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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

Nothing in his posts that make it seem like he's South Asian. It's all in your mind, you have a one-track mind. Refer to my recent post above.

Actually the part that raised the south Asian English usage flag turned out to be a Fareed Zakaria quote that he posted.

And don't lie, you outright accused Chinese-Dragon of being an 'Indian plant'.

Absolutely, and it doesn't imply Indian citizenship or ethnicity. India has enough money to buy cyber propagandists around the world. And PDF would be a natural target of theirs.

So basically, anytime a Westerner comes up and starts saying something good about India, you are going to jump on him with cries of: "INDIAN, INDIAN".

Oh please! I admit he might just be a contrarian troll.

And you ought to stop your flase-flag fatwas.

Not likely, given the constant influx of false flag Indian trolls. This being PDF, the vast majority of flase flaggers are, in fact, Indian.

America has millions of Indophiles, and interest and awareness about India has increased dozens of times in the past few years due to many factors.

And those Indians would be hanging out on Indian forums, not PDF since, as you claim, most Americans prefer India over Pakistan.

The basic problem is that just because most Americans keep associating Pakistan with terrorism and backwardness (due to WoT and "Islamophobia"), you get surprised and shocked if someone says something positive about India, because you feel Pakistan and India should be treated 'equal-equal'. Wake up to the fact that India generates ten thousand times more positive mindshare than Pakistan. Thats how it is.

This discussion is about India-China, not Pakistan. Nowhere did I say anything about Pakistan; you keep bringing it up.

Try to stay on topic.
Actually the part that raised the south Asian English usage flag turned out to be a Fareed Zakaria quote that he posted.

Absolutely, and it doesn't imply Indian citizenship or ethnicity. India has enough money to buy cyber propagandists around the world. And PDF would be a natural target of theirs.

Oh please! I admit he might just be a contrarian troll.

Not likely, given the constant influx of false flag Indian trolls. This being PDF, the vast majority of flase flaggers are, in fact, Indian.

And those Indians would be hanging out on Indian forums, not PDF since, as you claim, most Americans prefer India over Pakistan.

This discussion is about India-China, not Pakistan. Nowhere did I say anything about Pakistan; you keep bringing it up.

Try to stay on topic.

Lets just forget it. If you read the other 26/11 thread that I provided the link for, it'll become quite obvious that he's American.

You provided a good laugh to end this with - India buying cyber-propagandists? :woot:


You guys give India (and RAW, don't forget RAW) much more credit than we deserve. The government babus in typical ancient bureaucratic offices actively making plans for cyber-propaganda! If only they would be so proactive and efficient! That might not happen in our lifetimes.
I've read this thread from start now.

1. India was being discussed
2. Then India and China were being discussed
3. Then China and US were being discussed
4. Then China, US and India were being discussed
5. Now the posters and their nature depending on their country are being discussed.

I've read this thread from start now.

1. India was being discussed
2. Then India and China were being discussed
3. Then China and US were being discussed
4. Then China, US and India were being discussed
5. Now the posters and their nature depending on their country are being discussed.


Welcome to PDF. ;)
He is.

On-topic: The topic is not about the merits for or against democracy itself, but whether India will outpace China. The democracy advocates are suggesting it will do so because of democracy. Can they justify their claim that democracy is essential for sustained economic growth?

Democracy is not required for sustained economic growth, good governance is.
How do you know that we have not discussed? You're high again? By the way your discussion is so superficial, obesity? This is the United States has no real rights in that, rather than the reverse.

You are killing me with your language skills. Half the time, I wouldn't know what u sayin.
Here is the summary of what needs to be in China. Don't argue like fools, Try to learn from history

Democracy is so fundamental to the society, you just can't brush it of. Democracy is very difficult to establish. It is like education. You just don't say because it is difficult, we are going to postpone it. You need to go through it.

Most counties struggle with democracy. Here are some examples

US went through civil War, democracy triumphs, manged to keep the country intact. Some way flawed, but still works

USSR went through, Country splits, but people decided to have democracy and it triumphs. Even when the country is split, people realize personal freedom is the most important.

UK went through with Ireland, they worked hard on solved it

India went through difficult times- Screwed up in Kashmir, (still managed to keep) it. learning from it.

Pakistan is committed to democracy in spite of difficulty times. Most understand the need and they kept trying it. Talk about their resolve and endurance.

All countries follow this difficult path, but democracy and personal freedom is not negotiable.

It is a nonsense argument, that china needs to wait for democracy. The oldest civilization in the world, existence of 5000 years, still find that it needs more time

Wake up and realize what your missing.
Slow development of developing countries, corruption is good governance?

