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Indian Special Forces


One question, are all MARCOS from the IN???

Just that you know it, the Physical Fitniss test in the navy is a joke
Qualifying in this Test is mandatory for enrolment. The standard of PFT is (i) One Mile (1.6 km) run to be completed in 7 minutes. (ii) 20 sit ups. (iii} 10 push ups.

TBH mate this is irrelevant- just because the PFT for standard IN personal is not too rigorous has absolute zero correlation on MARCOs. MARCOs have their own stringent PFTs and have something like 80-90% drop out rate. The MARCOs operate as, in effect, an indepandant entity within the IN with their own, separate, budget, their own selection criteria their own PFTs, their own training wing and most MARCOs are recruited straight from "civvy street" (regular IN wanting to cross-over to MARCOs have to go through the exact same grueling selection process as everyone else). This is also the reason why MARCOs have an incredibly long training period- much of IA SF are recruited directly from PARA (Airborne) so are already incredibly fit- having already passed an extreme selection process, and have some combat training and experience. Not to mention once a MARCOs operator finsihes his training and is a fully-fledged operator he will be able to operate in every conceivable environment be it mountains, jungles, urban, marine etc and able to carry out every conceivable combat operation such as HALO/HAHO, HR, maritime interdiction, assualt, patrol, reconasence etc

Dug up this little gem to illustrate MARCOs' amwesomeness!!

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ok thanks Coldhearted Aviator and Abingdonboy, I was just shocked to see the IN standarts.

@ Coldhearted Aviator: Is that a real Insas rifle in your avatar???????????
Did you get a chance to fire it? And have you got you hands on any other weapons in IA service? Tavor per chance??

I have fired INSAS,LMG(bren) AND .303.My dream would be to get my hands on Tavor one day and that day i would put it in my avatar.I have carried RL..its very heavy.(was given a challenge by someone to carry it and run 1 km)

My favourite is the Bren LMG(love the sound and is the most feared small arm by terrorists) like IA soldiers and AK 47

Forgot to add Dunali in the list. :lol:
My favourite is the Bren LMG(love the sound and is the most feared small arm by terrorists)

Bren has fu@ing awesome firepower :D fired it decades ago while doing army attach camp in Serior NCC :D still remember it :D

But I don't think it can be used against Terrorist operations. It's a point defence gun.
Correct me if I am wrong
Bren has fu@ing awesome firepower :D fired it decades ago while doing army attach camp in Serior NCC :D still remember it :D

But I don't think it can be used against Terrorist operations. It's a point defence gun.
Correct me if I am wrong

It is used against the terrorists buddy...Infact the terrorists fear this gun more than any other.It is very good when busting their hideouts or bunkers that they make in forests..though carefully used in urban areas.

I just love the sound when you fire small burst in repititions.

It is used against the terrorists buddy...Infact the terrorists fear this gun more than any other.It is very good when busting this hideouts or bunkers that they make in forests..though carefully used in urban areas.

I just love the sound when you fire small burst in repititions.

Bren Mk II - YouTube

That's what I am saying :D it is a point defence gun.
I was saying it isn't used against Terrosris operations (Counter Insergency Operations:CIOs) as Bren is too heavy for search and destroy operations. And for heavy fire support you need 2 people to Man the Bren. Loader and shooter.

Yes it's sound is nightmare if it's being fired on you :D
I got my hands on AK-47 , Tavor and MP5 but didn't get to fire them :(
Have fired .303 it's vintage now but still dam accurate :)
The Bren is a cool and deably system but I really would like to see it laid to rest now- it is almost 80 yrs old FFS! I knoe the IMI Negev has been procured but in small numbers and relegated to purely SOFs as of right now and the INS LMG just doesn't cut it- I'm aware the IA is looking at replacing the Bren under F-INSAS but this can't come fast enough.
That's what I am saying :D it is a point defence gun.
I was saying it isn't used against Terrosris operations (Counter Insergency Operations:CIOs) as Bren is too heavy for search and destroy operations. And for heavy fire support you need 2 people to Man the Bren. Loader and shooter.

