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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

Negetive. Taking your post as a rhetorical question\comment, corruption certainly is not a sign of good governance. Democracy had little to do with the success of certain east Asian nations.

If you take a comparison, east Asian countries and other democracy developing countries, it will be different
No doubt China is doing very good today. But at what cost? and how long it can pull using force? What ever you achieve, it can collapse like a pack of cards if the foundation gives away

The foundation is freedom and democracy. How many countries practice communistic polices other than China and North Korea?
Bang! on target.
That's the prediction of many expertise agencies..
Present day:China's going very well.
But many international agencies have predicted a sudden and a huge decline in Chinese economy,thats a fact and we should accept it.
You are too eager to take attack, even can not understand what I mean. Never mind, I respond to your mistakes.

1, all East Asian countries have a stage,rapid development of economy and authoritarian, the other countries do not, you know what other democracy countries looks like.

2, on India's economic growth, you should not be compared with China, even though you get excellent support from the external environment in the West, because west want to use india to restrict China. Take a look at your some ridiculous data, If you have some self-knowledge, India is developing, but you far less than the development of East Asian countries, regardless of speed or quality.

3, India do not free, most people do not free, You can not choose freely, also can not choose the wealth, you can only bring publicity, and even western to help India to cover, but there no new ,80-90s, we have far worse records . However, because of a honeymoon period and the West, we do not get criticized. Our situation now is far better than before. Do you think, why the West is so crazy distorted the real situation in China? Why?

Oh my god. No point in discussing with you. For that, first I have to understand you.

What is 'India do not free' even mean?

You have a screwed up notion that a country can only develop as an authoritarian state. What a pity. Who cares how fast you develop. I wouldn't want to give up my personal freedom for few percentage point increase in GDP.

Like hawkish said, democracy may be slow, tiring, bureaucratic but goes ahead with public consent. Once done, its done. Unlike China, where Party makes all the decisions and u have to go out of your way to accommodate it. In the long run, it may not end up good for you, stressing on 'may'. But, if its good for you, congrats.

If you think I am attacking you, then you should have never brought up India into discussion. You piece of $h!t. You think you know India and Indians by reading few articles here and there, that too from a free media from our country.

Come back when you have free media that highlights the bad side of China. You are not saying its all hunky dory in China, do you? So cut the crap.
Oh my god. No point in discussing with you. For that, first I have to understand you.

What is 'India do not free' even mean?

You have a screwed up notion that a country can only develop as an authoritarian state. What a pity. Who cares how fast you develop. I wouldn't want to give up my personal freedom for few percentage point increase in GDP.

Like hawkish said, democracy may be slow, tiring, bureaucratic but goes ahead with public consent. Once done, its done. Unlike China, where Party makes all the decisions and u have to go out of your way to accommodate it. In the long run, it may not end up good for you, stressing on 'may'. But, if its good for you, congrats.

If you think I am attacking you, then you should have never brought up India into discussion. You piece of $h!t. You think you know India and Indians by reading few articles here and there, that too from a free media from our country.

Come back when you have free media that highlights the bad side of China. You are not saying its all hunky dory in China, do you? So cut the crap.

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid - Boy held for slandering Sonia on Orkut

Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid, a twenty-two year old boy from Gurgaon in Haryana was arrested last Friday by the cyber crime cell of Pune for posting some inappropriate content on the social networking website Orkut about the Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Under the IT act, posting vulgar and inappropriate content is punishable. This boy had posted on Orkut under a community titled "I hate Sonia Gandhi".

Rahul has been arrested under Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code which deals with content which is vulgar and obscene in nature. He has also been charged under Section 67 which relates to posting this kind of content in electronic form. If he is found guilty of his crime, he will have to serve upto five years in prison and will be paying a fine of upto Rs.1 lakh.

This arrest was made because of complaint made by a Congress worker in Pune who had noticed these messages on Orkut recently. The police are now on a lookout for everybody who had posted some obscene content about Sonia Gandhi. However, the person who created the community has not been charged for hating a famous personality or having opinion which is illegal in India.

The law enforcement agency had asked Google, who is the owner of Orkut to provide the details of Vaid and it obliged. Google said that the police authorities had asked for the details of the boy and they gave them the IP address information. Till the time India has some strict laws regarding cyber crimes like the US, it is always better to avoid joining such communities or to join them after paying proper attention to it.

Wrong man in jail for 50 days on cyber charge - The Times of India

Wrong man in jail for 50 days on cyber charge

Lakshmana Kailash K was kept in jail for 50 days (TOI Photo)
MUMBAI: In the early hours of August 31, Lakshmana Kailash K was asleep at his home in Bangalore.

