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Indian scheme to control Bangladesh business and trade

And the reason being that Indian Bengalis were/are mostly Hindus, who did not wanted to migrate under an Islamic State.
"Bangladesh of 71" was given birth by Bengali nationalism, where "Majority of Muslim" was a non-issue and secularism got trumped over Islam thus your point didn't hold any water.
We just gave $10 Billion as charity to Bangladesh.
Big mouth and lier Indians should be expelled from this forum. Go back to your Bhrat Raksak forum and vomit all those trashes out from your empty stomachs.

OH! The poorest country called India has become a DATA country now! When more than 40% of Indians get by less than $1 per day, here comes a big mouth to donate us $10 billion. Feed your Dalits first, then donate a few dimes to others.

But, even if you have a few dimes, do you have that mind to donate? We are obliged to donate 2.5% Jakaat. Next time, we will send this money to feed Indian Dalits.
We just gave $10 Billion as charity to Bangladesh.

When? How?

Btw, India bashers in Bangladesh - Almost all of Bangladesh will sunk beneath the ocean in the near future because of Global Warming. And UK has stopped immigrating you guys there. So, time for you to leave this baseless hate, and work towards development. No wonder you guys have contributed to the sorry state of Bangladesh.
Borrwing your logic, wouldn't it be better for BD's inhabitants to have access in bigger land mass? Since INDIANS didn't want to take us because of their HINDUTAVYAS, weren't we better off to be part of PAK federation? At least we could have migrated to vast empty land of Baluchistan in case our country went down to water, right?
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"Bangladesh of 71" was given birth by Bengali nationalism, where "Majority of Muslim" was a non-issue and secularism got trumped over Islam thus your point didn't hold any water.

"Bangladesh of 71" was given birth by Bengali nationalism of East Pakistan, where "Majority of Muslim" was a major issue, otherwise Bangladesh would have been part of India after 1971. Isn't it so?
Time to read history mate, other than the ones taught in Madrassas.
Big mouth and lier Indians should be expelled from this forum.
Well, that is hardly upto you as I see it. Keep shouting, that's good exercise for your vocal chords.

Go back to your Bhrat Raksak forum and vomit all those trashes out from your empty stomachs.
Where I go and where I don't has nothing to do with this thread. So please come back to the topic, and contribute wisely.

OH! The poorest country called India has become a DATA country now! When more than 40% of Indians get by less than $1 per day, here comes a big mouth to donate us $10 billion. Feed your Dalits first, then donate a few dimes to others.
Here's a little educated comparison:

GDP (PPP) 2008 estimate
- Total $226.205 billion[3] (48th)
- Per capita $1,398[3] (153rd)
GDP (nominal) 2008 estimate
- Total $84.196 billion[3] (58th)
- Per capita $690[4] (147th)


GDP (PPP) 2009 estimate
- Total $3.298 trillion[12] (4th)
- Per capita $2,930[12] (130th)
GDP (nominal) 2009 estimate
- Total $1.242 trillion[12] (12th)
- Per capita $1,017[12] (143rd)

So, have a good look at this and take your rant elsewhere about Dalits and poor India. And yes we donated $1 Billion to Bangladesh. How about asking the same to your PM Sheikh Hasina?

But, even if you have a few dimes, do you have that mind to donate? We are obliged to donate 2.5% Jakaat. Next time, we will send this money to feed Indian Dalits.
Please do! That would be appreciated. However, it would be appreciated more, if you could use it for environmental protection. There's not much time left. And this time, we will be keeping a strong eye on our border.
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When? How?
That was a typo, I corrected it.
However I still stand with my corrected words.

Source: India gives 1 bn credit to Dhaka

Sheikh Hasina Visits India--A View From Dhaka

Borrwing your logic, wouldn't it be better for BD's inhabitants to have access in bigger land mass? Since INDIANS didn't want to take us because of their HINDUTAVYAS, weren't we better off to be part of PAK federation? At least we could have migrated to vast empty land of Baluchistan in case our country went down to water, right?
You should ask this to your forefathers :lol:
Why the resistance, then the fight and now the re-union.:lol:
You poor Bangladeshi trolls. First in 71 the state of West Pakistan beated you black and blue cos they felt that you were not fit to rule a united state of Pakistan. Then you cry for our help and spill into our borders like ants (which you still do). Then we trash the Pakistani army just to help you out. Now you want to return to Pakistan (whom I suspect would rather merge with India rather than have you lot back) . And now you spit venom on us just because we feel sorry for you and help you. Jeez. Go sink in that mudpit you call a country. :coffee:
I have to repost to bring the following to your attention. As of today I strongly believe that India and Bangladesh are on the same side. would request all to stop making each thread a cacophony of war mongers. Please take a minute off to calm your minds before you post.

