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India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

Just tell the BGB not to follow any protocols and shoot at random Indians
adjascent to the border, case closed. That's gonna happen after sometimes though,
theres no point in getting humane against retarded neighbors.

@Munshi, please post this stuffs after lunch,
office time isn't suitable for trolling!:cry:
If only you guys could apply this logic to all your China-bashing as well. :lol:

On topic: If India doesn't like illegal crossings into their borders, then they should apply the logic equally and shoot the next time they claim that there is a Chinese border incursion. But we all know that it has happened time and time again, with the Indians dropping their guns and covering their eyes every time.

Double standards.

Indo-Chinese border is unmanned unlike Bangladesh-India border.
Just tell the BGB not to follow any protocols and shoot at random Indians
adjascent to the border, case closed. That's gonna happen after sometimes though,
theres no point in getting humane against retarded neighbors.

Indians would mostly be inside the fence constructed 300 feet within India territory(in most places). BGB can only shoot those well within its borders, not those who are clearly outside their border. Bangladeshis coming close to the fence are already within Indian territory
Exactly the opposite way around. :lol:

Indians are the ones who are always gloating about their superpower, and bashing their neighbours, when in fact their development indicators are at the bottom of the world, even below Sub-Saharan Africa.

i wouldnt gloat if i were u

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

besides u dint answer my previous post

Someone has been watching too many movies. :lol:

The truth is that India has never won any land from anyone. Even third-world countries like China and Pakistan could take Aksai Chin and half of Kashmir respectively. India has only lost land.

Meanwhile, China was fighting against superpowers like the USA (pushed them out of North Korea during the Korean war), and the USSR (during the Sino-Soviet split).

India can't even defeat third-world countries let alone an actual power.

somebody has been listening to too much CCP propaganda :lol:

Yes, india has lost land since independence. thats the price we pay for being a pacifist country.

India only lost 62 war. that too because it was unprepared and outnumbered 10:1. If we were outnumbered 5:1, we might have destroyed you. china would have ceased to exist.

That great Indian Army (“British” being colloquial, not official) fought and defeated first-rate, first-world enemies: Germans in North Africa and Italy; the Imperial Japanese in southeast Asia. Stripped of Commonwealth camouflage, the Indian Army of 1945 was, in its own right, a veteran combat outfit with global experience.

Restitching the Subcontinent | The Weekly Standard

While chinese army was crushed by the japanese, indian army simultaneously fought and defeated japanese, germans and italians
I severely doubt the HDI methodology. I noticed several irregularities in their data.

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US HDI in 2010 was 0.902, while their 2011 HDI was 0.910. This is an increase of 0.008 per year, or almost double the improvement rate of China, which is very unlikely, and would be the 2nd highest rate of increase in the world; it also was 4 times larger than the projection. However, China followed projections.

Japan's HDI increased by a ludicrous 0.02, double that of the US, despite the earthquake. This is a rate quadruple the improvement rate of China and the highest in the world, while projections were for 0 growth. Why?

This is why I think HDI is losing credibility when one year's data cannot be compared to previous years.
You are basically a 1970's version of China, except with more people in poverty/starvation than the whole of Africa. :azn:

This is the only area in which you can claim to be number one. Well, malnutrition as well.

say what u want :lol: buts its still a shame that china however has only a 2 year lead in cars despite having implemented economic reforms 15 years ahead of india.

besides, most of these poverty/starvation struck people belong to the lower caste. i suggest u stop making fun of them since they have already been through enough.
I severely doubt the HDI methodology. I noticed several irregularities in their data.

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US HDI in 2010 was 0.902, while their 2011 HDI was 0.910. This is an increase of 0.008 per year, or almost double the improvement rate of China, which is very unlikely, and would be the 2nd highest rate of increase in the world; it also was 4 times larger than the projection. However, China followed projections.

Japan's HDI increased by a ludicrous 0.02, double that of the US, despite the earthquake. This is a rate quadruple the improvement rate of China and the highest in the world, while projections were for 0 growth. Why?

This is why I think HDI is losing credibility when one year's data cannot be compared to previous years.

india is basically composed of 35 countries. most of them have a higher HDI than china.

List of Indian states and territories by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

however there are 5 of them which are very poor hence very populated, which brings down net HDI

on the other hand, states like kerala for eg, have a higher HDI than most developed countries
india is basically composed of 35 countries. most of them have a higher HDI than china.

List of Indian states and territories by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

however there are 5 of them which are very poor hence very populated, which brings down net HDI

on the other hand, states like kerala for eg, have a higher HDI than most developed countries

most? you mean 11/35. Besides, your numbers are for the 2009 scale, which is higher than the 2010 scale. When we go by the 2009 scale, China still blows India out of the water.

List of Chinese administrative divisions by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, 0.7+ is considered "high" in India, but it has to be 0.8+ to be considered "high" in China. There are 14 provinces above 0.8 in China but 3 in India.
Dude, if your religion is of peace then why kill Bengalis? We Pakistanis and Indians don't even do this amongst border travelers?

You are ill informed, full of hatred and probably a liar by habit.

All smugglers on international borders risk getting shot. Your best friend china even shoot unarmed tibetans crossing border running to India too. Here's a pakistani smuggler shot dead by indian bsf. not a SQUEAK by your govt. Munshi is posting an old article because of that itch to the nether end he's getting on india's republic day. Haathi chale bazaar...

who do american army look so badass where our south asian armies look so starved and skinny?
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