Yes it's sound is nightmare if it's being fired on you :D
I got my hands on AK-47 , Tavor and MP5 but didn't get to fire them :(
Have fired .303 it's vintage now but still dam accurate :)

Ok heres the situation...Terrorists have occupied a house and have taken position and you manage to get everyone in that house safely outside and to a safer position.You ask the terrorists to surrender or face death.The terrorists respond by firing and the firefight starts...2-3 hours pass and sunset is just an hour away.You realise that you dont have the night fighting capablities and the reinforcements are still hours away so you decide to bring the LMG in and start shooting at a place which is well covered and INSAS is unable to penetrate..Here comes the Bren LMG...as soon as you start firing you notice chunks of concrete comming out and after emptying a few mags you have made enough space to throw in a grenade...kabooom!! :lol:

This is how it happens sometimes and if it doesnt work out then there is the last and the only option...RL!!

The Bren is a cool and deably system but I really would like to see it laid to rest now- it is almost 80 yrs old FFS! I knoe the IMI Negev has been procured but in small numbers and relegated to purely SOFs as of right now and the INS LMG just doesn't cut it- I'm aware the IA is looking at replacing the Bren under F-INSAS but this can't come fast enough.

Paras are a big fan of the PKM but i would really like to see the SAW with the IA.Negev is good too...MARCOS use it.
That's what I am saying :D it is a point defence gun.
I was saying it isn't used against Terrosris operations (Counter Insergency Operations:CIOs) as Bren is too heavy for search and destroy operations. And for heavy fire support you need 2 people to Man the Bren. Loader and shooter.

Yes it's sound is nightmare if it's being fired on you :D
I got my hands on AK-47 , Tavor and MP5 but didn't get to fire them :(
Have fired .303 it's vintage now but still dam accurate :)

Mate it isn't what weapon system you have but how you use it- in the wrong hands any weapon- from 9mm pistol to a 7.62mm Gatling gun is potentially dangerous. But if used properly by well trained and sensible individuals (aka IA) the weapon can be operated safely and effectively. IA even uses multi barrel 30mm GLs and 84mm RLs in J&K but they do so only when needed and when it is as safe as possible to do so.

Ok heres the situation...Terrorists have occupied a house and have taken position and you manage to get everyone in that house safely outside and to a safer position.You ask the terrorists to surrender or face death.The terrorists respond by firing and the firefight starts...2-3 hours pass and sunset is just an hour away.You realise that you dont have the night fighting capablities and the reinforcements are still hours away so you decide to bring the LMG in and start shooting at a place which is well covered and INSAS is unable to penetrate..Here comes the Bren LMG...as soon as you start firing you notice chunks of concrete comming out and after emptying a few mags you have made enough space to throw in a grenade...kabooom!! :lol:

This is how it happens sometimes and if it doesnt work out then there is the last and the only option...RL!!

Paras are a big fan of the PKM but i would really like to see the SAW with the IA.Negev is good too...MARCOS use it.

Yeah I've noticed PARAs (SF/AIRBORNE) adopting the PKM as their LMGs recently (3-4 years) but would defeintly like the IA as a whole (SFs and regular) to transition to a modern system the M249 SAW is a pretty awesome weapon and probably would be at the top of my list as the new standard issue LMG of the IA.
Ok heres the situation...Terrorists have occupied a house and have taken position and you manage to get everyone in that house safely outside and to a safer position.You ask the terrorists to surrender or face death.The terrorists respond by firing and the firefight starts...2-3 hours pass and sunset is just an hour away.You realise that you dont have the night fighting capablities and the reinforcements are still hours away so you decide to bring the LMG in and start shooting at a place which is well covered and INSAS is unable to penetrate..Here comes the Bren LMG...as soon as you start firing you notice chunks of concrete comming out and after emtying a few mags you have made enough space to throw in a grenade...kabooom!! :lol:

This is how it happens sometimes and if it doesnt work out then there is the last and the only option...RL!!

Paras are a big fan of the PKM but i would really like to see the SAW with the IA.Negev is good too...MARCOS use it.

I am not denying what you are saying. CIOs are search and destroy operations. They wonder around the suspected areas and ambush the terrorist. They use light weapons and a sniper with each team. The situation you menstioned missed the back ground. CIO team spotted the terrorist and get into advantge position. Call for surrender they open fire CIOs return fire. Terrorist run for cover. Take over the house CIOs form the perimeter. Call for surrender again. They refuse. CIOs tossed grenades blast oven the house. But terrorist and good in number and heavily armed. CIOs ask reinforcement and hold the perimeter. Reinforcement came with LMGs ,grenade launchers and RL. And tear apart the house and kill every scumbag :D
Last thing it's a real incident :D
So I am not going to accept CIOs use bren unless you say you work in CIOs and used it :D

SAW would be a good option :D
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