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India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children starve to death daily

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In programs like this in many African countries, what happens is, middle bureaucrats hoard the low cost rice, then sell it to merchants at a higher price and pocket the difference; these merchants then sell it for full market price.

That explains it..its not the Govt apathy, its corruption. India produces enough to feed the population.we are not like North Korea depending on food aids. Also most of this problem happens in the 4 BIMARU states. Until people of these states wise and elect good honest people, they will languish at the bottom of the Indian society. Bihar is improving but cannot say for the other 3 states.
How can a government input 20billions to buy combat airplane while having so many malnutrition children domestic suffering. Poor Indians, god bless those children. I will never believe the superiority of so called democracy, it doesn't work at all in India. I got shocked when I see these pictures, it is much worse than I thought. Is there any way to donate to these pity kids?

Thanks for your concern.FYI we are buying that combat planes to combat you.Instead of shedding crocodile tears, if you are truly concerned why don't you pressure your Govt to sign a non-aggression pact with India and we would be happy to spend the money somewhere else..but you can't.You can only mouth Govt propaganda ,but powerless to change its policies.
In 21st century India, 3000 children are starved to death daily, which amounts to over 1 million Indian children dying annually due to hunger - more than all of Sub-Saharan Africa combined.

-more people starve in India than anywhere else in the world.
-more children die daily due to mass starvation in India than anywhere else in the world.
In 21st century India, 3000 children are starved to death daily, which amounts to over 1 million Indian children dying annually due to hunger - more than all of Sub-Saharan Africa combined.

-more people starve in India than anywhere else in the world.
-more children die daily due to mass starvation in India than anywhere else in the world.

It used to be 6000 per day as recently as 2005, so we have to say India is improving fast, they reduced the death rate by 50% in just 6 years. In the 90's alone, more Indians died than were killed in all of World War 2. Since 1940, more Indians have died to unnatural causes than the rest of the world combined.
It used to be 6000, so we have to say India is improving fast, they reduced the death rate by 50% in just 6 years. In the 90's alone, more Indians died than were killed in all of World War 2. Since 1940, more Indians have died to unnatural causes than the rest of the world combined.

And yet this is still true,

-more people starve in India than anywhere else in the world.
-more children die daily due to mass starvation in India than anywhere else in the world.
Many times, I can't understand that, why India have more arable land than china, Even by Per capita, Indian also have more than Chinese. and they have more rain, they know it, But after 60 years later, They still don't improve anything. And I also know than, In india, there are many landlords in india that control many lands. all these deterilorate the situation of poor people, And they still don't control the population, they give the reason that this is democratic country, and we have the freedom. My question is that, If you can't feed your people, why let they come to the world, then starve to death, It is not fair, Many indian like boast of their huge population, but they don't know, even you want to use this advantage, But many problem which you should solve firstly. under the earth, there are huge gold resource, But you should find it firstly, then refine it, Do you think of all these technologies before your start?
I don't mock Indian, In fact, when I say the dry-boned children, I feel bad, They are human at this time, not only indian.
That explains it..its not the Govt apathy, its corruption.
We should curse the govt for the defects in food distribution and slow progress on health front.But still we are improving......
i appreciate op's effort to limelight the most hidden and core issue of Indian Subcontinent, whole world was unaware of these problems before and was considering India a developed nation..i hope from now onward people's view gonna change and they'll tag India as the most poorest nation of the world who keep ignoring their problems...
thanks for ur kind concern for posting the pic of a malnourished child which literally shivered me from top to bottom and filled my heart with grief and shame!!!
i appreciate op's effort to limelight the most hidden and core issue of Indian Subcontinent, whole world was unaware of these problems before and was considering India a developed nation..i hope from now onward people's view gonna change and they'll tag India as the most poorest nation of the world who keep ignoring their problems...
thanks for ur kind concern for posting the pic of a malnourished child which literally shivered me from top to bottom and filled my heart with grief and shame!!!

Yes, He sucessfully changed the image of India from a highly developed nation to a developing nation.

WTF.... It is a fact that poverty exists in India. Its not that indians are hiding it. Many people, govt and NGOs are working towards alleviating the pains of poor people.