Man, you are such an idiot. Corruption is there in both communist and democratic countries. Countries that mend their behavior and adopt business friendly policies would succeed, others do not. I don't think one has to give up personal freedom to become rich. If you are the one who think otherwise, all I can do is pity you.

India, for all its fault is fast developing and is expected to be fastest developing country for next couple of decades. Now if your reasoning is taken to be true, how would you explain India's growth. Also, with India's growth, money is spread among people not locked up by one Party.
Here is the summary of what needs to be in China. Don't argue like fools, Try to learn from history

Democracy is so fundamental to the society, you just can't brush it of. Democracy is very difficult to establish. It is like education. You just don't say because it is difficult, we are going to postpone it. You need to go through it.

Most counties struggle with democracy. Here are some examples

US went through civil War, democracy triumphs, manged to keep the country intact. Some way flawed, but still works

USSR went through, Country splits, but people decided to have democracy and it triumphs. Even when the country is split, people realize personal freedom is the most important.

India went through difficult times- Screwed up in Kashmir, (still managed to keep) it. learning from it

Pakistan is committed to democracy in spite of difficulty times. Most understand the need and they kept trying it

All countries follow this difficult path, but democracy and personal freedom is not negotiable.

It is a nonsense argument, that china needs to wait for democracy. The oldest civilization in the world, existence of 5000 years, still find that it needs more time

Wake up and realize what your missing.

I just want to say ,If you have trouble reason , your opinion will not be established.

1, U.S experienced a long-term development, and now people have more rights, even so, now the American people have not really right, you only obesity.

2, India's democracy not a lot, especially the low-level people, you do not know enough about India.

3, I do not comment on Pakistan, I respect Pakistan.
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I just want to say a problem if you have a problem in the argument, your opinion will not be established.

1, the United States experienced a long-term development, and now people have more rights, even so, now the American people are not really right, you only obesity.

2, India's democracy is not a lot, especially the low-level people, you do not know enough about India.

3, Pakistan would not comment, I respect Pakistan.

I suggest that you use a translator and translate from Mandarian to English, so that your views might be more understandable to the general populace here.

Man, you are such an idiot. Corruption is there in both communist and democratic countries. Countries that mend their behavior and adopt business friendly policies would succeed, others do not. I don't think one has to give up personal freedom to become rich. If you are the one who think otherwise, all I can do is pity you.

India, for all its fault is fast developing and is expected to be fastest developing country for next couple of decades. Now if your reasoning is taken to be true, how would you explain India's growth. Also, with India's growth, money is spread among people not locked up by one Party.

You are too eager to take attack, even can not understand what I mean. Never mind, I respond to your mistakes.

1, all East Asian countries have a stage,rapid development of economy and authoritarian, the other countries do not, you know what other democracy countries looks like.

2, on India's economic growth, you should not be compared with China, even though you get excellent support from the external environment in the West, because west want to use india to restrict China. Take a look at your some ridiculous data, If you have some self-knowledge, India is developing, but you far less than the development of East Asian countries, regardless of speed or quality.

3, India do not free, most people do not free, You can not choose freely, also can not choose the wealth, you can only bring publicity, and even western to help India to cover, but there no new ,80-90s, we have far worse records . However, because of a honeymoon period and the West, we do not get criticized. Our situation now is far better than before. Do you think, why the West is so crazy distorted the real situation in China? Why?
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I suggest that you use a translator and translate from Mandarian to English, so that your views might be more understandable to the general populace here.


You can not understand what I mean? Or can not understand my English? Now how?
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Slow development of developing countries, corruption is good governance?

Negetive. Taking your post as a rhetorical question\comment, corruption certainly is not a sign of good governance. Democracy had little to do with the success of certain east Asian nations.
Here is the summary of what needs to be in China. Don't argue like fools, Try to learn from history

Democracy is so fundamental to the society, you just can't brush it of. Democracy is very difficult to establish. It is like education. You just don't say because it is difficult, we are going to postpone it. You need to go through it.

Most counties struggle with democracy. Here are some examples

US went through civil War, democracy triumphs, manged to keep the country intact. Some way flawed, but still works

USSR went through, Country splits, but people decided to have democracy and it triumphs. Even when the country is split, people realize personal freedom is the most important.

UK went through with Ireland, they worked hard on solved it

India went through difficult times- Screwed up in Kashmir, (still managed to keep) it. learning from it.

Pakistan is committed to democracy in spite of difficulty times. Most understand the need and they kept trying it. Talk about their resolve and endurance.

All countries follow this difficult path, but democracy and personal freedom is not negotiable.

It is a nonsense argument, that china needs to wait for democracy. The oldest civilization in the world, existence of 5000 years, still find that it needs more time

Wake up and realize what your missing.

USA is not a democratic country.
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