After spending a lot of time reading the posts in this thread and the another, a few things are clear. Many people who are from Bangladesh are of the POV that the current Govt. is subordinate to Indian Govt. India is hell bent upon destroying Bangladesh and so on. My POV is that AL is a patriotic party that has the right intention but needs to fine tune its execution. It is currently focusing on too many areas for development and hence diluting its overall effect.

I have also read about Indian 1 billion $ credit line to Bangladesh for construction of important transport infrastructure, etc. Every attempt is made to show even this gesture of good will in poor light. The Indian credit line will be given at a RoI much below the prevailing central bank rates in Bangladesh as the inflationary tendency in Bangladesh is much higher than in India. Indian RBI's rate at which it lends other banks stands at about 5% which is much less than the prevailing RoI in Bangladesh.

India and Bangladesh have started a new chapter and are keen to resolve all outstanding issues. Indian policy of "Look east" is to focus on countries from Bangladesh to Japan and improve relations and build trade partners. Bangladesh has a vibrant economy will at-least a million entrepreneurs at home and abroad. India can do with synergies in trade and would look for opportunities for revenue generation.

Companies like BHEL based in India have setup huge power sector infrastructure that will go a long way in alleviating the current power deficit scenario. It is in India's interest to have a country like Bangladesh as a friend and a healthy competitor that n the long run will create a great ecosystem for business and cooperation.

My dear friends from Bangladesh, I want to make it reasonably clear that it is in India's selfish interest to have a vibrant and strong economy in the east. India has its strength in areas such as steel, power, telecommunication, etc. Bangladesh has its own strength be it textile, human resource, etc. As long as we can find ways to compliment and compete in an environment of peace and trust, we can grow and eradicate poverty which is our common enemy. Please do not degrade India just because the opposition parties do it. Even if I change the mind of one Bangladeshi to view India as a friend then I have not wasted my time.
You poor Bangladeshi trolls. First in 71 the state of West Pakistan beated you black and blue cos they felt that you were not fit to rule a united state of Pakistan. Then you cry for our help and spill into our borders like ants (which you still do). Then we trash the Pakistani army just to help you out. Now you want to return to Pakistan (whom I suspect would rather merge with India rather than have you lot back) . And now you spit venom on us just because we feel sorry for you and help you. Jeez. Go sink in that mudpit you call a country. :coffee:

Why not help yourself???? Why you are so worried about Bengali trolls.. You pathetic.
Big mouth and lier Indians should be expelled from this forum. Go back to your Bhrat Raksak forum and vomit all those trashes out from your empty stomachs.

OH! The poorest country called India has become a DATA country now! When more than 40% of Indians get by less than $1 per day, here comes a big mouth to donate us $10 billion. Feed your Dalits first, then donate a few dimes to others.

But, even if you have a few dimes, do you have that mind to donate? We are obliged to donate 2.5% Jakaat. Next time, we will send this money to feed Indian Dalits.

I dont know why Hasian settled for Soft loan to build roads and rail line for Indian transit. She should had charged India 1 billion dollar for that. Those infrastructure were built by our hard earned money, now these Indians are coming here and showing us how generous they were. Just visit India with a bus and you will not get up from your bed for three days for back pain with the shaking you going to get in their part of the road on the other side of the border. My practical experince. :rofl:
I dont know why Hasian settled for Soft loan to build roads and rail line for Indian transit. She should had charged India 1 billion dollar for that. Those infrastructure were built by our hard earned money, now these Indians are coming here and showing us how generous they were. Just visit India with a bus and you will not get up from your bed for three days for back pain with the shaking you going to get in their part of the road on the other side of the border. My practical experince. :rofl:

And Bangaladesh is the 51st state of USA :rofl::rofl::rofl:
"Bangladesh of 71" was given birth by Bengali nationalism of East Pakistan, where "Majority of Muslim" was a major issue, otherwise Bangladesh would have been part of India after 1971. Isn't it so?
Time to read history mate, other than the ones taught in Madrassas.

Your twisting art didn't see perfection thus you contradicted by agreeing on the "Thesis statement" that BD was given birth by "Bengali Nationalism" but how did Islam remain a major issue to its
Bengali liberators since they got the freedom by overcoming it? Opps! I got it, you named the name of India. So you admitted that all of your fellow countrymen's denial about our Muslimiat was your main obstacle to annex our land was a plain lie. And WOW! I mean WOW to see how I shoved upto one Bharati's azz when it came to that point. I guess Barl Thakrey could take a hike along with all ofhisShiv Senas in "Ram Temples" now since

Bangladeshi Muslim Score 100

And Bharati Hindu score 0.:yahoo:
What's wrong with you people?
Where the hell Hindu's come from in your every post?
Or to say, to prove a point among the fundamentalists, you need to coin the word Hindu.

