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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

Your original post:

When you make such statements be sure to back them up with articles from credible sources or atleast make an effort to compile China's performance in every sector at that time vs India's performance today.

If he really do this. You should cost your entire life to read all of it. if you wish...to.
India has everything - She has economy, GDP, young and educated population, and more importantly the freedom and democracy which the china lacks. In the long run freedom and democracy will be the bottleneck for china and India will out-pace China.

But....... Indian is also high in corruption and the leaders lacks balls, don't have big heart as well as the courage to lead south Asia

Iraqh people shoud thank you for bringing them democracy.

What I wanna know is..Will democracy solve every problem???? And we Chinese really lack of democracy,,but not as bad as you thought. Your media exaggrate it there.
No doubt China is doing very good today. But at what cost? and how long it can pull using force? What ever you achieve, it can collapse like a pack of cards if the foundation gives away

The foundation is freedom and democracy. How many countries practice communistic polices other than China and North Korea?

As long as there is people living, there is freedom and democracy, and they are the real base of any police and govenment. The main problem is to which degree is the freedom or democracy, and how to use this good thing. Never expect democracy to solve every problem.
And you can ask " how many countries practise communistic polices..."...
But we want ask" how many countries you America invade when you "think" they have no democracy,,,do you mean Iraq. Afganastan, or Lybia" All we can see is as long as there is a war,,,American does it. Indians are good people, but America No !
India RBI has increased various lending rate multiple time (Highest in Asia). profit margin for major companies has hit heavily. The RBI says that India is sacrificing growth to control inflation. they are doing correct thing.

Everyone has to understand, Inflation is more important than Growth. both India and China can maintain 8%-10% growth with a year of sacrifice. unfortunately Commodity price specially crude and food staple is not in our hand. Thankfully, we both don't have major debt crisis like west and that what matters in long run.

Long term rates for India are 9%+. For China, they are 4%. Inflation is gonna kill India. You are also running a large current account deficit that is getting larger as the middle class grows. Those two things will kill your economy.

China will be fine. Superman, Li Ka-shing, just said so.
As long as there is people living, there is freedom and democracy, and they are the real base of any police and govenment. The main problem is to which degree is the freedom or democracy, and how to use this good thing. Never expect democracy to solve every problem.
And you can ask " how many countries practise communistic polices..."...
But we want ask" how many countries you America invade when you "think" they have no democracy,,,do you mean Iraq. Afganastan, or Lybia" All we can see is as long as there is a war,,,American does it. Indians are good people, but America No !

There is no system that is perfect. I'm a proponent of democracy, but I'll be the first to admit even democracy has it's defects. It all comes down to the people running the system. A fool leading a democracy or a communist setup cannot hope the system to churn out miracles. China's resilience will be tested in the upcoming transition of power.
Long term rates for India are 9%+. For China, they are 4%. Inflation is gonna kill India. You are also running a large current account deficit that is getting larger as the middle class grows. Those two things will kill your economy.

China will be fine. Superman, Li Ka-shing, just said so.

You need to relook the analysis taking into account recent base lending rate hikes. None of the analysts expected these stringent measures to be implemented.
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