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India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children starve to death daily

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Good post mate. But you know they will ignore it as usual.

How can you ignore 3,000 children dieing of starvation everyday in your country? You people are too cruel. Even animals are treated better.
As far as I know ...No. The govt gives 30 kgs of rice and wheat free of cost to the poor family . In my place if anyone is hungry and can travel to any well known temple nearby, he will get free food. In Govt schools, students get free breakfast and lunch.

Recently the Central Jail in my place started producing Chapatis which is also sold to outsiders..5 Chapatis +Vegetable curry for just INR 20/- (thats about 40 cents)
It won't help if your population is still not controlled.just wake up. Your population is burden to your country instead of assets.
Are you try to take china as scapegoat for Indian kids starvation? If you are a man having balls you should ask your government to improve instead of finding excuse. China is facing military threat from USA every minutes and seconds, nearly no starvation happens like those in India.

We bought the new fighters with China in mind...so yes, you are indirectly one of the reasons for starvation.

I was commenting on your hypocracy..crying crocodile tears for Indian Children's plight and then increasing the size of your military machine in our borders causing us increase our military strength in return which costs us billions of dollars that could otherwise be used for other developmental projects.

I reiterate here again that china is not gonna invade India, its your government decision to spend billions of dollars to run arm race in the region.

You are not Chinese Govt.Chinese people and Chinese Govt are 2 separate entities. You have no say in what Chinese Govt decides. If they decide to have war with India tomorrow, you have no option but to say 'Yes Sir'.

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------

It won't help if your population is still not controlled.just wake up. Your population is burden to your country instead of assets.

Then why don't you kill your excess population and show the world..Lead by example.
How can you ignore 3,000 children dieing of starvation everyday in your country? You people are too cruel. Even animals are treated better.

Yes we are looking into it. We are building dozens on Dams in Kashmir and kilometers of canals downstream to divert water to arid areas and thus produce more food crops for our starving population. Hope Pakistanis don't mind this truly humanitarian effort.

---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------

Control is not killing harpoon, you give birth to kid and let them starve to death called killing.

Your Govt kills children in their mother's womb...Sorry I cannot subscribe to it.
How can a government input 20billions to buy combat airplane while having so many malnutrition children domestic suffering. Poor Indians, god bless those children. I will never believe the superiority of so called democracy, it doesn't work at all in India. I got shocked when I see these pictures, it is much worse than I thought. Is there any way to donate to these pity kids?

The elite Indians live in their own dream world of denial, India Shining and mocking Pandaland's poverty eradication from behind gated buildings. They truly believe India is doing great and for them, it really is.

Go to the elite Indian forums and you will be shocked how they think and you will realize India will always be India. Giving them money wont help.
Shame on india!

Why is india so evil to its neighbors? Because it is ruled by a brahmanist regime filled with oppression and prejudice internally. To maintain this oppression of the underclass and their ruling status, the brahmanist regime stirs up hostility against its neighbors.
this is why food security bill was must

but GOI needs to reduce corruption in rationing system too
The shameful reality is inescapable.It's really ironic that our country is 2nd largest cereal producer, largest fruit producer, third largest vegetable producer, largest milk producer.on the other hand world bank report says we have most undernourished people in the world and also we have largest population of diabetes mellitus (diabetes due to over eating)... what we can call this.This clearly shows how much our economic policies and governance are rubbish compared to international standards.another shameful reality is that it is the home of the largest number of corrupt politicians , bureaucrats ,industrialists and of course over fed people too.
Need to make it no. 1 priority to feed the kids.

P.S. Few members are going to have a field day over this news, gloating on hungry kids.

to hell with people who make fun of such sad news.

I cant believe that is possible in India now.
normal levels of poverty is always going to stay with everyone. even Americans are not immune to that. but this report is shocking. I thought the title was adulterated but its not.

we ourselves have similar issue with the flood victims who never received the relief from our democratic government. mostly the aid got wasted and the money distributed among the favorites.

poor of any country dont give a damn about national pride and MKI and F-16s and the range of the missiles. they want food and shelter and sustainable life with dignity.
sustainable life with dignity

If only we could find a easy way to eradicate the problems that causes poverty. Poverty is not the problem rather a result of multiple factors which include corruption, illiteracy, certain ancient practices and believes ,lack of technology and bad administration. we produce enough(unlike sub-saharan counties) to feed our entire population but that is not the solution.Enabling people to earn their livelihood in sustainable way is the solution and it requires time . since independence India always have been a poor country, it is only been in recent times that our economy has started to really grow and poverty level has now has just begun to fall.
However the pictures shown here is indeed shocking, but just feeding them and pretending that poverty doesn't exist would be wrong,rather a long term solution is needed for which economic growth,peace and good government policies are required, which our government is indeed doing .. just give us some more time..
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