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India's hunger 'shame': 3,000 children starve to death daily

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Actually inequality is preferred by the elites in capitalists countries because it creates reserve workforce, and a downward pressure on wage.

I doubt many Indian tycoons or politicians truly care about the poor, they are just the bottom of the caste system.

In this new age of increasing privatization of natural resources, land, and even its government in India, inequality is only going to rise and more children will be starved to death.

Also don't bother donating, these NGOs hand most of that cash to their employees, leaving only crumbs going to actual people who are in need.
The child malnutrition myth - Times Of India

If you still do not believe the absurdity of these malnutrition numbers, compare Kerala and Senegal. Kerala exhibits vital statistics edging towards those in the developed countries: life expec-tancy of 74 years, infant mortality rate of 12 per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rate of 95 per 1,00,000 live births. The corresponding figures for Senegal are far worse at 62, 51 and 410, respectively. But nutrition statistics say that Kerala has 25% stunted children compared to 20% of Senegal and 23% underweight children relative to 14.5% of the latter. In Punjab, which has a life expec-tancy of 70 years and is the breadbasket and milk dairy of India, 37% of children are stunted and 25% underweight.

The implication of this and other facts is that Indian children are genetically smaller on average. A competing hypothesis - which says that nutrition improvements may take several generations - fails to explain how, without a genetic advantage, the far poorer SSA countries, which lag behind India in almost all vital statistics, could have pulled so far ahead of India in child nutrition. Moreover, the trend of the stunting proportions based on WHO standards, available for India since the late 1970s, would suggest that nearly all those born in the 1950s or before - the writer included - are stunted!

If I remember correctly this article was posted n number of times, but some people just want to ignore it. One of the comments correctly explains the reason behind this:

there is a well orchestrated campaign by NGO's (many of them Christian fascists), and U.N. groups motivated by religious fascism or to keep their jobs.

But sadly our political bosses and babus just swallow this type of reports from UN & WHO without even raising an objection, as if these reports come from God himself.
It is a corruption problem.

The current government is the most corrupt government in the history of India.

They are murdering thousands of people every day.
If I remember correctly this article was posted n number of times, but some people just want to ignore it. One of the comments correctly explains the reason behind this:

there is a well orchestrated campaign by NGO's (many of them Christian fascists), and U.N. groups motivated by religious fascism or to keep their jobs.

But sadly our political bosses and babus just swallow this type of reports from UN & WHO without even raising an objection, as if these reports come from God himself.

So no one starves in India? Everyone is happy and fed?
MY 2cents worth

Out of 70000+Babies being born in India daily 3000 die of Malnutrition?

That equals less than 4% of all children being born in India.(and thanks to @anonymous, apparently equals to all child related deathsლ(ಠ益ಠლ))
(Anyone wana talk about other child related policies?hmmm?)

What population do African counties even have tht there supposed to be compared to Indian populace?

Like debating it here would even prove any worldly significance to the cause
or to the pathetic life ...the OP leads in his rat hole.

Indian people are poor its a fact...
anyone getting sanctimonious about it can frankly suck my dic*..dont give a shi*

The main problem for these deaths are not just poverty ..but the fact th poverty ridden people tend to reproduce the most in India...cus there illiterate thats what they are and breed just to get more hand out in the field.

at the end of the day those who accept there folly and recognize it are the ones tht will eventually get rid of them ...and those busy looking at others back yards tend to leave there houses in disarray.
So no one starves in India? Everyone is happy and fed?

As far as I know ...No. The govt gives 30 kgs of rice and wheat free of cost to the poor family . In my place if anyone is hungry and can travel to any well known temple nearby, he will get free food. In Govt schools, students get free breakfast and lunch.

Recently the Central Jail in my place started producing Chapatis which is also sold to outsiders..5 Chapatis +Vegetable curry for just INR 20/- (thats about 40 cents)
Social divide is I think is the biggest cause and lack of planned economic distribution. Like in the eastern part of India there is ony grasslands and some people even resist to change to modern way of life and opt out of prebuilt houses like in andamans. I think the govern needs to make people aware of what and how to use a house first.
People (adivasis in East and Islands are still poor as government is stupid enough to stop them from getting civilized in the hope they preserve their culture which needs to be stopped and create a basis, they should learn their culture in history books and not live in that way. In conclusion Most indian government is elfish and corrupt. People are stupid to vote for some of these guys (some of where are criminals and been to prison) Tigther laws to changing conditions I suppose
In 21st century India, 3000 children are starved to death daily, which amounts to over 1 million Indian children dying annually due to hunger - more than all of Sub-Saharan Africa combined.

