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Indian scheme to control Bangladesh business and trade

Are we left with only Bangladesh to control....:rofl:

no guys we are not in such a bad shape as of now that we would need bangladesh economy to run our homes........ we have enough european and american markets. :smokin:

if we stop trade with Bangladesh bangladesh will be more on the recieving end in comparison to India. :pop:
And Bangaladesh is the 51st state of USA :rofl::rofl::rofl:
For a late starter 3rd world poor country, today's BD record is not bad. BD has a $100 billion per year GDP, its foreign exchange earning by exports and remittances is about $27 billion per year and its foreign reserve stands at $10 billion at the moment.

Please note that, at the time of partition of India in 1947, BD had only one factory named Mohini Mills that produced cotton textiles. Now, get information and inform us about all the multi-trillion dollar assets that your British masters had left for you.

Once our electricity production reaches a certain level you will see many industrial developments in BD. A double-digit development of economy is not that impossible after, say, 4 years from now. Who cares then if we are not the 51st State of Uncle Sam.

But, note that our roads are still better than the Indian roads. A bus drive here will not take you to a hospital with broken limbs. Not only roads, come, visit BD and see our skyscrappers in Dhaka.
Our industrial growth is higher than India. Its the service and public sector spending puts the indian growth rate in higher trajectory.
Our target is to place 40% of our workforce to industrial sector by 2020 and we are on the right track, and that is the only way you could ensure income equality and bringing the mass out of poverty. Our economy and its approach is quite different than India. We are more close to eastern asian countries than India.
For a late starter 3rd world poor country, today's BD record is not bad. BD has a $100 billion per year GDP, its foreign exchange earning by exports and remittances is about $27 billion per year and its foreign reserve stands at $10 billion at the moment.

Please note that, at the time of partition of India in 1947, BD had only one factory named Mohini Mills that produced cotton textiles. Now, get information and inform us about all the multi-trillion dollar assets that your British masters had left for you.

Once our electricity production reaches a certain level you will see many industrial developments in BD. A double-digit development of economy is not that impossible after, say, 4 years from now. Who cares then if we are not the 51st State of Uncle Sam.

But, note that our roads are still better than the Indian roads. A bus drive here will not take you to a hospital with broken limbs. Not only roads, come, visit BD and see our skyscrappers in Dhaka.

I am happy to read your post and happier to know BD is doing well. I wish you guys gr8 success. Before 1991 India looked at Globalisation with a narrow prism of external companies such as "East India Company" would invade India if we open up and we may loose control over what we have. Such fears were removed by prudent financial management. No one is in control of your business but you and please stop this insane India phobia. Incidents along the border between India and BD along with the water sharing issues are the real issues that need addressing. The hysteria of India will take control of your markets or designs in such direction is a figment of imagination.

I have observed over the past few months that the members of Bangladesh in this forum shy away from agreement and if you don't get a reply to your post then I have to assume that they are in agreement. Guys please write a message or two if you do agree to what is written even if the person who has posted is from a country that starts with an I.

In relation to your post, the state of Indian economy was weak in 1947 to say the least. Please read a book called "India Unbound" written by Gurucharan Das that will show the details of India's journey. Don't expect it to be all praise. It is a critical review of what India is and is not a fanboy book.

Next, about BD's power generation, please note that companies such as BHEL (a public enterprise of India) is involved in setting up large capacity of power in BD. Both India and BD can move forward as friends and partners with the citizens as the stake holders of this partnership.

I have heard a lot about India in negative light from BD members and may be it is true to an extent but do recognise the positive mic we add in complimenting your strength and supporting your growth and infrastructure. Thanks for pointing out the state of our roads. We need to work on our problems and you need to work on yours.
Our industrial growth is higher than India. Its the service and public sector spending puts the indian growth rate in higher trajectory.
Our target is to place 40% of our workforce to industrial sector by 2020 and we are on the right track, and that is the only way you could ensure income equality and bringing the mass out of poverty. Our economy and its approach is quite different than India. We are more close to eastern asian countries than India.

Iajdani, I have read a few of your posts and I can relate to some of them. When you say that Industrial growth is higher than India I would appreciate if you can elaborate and give me few links from neutral investigators. I am OK with the official report from BD and a report from India. I was looking at the moving average growth rate quarter on quarter and found the opposite to what you have written. Are you pointing to a particular year or quarter?

