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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

The standard should be who buys more US debt "India or China" , so a downfall in Chinese economy is not good for US.
Talk about brainwashing....

Truly feel sorry for you guys; Not only you are not aware that you are imprisoned by the communists, but you criticize others who wants you to get out of the prison.

China's name is synonymous with atrocious human right violations. Same with other communist countries north Korea, Burma.

God what we have to do get these people from the shadows of their 'dear Leaders'

In addition to simple slogans you, what else? Said with atrocious, can not miss the United States, the world has a lot of people think will be different with you.
Talk about brainwashing....

Truly feel sorry for you guys; Not only you are not aware that you are imprisoned by the communists, but you criticize others who wants you to get out of the prison.

China's name is synonymous with atrocious human right violations. Same with other communist countries north Korea, Burma.

God what we have to do get these people from the shadows of their 'dear Leaders'

I don't get your point. Burma isn't Communist. The military government killed all the Communists in except for a tiny few who ran away to China. Look up Kokang Incident, that was their latest move against the "Communist rebels".

Also wondering who really has "dear leaders". No one cheers for Hu Jintao or Wen Jiabao when they makes a speech in public but many cheer for Obama, much like people did for Hitler. Our leaders also do not raise their hands in a Hitler salute, but Obama does.
He is not Indian? I always thought he was Indian.:yahoo:

He is.

On-topic: The topic is not about the merits for or against democracy itself, but whether India will outpace China. The democracy advocates are suggesting it will do so because of democracy. Can they justify their claim that democracy is essential for sustained economic growth?
EDIT: I know the CCP is trying to "cool down" the Chinese economy to prevent overheating, but I don't think it will fall by that much. I think it's more accurate to say that the Indian rate of growth will surpass the Chinese one in 2013, not in 2011.

That and to try to contain inflation. But in the end, they will still need to raise the Yuan since external prices for commodity imports looks to continue upwards.
I don't get your point. Burma isn't Communist. The military government killed all the Communists in except for a tiny few who ran away to China. Look up Kokang Incident, that was their latest move against the "Communist rebels".

Also wondering who really has "dear leaders". No one cheers for Hu Jintao or Wen Jiabao when they makes a speech in public but many cheer for Obama, much like people did for Hitler. Our leaders also do not raise their hands in a Hitler salute, but Obama does.

Obama even called on all blacks to defend him, do not care about policy and ideas, this is dictatorship. :azn:
He is.

On-topic: The topic is not about the merits for or against democracy itself, but whether India will outpace China. The democracy advocates are suggesting it will do so because of democracy. Can they justify their claim that democracy is essential for sustained economic growth?

There you go, again. Why do Pakistanis have such a fixed and narrow mindset? Disgusting. This guy is American, I know it for sure. He can speak for himself, I'm sure - but in the conversations with him in the past, it is plain that he is an American as much as you are a typical conspiracy theorizing Pakistani.

Anyone who says a good word about India is Indian, anyone who says a bad word about Pakistan is Indian (never mind that anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim sentiment is increasing manifold in the West day by day), anyone who says something critical of China is Indian ( never mind that the West views China with extreme suspicion and hostility, more than Indians do). Very typical. Disgusting attitude.

Edit: With the growing Islamophobia and as the WoT continues, don't be surprised if Pakistan becomes as (in)famous in the West as it is in India, within the next few years. The process is already well underway, and you'd do well to remember it instead of jumping up and down with shouts of: "INDIAN, INDIAN", each time a guy with a Western flag speaks against Pakistan.
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I seriously doubt that he is Pakistani. Pakistanis do not trash China.

Only one type of south Asian attacks China. Here's a clue: ;)

(No American would wax so eloquent in praise of India unless he was paid to do so. Most Americans just do not know enough about India or care.)

Actually this is an old research from a CNN Anchor of Indian origin. Forgot his name. He is a Muslim guy. Rest of the world knows this facts. Not just Americans. And every American company is in India to get the piece of the pie.

I did not know you can arrive at the following conclusions till i visited this forum:

If you support India on certain issues, you need to be an Indian
You nationality is Pakistani, If you support Pakistan
If you trash China, you are an Indian

Does not matter you have facts on your-side.I find several broad minded Asians here except a few who gets in to skin color discussions.
china finished the construction of the beijng olympics on time...hmmmm enuf said :rofl::rofl:

Kid, Good that you finished construction at time. No can you clearly put what's your point ? You had your share of problems hosting the games. The most glaring of them were corruption, pollution, TV broadcasting, fake singer etc etc etc.. hmmm enuf said about how good the games were hosted by China the superpower. lol.
How free is the US when you cannot say I support communism?

In china you can say I support democracy.
In the US you can't say I support communism.
Actually this is an old research from a CNN Anchor of Indian origin. Forgot his name. He is a Muslim guy. Rest of the world knows this facts. Not just Americans. And every American company is in India to get the piece of the pie.

I did not know you can arrive at the following conclusions till i visited this forum:

If you support India on certain issues, you need to be an Indian
You nationality is Pakistani, If you support Pakistan
If you trash China, you are an Indian

Does not matter you have facts on your-side

I find several broad minded Asians here

where are your facts? I gave statistics and numbers. Quantify your arguments. This is taught in universities around the world. Or are you a high school dropout?
He is.

On-topic: The topic is not about the merits for or against democracy itself, but whether India will outpace China. The democracy advocates are suggesting it will do so because of democracy. Can they justify their claim that democracy is essential for sustained economic growth?

Can only say that democracy costs too high for developing countries, especially in that harsh external environment, a big need for rapid development of developing countries.
I knew from the start he was a white American. Indians don't talk like that and never mention their constitution or use their government as a model.

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