-more people starve in India than anywhere else in the world.
-more children die daily due to mass starvation in India than anywhere else in the world.

Where the FK are you getting this data from.

Population of India = 1,189,172,906

Birth rate(yearly)=20.97/1000

India Birth rate - Demographics

Childs born everyday = {[(1,189,172,906/1000) X 20.97]/365} = 68320

Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births = 47.57

India Infant mortality rate - Demographics

Infants dying everyday = [(68320/1000) X 47.57]=3249

Now Infant mortality is caused by various factors,malnutrition,pneumonia,various communicable diseases,accidents and complications.This is a sorry affair and needs to be addressed but attributing all the deaths to malnutrition is utter dishonesty and an attempt to flaimbait.

It used to be 6000 per day as recently as 2005, so we have to say India is improving fast, they reduced the death rate by 50% in just 6 years. In the 90's alone, more Indians died than were killed in all of World War 2. Since 1940, more Indians have died to unnatural causes than the rest of the world combined.

Is This they teach in Chinese Culture class????????

For 2005

population = 1,080,264,000

Birth rate = 22.32/1000

Children born everyday = 65878

Infant mortality rate =56.29/1000 live births

Children dying everyday= 3708

Now 3708>6000 , in short your maths is Troll maths

Since when the zombies start caring about facts?
Well, no one can really match your country as far as deaths due to "unnatural causes" is concerned.

Even if we leave out the 50 millions that Mao alone killed by working and starving to death, the forced one child policy alone is killing hundreds of millions every year, forcible abortions even in advanced stages of pregnancy probably kills millions of mothers on top of that.

Surprising that despite this "problem of plenty" China is still 101 on the HDI index, lower than most African and Latin American countries.

Some of the countries above China:

Russian Federation
Costa Rica
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Sri Lanka
Dominican Republic

This despite trillions of dollars hoarded by the CCP thuggish regime!

Your best friend Pakistan is still lower, lower than the topic of this thread since forever!

Why not throw a few piffling billions to the friend and help him overcome the shame?

this was long waited indians must bring pakistan for hide behind pakistan :rolleyes:
Memorable quote:
"Mostly living on less than $2 a day, these families can hardly afford anything beyond wheat chapatis that are devoid of much-needed protein and other nutrients."


The 3000 dying daily are only the Indian children, this is not counting the Indian adults that are also suffering due to starvation.

I have donated another 50 Rupees, now another Indian family may have dinner on the table.
Well, no one can really match your country as far as deaths due to "unnatural causes" is concerned.

Even if we leave out the 50 millions that Mao alone killed by working and starving to death, the forced one child policy alone is killing hundreds of millions every year, forcible abortions even in advanced stages of pregnancy probably kills millions of mothers on top of that.

Surprising that despite this "problem of plenty" China is still 101 on the HDI index, lower than most African and Latin American countries.

Some of the countries above China:

Russian Federation
Costa Rica
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Sri Lanka
Dominican Republic

This despite trillions of dollars hoarded by the CCP thuggish regime!

Your best friend Pakistan is still lower, lower than the topic of this thread since forever!

Why not throw a few piffling billions to the friend and help him overcome the shame?

HDI was moving the goalposts. China's HDI in 2009 was ranked very high until they changed the methodology to better reward processes rather than final results.

List of Chinese administrative divisions by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorable quote:
"Mostly living on less than $2 a day, these families can hardly afford anything beyond wheat chapatis that are devoid of much-needed protein and other nutrients."
I am from a tire 2 city. For 2$ in my city you can 3 whole some meals daily from medium standard restaurants. If you decide to cook or eat from mobile eateries, the figure will go down further.
Awareness is one thing but to put pictures of children on here starving is another. I am too long in the tooth to know why ths is really done and feel ashamed of these actions on our forum. It is sad to see children suffer ANYWHERE. Lets hope and prasy this is removed from our society. Its not a problem exclusive to India and guys lets just act a bit more maturely hear and no more having a dig on such a painful subject involving children.
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