Good luck with your targets. Again I would like to ask you why you think the path your country is following is the only means to reach your objectives? I am not questioning the rational of your path chosen but it is interesting to know why you think that is the only possible path given that BD has only of the most fertile land mass in south Asia. Any reason why the figure of 40% ? Also I am interested in your opinion of what India should do to win BD's trust.

Thanks for your comments, look we are a poor country and like most countries in our stage of development we have many problems of our own. I have no problem doing business with India if it’s in our benefit, but if anything is detrimental to our interests I will say so. India is a larger country then us with a bigger more mature market, however it is also one of the more restrictive (have a look at the negative list targeted specific to Bangladesh), so on one hand we are expected to open our markets to Indian goods and services but at the same time India restricts what we can sell. Now on the trust thing you asked with regards India, Indian occupation of one our islands on our west coast, border enclaves issues etc are just a few things but its generally the big brother attitude and expectation that Bangladesh is part India’s sphere of influence (generally we don't like being told what we should and shouldn't do).

Look when Indians talk about India / Bangladesh friendship, it seems most of the time in the context of, how India helped in our independence and we therefore have to be forever grateful to them or how they are giving us this line of credit and its made to sound like aid to Bangladesh, when it’s just standard business practice (we get same when buying goods and service from other countries/world bank).

Just an example of what I mean, I live here in the UK and work for a company where they have a large Indian work force (they are on contract from an Indian company, supporting us), they mostly talk to each other in Hindi, and so I also spoke to them in Hindi (note a lot of Bangladeshis are fluent in Hindi, blame Bollywood for that). Anyway they never asked me where I was from; eventually the topic of Bangladesh came up at lunch, and you would not believe the stuff they were saying (I won’t repeat it here), it was verging on the racist. You should have seen their faces when I told them where I was from, funny how quickly they change their tune!

Hope you understand what I am getting at, I’m not anti Indian, just pro Bangladeshi, if you want to win our trust, talk to us on an equal basis and don't try to sound like you’re preaching, just remember we are an INDEPENDENT sovereign country, with our own national interest which may often not coincide with yours.
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India clearly has an image problem with the people in its immediate neighbourhood.The so called big brother attitude is an oft repeated complaint heard across Kathmandu, Dhaka or Colombo.

Its difficult to explain to people that if an envoy or a babu serves sermons in these capitals then its not necessarily the GOI preffered tone of communication.

More importantly, these countries seem fine if not eager to join hands with China in trade, security embrace; which by the way in India would be viewed with disdain. Its a different matter that the Red country has its own attitude issues in its own neighbourhood. But, when it comes to dealing with India's neighbours it has cleverly laid out the red carpet.

India clearly needs to give some 'public' concessions to BD, SL, Nepal to assuage their people and build a more positive image using people to people contacts as the pivot. At a govt level, its difficult to see much change as the Reds have bigger pockets and seemingly bigger hearts.

But over time, these guys can be won over....they must be.
India clearly has an image problem with the people in its immediate neighbourhood.The so called big brother attitude is an oft repeated complaint heard across Kathmandu, Dhaka or Colombo.......

India clearly needs to give some 'public' concessions to BD, SL, Nepal to assuage their people and build a more positive image using people to people contacts as the pivot. .......

But over time, these guys can be won over....they must be.

Nice post. Other than the big brother image, we've other problems also..
1. Bangladesh - Islamic fundamentalism (Anti-Hinduism)
2. Srilanka - Tamils
3. Nepal - Maoism
Nice post. Other than the big brother image, we've other problems also..
1. Bangladesh - Islamic fundamentalism (Anti-Hinduism)
2. Srilanka - Tamils
3. Nepal - Maoism

You clearly drowning from indian media concocted propaganda about Bangladesh. I am afraid there is no cure and surely this forum would not help.

But india sould worry about its own Maoist and independent movement raging all across india. These actually posing threat to indian neighbors security and stability
Two coal-fired power plants in Khulna: Operation control in Indian hand

Responding to a question, he said that Indian technical experts would manage and handle the power plants as Bangladesh could not create expertise in the sector.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
Bangladesh has enough expertise operating most power plants on its own including coal power plant in Boro pukuria. Besides, coal fired one is not fundamentally different from gas fired one.