Way to go mate. Btw, hiding behind the flag of United Nations too couldn't make you shed you nonsensical hatred for India. Grow up!
Well, that is hardly upto you as I see it. Keep shouting, that's good exercise for your vocal chords.

Where I go and where I don't has nothing to do with this thread. So please come back to the topic, and contribute wisely.

Here's a little educated comparison:

GDP (PPP) 2008 estimate
- Total $226.205 billion[3] (48th)
- Per capita $1,398[3] (153rd)
GDP (nominal) 2008 estimate
- Total $84.196 billion[3] (58th)
- Per capita $690[4] (147th)


GDP (PPP) 2009 estimate
- Total $3.298 trillion[12] (4th)
- Per capita $2,930[12] (130th)
GDP (nominal) 2009 estimate
- Total $1.242 trillion[12] (12th)
- Per capita $1,017[12] (143rd)

So, have a good look at this and take your rant elsewhere about Dalits and poor India. And yes we donated $1 Billion to Bangladesh. How about asking the same to your PM Sheikh Hasina?

Please do! That would be appreciated. However, it would be appreciated more, if you could use it for environmental protection. There's not much time left. And this time, we will be keeping a strong eye on our border.
Why have you changed your tone to vomit all those statistics? Who asked you to provide those? So, it was not $10billion, but $1 billion worth of credit line. Go back to your vocabulary dictionary to know the meaning of DONATION. Since when credit line became a donation?

Don't you understand that this money will be used to sell Indian goods, and this helps India only? This credit line is meant for destructing our own industries. Why do you think it is a charity? Learn more before you send a post.
Deceitful and cunning but veggie Indians have been accurately unmasked in the following article. Although it doesn't directly correlate with the BD's business and trade issues; it provides the
true picture of Indian shallow and mean mindsets, by possessing
which they only pursue interest...

Indian never ending deceptions and fabrications

Indians are past masters in deceit, deception and fabrications. They apply these immoral foxy tricks and rationalize them under the pretext of superior diplomacy. One of their favourite games is to make the other side engaged in unproductive and endless talks with the sole aim of gaining time. They keep moving in circles around the pole star to frustrate and drive mad the aggrieved as it has been doing for the last 62 years over Kashmir.

Having indulged in futile composite dialogue for the last five years, India suddenly suspended dialogue in December 2008 on the plea of Mumbai incident. India took a stand that unless culprits nominated by India were punished and terrorist network operating against India was not dismantled, talks would not be resumed. Drama was staged to wriggle out of talks, which had reached final stage towards resolution of all longstanding disputes like Sir Creek, Siachen, illegal construction of dams on rivers and above all Kashmir. The plot conceived by RAW and Mossad suited Indian Army and Shiv Sena to settle score with Karkare who had collected requisite evidence and was very close to reveal the real face of Hindutwa forces.

To further vitiate the atmosphere, Indian leaders not only kept hurling offensive statements and spurning repeated pleas of Pakistan to resume talks, they started to steal Pakistan’s share of water from River Chenab and also commenced work on additional dams to turn Pakistan agricultural lands barren. These intimidating acts were in gross violation of Indus Basin Treaty signed in 1960. Like USA, it also nudged Pakistan to do more on terrorism or else get prepared to face adverse consequences. Indian Army Chief upped the ante by first hinting at the possibility of limited war under nuclear hang and then bragged of taking on both China and Pakistan simultaneously.

India kept the talks in suspended animation for 14 months and would have continued to remain in uncompromising mode for quite sometime had international pressure not punctured its obstinacy. US leaders instead of advising Indian leaders to refrain from jingoism and war mongering lent support to Indian haughty posture as was evident from Robert Gates statement he gave in New Delhi during his last visit.

Pakistan Army’s outstanding successes in Malakand, Swat and South Waziristan brought a change in the otherwise cynical attitudes of American and western leaders. Brimming with confidence, Gen Kayani gave an illuminating talk to the captive audience of 65 NATO countries senior officers at Brussels. Besides touching upon several important aspects and highlighting the high price Pak Army had to pay to break the myth of invincibility in South Waziristan and to turn the tide, he bluntly stated that irrespective of US assurances, he as Army Chief could ill afford to neglect Indian military intentions as well as capability and the threat it poses on Pakistan’s eastern border. His candid, forthright style and down to earth practical suggestions impressed the listeners. After winning the ground battle, Kayani won the admiration and respect of the western military commanders which greatly helped in removing lurking misperceptions and doubts. For the first time, Pakistan was looked at with deference.