He was woken up by eight policemen from Pune who came knocking on his door and waved the Information Technology Act, 2000, in his sleepy, terrified face.

Get dressed, he was told, we are taking you to Pune for having defamed Shivaji. Lakshmana protested that he didn't know anyone called Shivaji.

The policemen said that they were talking about Chhatrapati Shivaji and that an insulting picture of him had been uploaded on the Internet networking site, Orkut. The trail had led them to his computer in Bangalore.

Turning a deaf ear to his protests, the cops took him to Pune and put him behind bars. Along the way, the 26-year-old Lakshmana, who works with HCL, learned that what he was being arrested for was a case that had triggered riots in Pune in November 2006.

Political parties had forcibly closed cybercafes and gone on a rampage over the posting of the illustration which had poked fun at Shivaji.

Lakshmana was released after spending 50 days in jail, three weeks after the cops claimed to have nabbed the "real culprits".
India is going to outpace china in terms of % of growth rate in GDP!!

END OF DEBATE...!!!:wave::pop::smokin:
Oh my god. No point in discussing with you. For that, first I have to understand you.

What is 'India do not free' even mean?

You have a screwed up notion that a country can only develop as an authoritarian state. What a pity. Who cares how fast you develop. I wouldn't want to give up my personal freedom for few percentage point increase in GDP.

Like hawkish said, democracy may be slow, tiring, bureaucratic but goes ahead with public consent. Once done, its done. Unlike China, where Party makes all the decisions and u have to go out of your way to accommodate it. In the long run, it may not end up good for you, stressing on 'may'. But, if its good for you, congrats.

If you think I am attacking you, then you should have never brought up India into discussion. You piece of $h!t. You think you know India and Indians by reading few articles here and there, that too from a free media from our country.

Come back when you have free media that highlights the bad side of China. You are not saying its all hunky dory in China, do you? So cut the crap.

You want more?

Yes, you might think that freedom better than wealth, and of course you have more rights than India poor, do you think poverty, high mortality, child rights are not protected, all are is not worth mentioning, all away from your life, but you can only represent yourself. farmers of India have anger and opposition, such as Maoism. By the way that the majority of India people are really not free

---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

I think that farmers have more freedom in China than India, no problem.
You are too eager to take attack, even can not understand what I mean. Never mind, I respond to your mistakes.

1, all East Asian countries have a stage,rapid development of economy and authoritarian, the other countries do not, you know what other democracy countries looks like.

Which east Asian country,other than Vietnam which nation is on an incredible spree,Now u who live under the shadow of communism want to tell us how democracy looks like

2, on India's economic growth, you should not be compared with China, even though you get excellent support from the external environment in the West, because west want to use india to restrict China. Take a look at your some ridiculous data, If you have some self-knowledge, India is developing, but you far less than the development of East Asian countries, regardless of speed or quality.

If u consider India's growth as a threat to China,than that is ur failure as a nation,Their is nothing in it for us to consider

India far less developed than which East Asian country,can i know what is the criteria of development,skyscrapers,swanky roads,is this ur criteria of development

Other than Japan name a sinle East asian country which has a bigger economy than us

Other than Vietnam(Even the combination of Mumbai and Delhi have much bigger GDP than them)which east asian country have a better growth rate than us.

If u like to fascinate here only because of ur hatred towards India,u r just fascinating

3, India do not free, most people do not free, You can not choose freely, also can not choose the wealth, you can only bring publicity, and even western to help India to cover, but there no new ,80-90s, we have far worse records . However, because of a honeymoon period and the West, we do not get criticized. Our situation now is far better than before. Do you think, why the West is so crazy distorted the real situation in China? Why?

Now that was the most ridiculous point,now i really doubt r u paid by CPC for advertising them here

Just have a look at a small matter,u people r not even allowed to use Facebook and Twitter,u r not able to watch videos on Utube,why r they any potent weapons,or the fear of CPC against any rebellion against its rule.

U people talk a lot about people eating mud,dalit atrocities,but what kind of freedom u have there,what right u enjoy there

Here Arundhati roy is doing mud slinging against the nation every day,still she is living under no fear in the shadow of her roof

And when Liu challenged ur system,well u know what happened to him,11 yrs rigorous punishment,what a freedom

So from next time dont comment about the freedom we enjoy,as u r not qualified for it
self delete...