Above all this is no excuse to give indian 50% stake on such strategic installation like power plant and operating control. By doing so india can easily disable major power supply point when it need to force something on Bangladesh.

This goes inline with Awami govt plan to handover control of Bangladesh power, energy, communication, industry and trade to indian control. One has to just connect the dots.
Sensenreason you haven’t quite understood if it was just an image problem then it won’t be an issue, it’s a lot more than that let me break it down for you.

a) The big brother attitude is just not the reserve of a few envoys or babus visiting our capital to give a sermon or two or their tone of communication, it is endemic to the GOI and the Indian general public (it is this mindset that needs to change), just going through the posts from Indian members on this forum show what I mean.
Remember Bangladesh is an independent sovereign country with a right to action that it believes is in its national interest, it is NOT part of the Indian sphere of influence. The fact that your neighbours complain about this might suggest there is more than an image problem here.

b) Our trade with China or any other country is a matter for us and not India’s, we don’t preach to India who they should trade with, we don’t have a lot of resources so we will trade with any country that offers us the best options, right now that is China, no one seems to be able to beat them on price/performance.
If China wants to put lay out the red carpet and give us fair prices why should we say no?

c) Buying security equipment from China does not put us in their embrace, or for that matter buying from America, UK, Italy, Russia or Turkey put us in any embrace with these nations. We buy what suits our defence needs and what we can afford.

d) Viewed with disdain, now here you go again with that big brother attitude, should we only do things that India likes? Please note we don’t need Indian approval, Bangladesh is free to choose its own path, that what independent and sovereign means.

e) Giving us some “public” concessions? Like what? Is this few titbits somehow going make us trust you? India has to resolve ALL issues before we begin to have any trust.

f) Oh and the people to people contacts, if you read my example, you will know how this went.
Hope you understand what I am getting at, I’m not anti Indian, just pro Bangladeshi, if you want to win our trust, talk to us on an equal basis and don't try to sound like you’re preaching, just remember we are an INDEPENDENT sovereign country, with our own national interest which may often not coincide with yours.

I agree 100%. I apologise for some of my country men's behaviour and want to let you know that Indians in general are tolerant and inclusive.

The Indian market is opening up to Bangladesh and this is true though we can do better. But please check the changing list and the set of products that are no longer restricted.

BD is no doubt a sovereign, independent country but the public opinion in BD is highly influenced by a media that tends towards hyper journalism against India on more occasions than one. I don't see this negative outlook in India towards Bangladesh. Influential media can build bad blood among country men. People like you should take a balanced view and take time to let people know that Indians are not evil. India also has a fair share of people who can't be trusted just like Bangladesh but you can bank on India for all the right reasons.

I want to see issue based opposition or acceptance instead of opposing just because it will be good for India. I know you have made yourself clear on this issue but please read the posts from some of your country men and it is evident that this is not the case.
Responding to a question, he said that Indian technical experts would manage and handle the power plants as Bangladesh could not create expertise in the sector.

The New Nation - Internet Edition

Please also note that :

The MoU will remain in force for the five years after its signing and any party would be able to cancel the MoU by submitting a three months notice.

Don't you think we have a stake in what we invest given that we are providing a part of the finance, management and most of the technology ? On top of this the exit clause makes it simple for BD to take control anytime it wants to ?

Cherry picking sentences in the article is good but please get the overall picture.
Thanks ramu, you don’t need to apologise for others, but it is appreciated, (I am a big boy now, and I can defend my country of origin, as for the contractors, their project has come to an end, they asked their line manager if they can apply to stay with our company, SAP developers are well paid here. They were told they should speak to the new line manager as she was due to transfer to a new project, guess who their new line manager is).

Mutual respect, that’s all, I am sure we will get along fine (if only we ran our respective countries, we wouldn’t have so many problems). Media on both side of the border, just hype stuff, if you read what Indian papers say about Bangladesh you will see, anyway better to let that slide and concentrate on positive things.

As I said before, I am not anti Indian (my girlfriend is Punjabi Hindu), just pro Bangladeshi, and like most sane people don’t subscribe to paranoia / conspiracy theories etc, but when some people talk crap about Bangladesh or just make stuff (they know who they are)up I just have to speak up.
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