I know on this forum everybody loves to make fun of Indian poverty, and children dying due to starvation. But I can say confidently in whole of asia (including china which has 150 000 000 poor people) severe poverty exists.

Regarding some comments on purchase of planes of some billion dollars, India spends onlyand only 2.5% of GDP on defence, and in hostile neighbours it is justified, otherwise our enemies carry detailed plans of breaking India.

And I can also predict in next few days, there will several thread wars showing poverty in India, China and pakistan.

And to mods, i thought this was a defence forum, but it seems it is getting converted to economic or poverty forum
Yes, He sucessfully changed the image of India from a highly developed nation to a developing nation.

WTF.... It is a fact that poverty exists in India. Its not that indians are hiding it. Many people, govt and NGOs are working towards alleviating the pains of poor people.

I know on this forum everybody loves to make fun of Indian poverty, and children dying due to starvation. But I can say confidently in whole of asia (including china which has 150 000 000 poor people) severe poverty exists.

Regarding some comments on purchase of planes of some billion dollars, India spends onlyand only 2.5% of GDP on defence, and in hostile neighbours it is justified, otherwise our enemies carry detailed plans of breaking India.

And I can also predict in next few days, there will several thread wars showing poverty in India, China and pakistan.

And to mods, i thought this was a defence forum, but it seems it is getting converted to economic or poverty forum
agreed!!! some people didn't have choice to breed yet they love bashing India...India has got the most hostile neighbors in the world..they dont notice the other side...only 2.7 of GDP is spend in arms import..rest goes for development of people...only our MANREGA's yearly budget is $ 8 billion..but nobody appreciated us abt that!!!
Yes, He sucessfully changed the image of India from a highly developed nation to a developing nation.

WTF.... It is a fact that poverty exists in India. Its not that indians are hiding it. Many people, govt and NGOs are working towards alleviating the pains of poor people.

I know on this forum everybody loves to make fun of Indian poverty, and children dying due to starvation. But I can say confidently in whole of asia (including china which has 150 000 000 poor people) severe poverty exists.

Regarding some comments on purchase of planes of some billion dollars, India spends onlyand only 2.5% of GDP on defence, and in hostile neighbours it is justified, otherwise our enemies carry detailed plans of breaking India.

And I can also predict in next few days, there will several thread wars showing poverty in India, China and pakistan.

And to mods, i thought this was a defence forum, but it seems it is getting converted to economic or poverty forum

Chinese poverty is relative deprivation. Most of the "poor" in China own their own homes and can go online. Not saying life is easy for them but they have no problems obtaining food. This is because they're free of landlord parasitism.
How can a government input 20billions to buy combat airplane while having so many malnutrition children domestic suffering. Poor Indians, god bless those children. I will never believe the superiority of so called democracy, it doesn't work at all in India. I got shocked when I see these pictures, it is much worse than I thought. Is there any way to donate to these pity kids?

we are not in a better position. some kids in the west part also live in very bad condition.
we are not in a better position. some kids in the west part also live in very bad condition.

their literacy is very high, and they eat alot. just that their clothes are old. i'm from a "poor" province, every farmer has a plasma TV, washing machine, internet, solar power and electric motorcycle.
The child malnutrition myth - Times Of India

If you still do not believe the absurdity of these malnutrition numbers, compare Kerala and Senegal. Kerala exhibits vital statistics edging towards those in the developed countries: life expec-tancy of 74 years, infant mortality rate of 12 per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rate of 95 per 1,00,000 live births. The corresponding figures for Senegal are far worse at 62, 51 and 410, respectively. But nutrition statistics say that Kerala has 25% stunted children compared to 20% of Senegal and 23% underweight children relative to 14.5% of the latter. In Punjab, which has a life expec-tancy of 70 years and is the breadbasket and milk dairy of India, 37% of children are stunted and 25% underweight.

The implication of this and other facts is that Indian children are genetically smaller on average. A competing hypothesis - which says that nutrition improvements may take several generations - fails to explain how, without a genetic advantage, the far poorer SSA countries, which lag behind India in almost all vital statistics, could have pulled so far ahead of India in child nutrition. Moreover, the trend of the stunting proportions based on WHO standards, available for India since the late 1970s, would suggest that nearly all those born in the 1950s or before - the writer included - are stunted!
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