai Chin more important, and leave AP behind for them. And they got their wish.

Maybe pray to Guanyin next time. :lol:
Someone has been watching too many movies. :lol:

The truth is that India has never won any land from anyone. Even third-world countries like China and Pakistan could take Aksai Chin and half of Kashmir respectively. India has only lost land.

Meanwhile, China was fighting against superpowers like the USA (pushed them out of North Korea during the Korean war), and the USSR (during the Sino-Soviet split).

India can't even defeat third-world countries let alone an actual power.

somebody has been listening to too much CCP propaganda :lol:

Yes, india has lost land since independence. thats the price we pay for being a pacifist country.

India only lost 62 war. that too because it was unprepared and outnumbered 10:1. If we were outnumbered 5:1, we might have destroyed you. china would have ceased to exist.

That great Indian Army (“British” being colloquial, not official) fought and defeated first-rate, first-world enemies: Germans in North Africa and Italy; the Imperial Japanese in southeast Asia. Stripped of Commonwealth camouflage, the Indian Army of 1945 was, in its own right, a veteran combat outfit with global experience.

Restitching the Subcontinent | The Weekly Standard
This is what happens when you don't post anti-China thread, all the chinese fellas swarm other threads with their off topic gloating.

Give me ten mins, shall go google some shyte:lol:

Exactly the opposite way around. :lol:

Indians are the ones who are always gloating about their superpower, and bashing their neighbours, when in fact their development indicators are at the bottom of the world, even below Sub-Saharan Africa.

We are just responding. :wave:

(Thanks for admitting it though).
Chinese have managed to successfully derail the thread. Basically they want to only discuss how China is better than India and how they beat us in 1962... So whatever the topic is... derail it.
Back to your old tricks of painting India in a bad light, what? Picking up any darn article written by some befuddled journalist who earns a living by getting paid by the PTB. Have you heard of 'paid news'?

And then WTF are more than a million illegal Bangladeshi refugees doing in India? They've conveniently spread themselves across India's North East changing the demography of the region and living on Indian doles because they were starving in Bangladesh! You guys can't look after your own people forcing them to illegally cross into India for better opportunities - to survive.

And what about the smugglers? Are the BSF to invite them for candle light dinners in star hotels before escorting them back across the border in air conditioned buses with the usual, "See you again, guys! It was nice meeting you." Jeeez!

Bottom line: Smugglers and terrorists in the garb of refugees who infiltrate into India should be shot to hell. Period! Second, all illegal immigrants must be thrown back into Bangladesh. This ain't a refugee center or an employment exchange for Bangladeshi nationals.
Back to your old tricks of painting India in a bad light, what? Picking up any darn article written by some befuddled journalist who earns a living by getting paid by the PTB. Have you heard of 'paid news'?

And then WTF are more than a million illegal Bangladeshi refugees doing in India?

Actually if the article is to be believed the number is millions.
Well if I get paid for it, why do I care if I am troll. I am getting money that is all I care.

Always comparing to someone below you and feeling better and satisfied.
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