30 Gas Affected Children and Women from Bhopal Arrested at India Gate

30 Gas Affected Children and Women from Bhopal Arrested at India Gate
Mar 29, 2008 No Comments by editor 30 people, including children and old women, were arrested today evening at India Gate during an awareness raising event on the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal (see photos of the time just as the police moved in below). Many of those arrested arrived yesterday after walking 800kms from Bhopal demanding justice for the Bhopal victims.
Free? Indian farmers do not have freedom, they have the Maoists. India have practical action to suppress them, but too incompetent.
Huawei tops list of Patent Cooperation Treaty applications with bright ideas | Huawei Technologies | AMEinfo.com

State owned companies without IPOs do not have investors other than the state. Therefore, saying "China has it" really means, the government of China has it. Also, being an investor does not mean you can make managerial decisions, which is associated with "having it" nor does it give you access to technology which is also associated with "having it".

"China would not be where it is today without American consumerism"


Exports: $1.2 trillion (1st; 2009)
Main export partners US 20.0%
Total trade volume with US: 240 billion USD

Total trade volume with US as proportion of GDP (5 trillion): 0.048.

No wonder americans can't do math.

I meant largest number of "patents" and NOT "patent applications".

According to USPTO.gov:

Huawei 390 patents

Some others for comparison:

Xerox: 21,420
Microsoft: 16,289
Monsanto: 4,885

I am sure if I do a ratio of patents per number of employees, Huawei's will turn out to be peanuts as State corporations typically employ large numbers of people.

A State doing private business is a flawed concept but this happens in India and China and other countries - but they get IPOed out at some point in time as deficits mount and the governments need capital for other needs. There are plenty of private businesses in China that are owned by those investors. In general, businesses are businesses.

Right...it is called start-up capital. Who started up the chinese economic engine? the American consumer, of course. The fact that today China may be diversified in its exports does not mean that it was the same case when it all started up.

Today, a lot of American businesses get their revenues from abroad, due to the decline in American consumerism. That does not mean that the American consumer was not the one who was powering all these companies for a while before. Without American consumerism and liberal reconstruction financing, Europe, Japan and SK would not have gotten to where they are today.

Well, as I've said before, it is now India and China's time to pull the world out of the economic morass that has set in.
You want more?

Yes, you might think that freedom better than wealth, and of course you have more rights than India poor, do you think poverty, high mortality, child rights are not protected, all are is not worth mentioning, all away from your life, but you can only represent yourself. farmers of India have anger and opposition, such as Maoism. By the way that the majority of India people are really not free

---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

I think that farmers have more freedom in China than India, no problem.


Did democracy lead to farmers death? If you are implying that, then you are the most idiotic person I have ever met. Farmers commit suicide because of the hurricane washouts that happen regularly in India. They loose all their crop and left behind with debt they took to raise those crops. There's nothing a government can do to avoid that.

Chinese farmers are happy because they have a bigger market where they can sell their goods. No one is comparing India to China of today. India is 10-12 years behind China.

All those links you provided above, those are from our media. They came out because media is free in our country. China will have similar or even worse human right violations, but who would report it. They'd be put to jail claiming anti-nationalist.

Also, please try to use better translator software, so your language can be comprehensible.
I meant largest number of "patents" and NOT "patent applications".

According to USPTO.gov:

Huawei 390 patents

Some others for comparison:

Xerox: 21,420
Microsoft: 16,289
Monsanto: 4,885

I am sure if I do a ratio of patents per number of employees, Huawei's will turn out to be peanuts as State corporations typically employ large numbers of people.

A State doing private business is a flawed concept but this happens in India and China and other countries - but they get IPOed out at some point in time as deficits mount and the governments need capital for other needs. There are plenty of private businesses in China that are owned by those investors. In general, businesses are businesses.

Right...it is called start-up capital. Who started up the chinese economic engine? the American consumer, of course. The fact that today China may be diversified in its exports does not mean that it was the same case when it all started up.

Today, a lot of American businesses get their revenues from abroad, due to the decline in American consumerism. That does not mean that the American consumer was not the one who was powering all these companies for a while before. Without American consumerism and liberal reconstruction financing, Europe, Japan and SK would not have gotten to where they are today.

Well, as I've said before, it is now India and China's time to pull the world out of the economic morass that has set in.

I agree that China is still not enough in innovation, but we have started this process, take some time to release energy.

American consumer to started up the chinese economic engine, part of the agreement, but accurate to say is the world's consumers, not just the United States, but so what? I can say, who started up the American consumer? China's cheap products, you mean?
Free? Indian farmers do not have freedom, they have the Maoists. India have practical action to suppress them, but too incompetent.

If Maoism is a phenomenon in China. They would not hesitate to crush all those naxalites. Their luck is that this is happening in a democratic country like India. GOI is impotent like any democratic country and had to resolve it peacefully than forcefully. That's the difference.
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