These happy tidings together with fast changing situation in Afghanistan compelled USA and western countries to apply pressure on India to soften up its inflexible stance for the first time. US sole interest in resumption of Indo-Pak peace talks is to make Pakistan divert its full focus towards war on terror and to achieve some kind of victory in Afghanistan so that its forces could depart on a winning note. Gen McChrystal is overly eager to emulate Pak Army model in Helmand.

India is going through anxious moments for fear of getting marginalised in Afghan affairs and Pakistan regaining importance. It had already come under pressure after its subversive activities in FATA, Swat and Balochistan got exposed. India was finding it difficult to disown its heavy involvement in clandestine operations. Burgeoning Maoist threat which has spread like a wild fire in 20 Indian states in eastern and central India and is termed as the biggest threat to existence of Indian Union is of serious concern. Khalistan movement has started to simmer and Sikh leader Awatar Singh Sekhon is exposing the ugly face of India to the world. Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir are getting more and more assertive because of unabated cruelties of Indian security forces. Cases of insubordination, suicides and psychiatric problems among Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir have up surged. Cases of theft and accidents in its nuclear facilities located within Red Corridor where Maoists are most active are worrisome. Enhancement of Pakistan’s position in the eyes of USA, NATO, Iran, Turkey and neighbours of Afghanistan is not to the liking of India since it pours cold water on years of hectic Indian efforts to isolate Pakistan. Biggest fear of India is the possibility of train of suicide attackers making a bee-line towards Kashmir or other sensitive regions of India once Afghanistan start getting stabilised.

Its image as the champion of democracy and secularism received a set back when Indian IPL managers at the behest of Indian rulers did not select a single Pakistani cricketer for the tournament. This discriminatory attitude was adopted despite the fact that Pakistan cricket team was the reigning champion of T-20. It was clear manifestation of inward animus of Hindus towards Pakistan. When Indian leading Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan expressed his regret over exclusion of Pakistani players, he had to suffer the ire of Bal Thakerey led Shiv Sena, which carries anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim agenda. The Hindu extremists have disallowed release of his new film “My name is Khan” in Mumbai. It is a small glimpse of level of extremism, bigotry and intolerance in shining India.

Indian Brahman rulers were caught between the rock and a hard place. On one hand they had to contend with surging world pressure to resume talks. On the other they could not afford to ignore the fury of Hindutwa preachers who advocate decimation of Pakistan. Not knowing how to climb down from the high pedestal of arrogance and belligerence, Indian psychological operators hit upon the deceptive scheme titled Aman ki Asha (quest for peace) to hoodwink the world and Indian lovers in Pakistan. Indian media in collaboration with its likeminded media persons in Pakistan are giving wide publicity to this charade to project soft face of India and to wash away bitter memories of Indian truculence and negativity. This vehicle is now being used to project India as a harbinger of peace. Mindful of mounting criticism from opposition parties and Hindu extremist groups, Indian leaders are issuing contradictory statements, some of them wanting composite dialogue to resume from where it got disrupted and others stating that the scope should remain restricted to terrorism only.

To give strength to its latter version, terror attack on a German Bakery in Pune on 13 February, frequented by tourists was fabricated. Eight persons including two foreigners got killed while 32 received injuries. Even if it was not engineered, thoughtless reaction is mechanical and intentional. India has started to point fingers at Pakistan without even completing preliminary investigations. Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamat-ud-Dawa is being blamed. In the last few days Indian senior officials have on three occasions accused Pakistan and are now trying to build up a case to narrow the scope of talks to terrorism only. Pune attack was a small trailer; in coming months, bigger attack will be stage-managed to trap Pakistan in yet another false case. Purpose will be to demean Pakistan and to re-shift attention of the world towards India. It has already predicted that sooner than later another Mumbai like attack planned in Pakistan will be launched on India.

Indians want to exclude Kashmir and water disputes not realising that Kashmir issue has bred extremism and terrorism, while water dispute would kindle 4th round. Pune incident helps India in projecting itself as a victim of terrorism, in accusing Pakistan, building pressure and putting Pakistan on the defensive at the outset to make it recommence talks from a defensive wicket. There is no earthly reason for Pakistan to be in a hurry. It should take a principled stand that without including core issues in the agenda it would not like to waste time in inconclusive and infertile talks.

The writer is a freelance defence and security analyst.

Indian never ending deceptions and fabrications
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