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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

If we as Muslims read the biography of our prophet Muhammad PBUH we would notice that he was never start war against any nation or making any approach to that, yes he was ready to send troops to defend the new Islamic state without waging war against no other nation except the Arab tribes since they were pagans and they refused the new religion and they were waging wars against him while he sent messages to the great powers calling them for Islam, we should learn that our mission as Muslims is to call people for Islam as Allah taught us to do by patience, peace feeling of responsibility of our religion image among the others, not by violence disrespect to others, sorry if I couldn't deliver my point because my English not that good.

Trust Pakistanis mate we are Muslim and when we say to you that Indians are foes of Muslim countries. The reason:


as an Arab you will be familiar with Zionism. Well if you want to know India start by reading above
We dont hate Muslims. We have excellent relations with Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar etc. We hate terrorism by Pakistanis, who try to justify their terrorist activities using Islam as a shield for their despicable acts. Big difference.
sir stop wasting your time, you are talking to deaf ears.
Gentleman above has the habit of posting anti India thread, learn to ignore the troll.
your factual reality is something that ur mind projects and telling yourself thats true, due to ur anti india bias

hence your "facts" are potty when it comes to india

Corruption in the Indian society has prevailed from time immemorial in one form or the other. The basic inception of corruption started with our opportunistic leaders who have already done greater damage to our nation. People who work on right principles are unrecognized and considered to be foolish in the modern society. Corruption in India is a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals. Earlier, bribes were paid for getting wrong things done, but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time. Further, corruption has become something respectable in India, because respectable people are involved in it. Social corruption like less weighing of products, adulteration in edible items, and bribery of various kind have incessantly prevailed in the society.

Corruption In India
sir stop wasting your time, you are talking to deaf ears.
Gentleman above has the habit of posting anti India thread, learn to ignore the troll.

the thread that I put contains non censored posts from Indians. You can hear from Indians own mouth that they are for Hindutva and there is sufficient comment on that to confirm that Indians are two faced and just pretending to befriend Muslim countries. Let people read them and make their own mind rather than by you trying to dissuade people from looking at the thread by being critical of me

Corruption in the Indian society has prevailed from time immemorial in one form or the other. The basic inception of corruption started with our opportunistic leaders who have already done greater damage to our nation. People who work on right principles are unrecognized and considered to be foolish in the modern society. Corruption in India is a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals. Earlier, bribes were paid for getting wrong things done, but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time. Further, corruption has become something respectable in India, because respectable people are involved in it. Social corruption like less weighing of products, adulteration in edible items, and bribery of various kind have incessantly prevailed in the society.

Corruption In India

I hope these statistics are useful and supportive of your assertion


According to TI, 25 % of Indians paid bribe to obtain a service. 68 % believe that governmental efforts to stop the corruption as ineffective. More than 90 % consider police and political parties as the worst corrupt institutions. 90 % of Indians believe that corruption will increase within the next 3 years. “Corruption is a large tax on Indian growth, It delays execution, raises costs and destroys the moral fiber.” says Prof. Rama Murthi. Transparency International estimates that Indian truckers pay something in the neighborhood of $5 billion annually in bribes to keep freight flowing. According to Rahul Gandhi, only 5 per cent of development funds reached their intended recipients due to hierarchical corruption in the country! [Financial Times]
The more pertinent question is - Are Muslims each other's friends ?

Seeing Libya, Saudi, Yemen, Syria, Afg, Iran, Iraq,Pakistan and numerous other Islamic countries I would say no.

When even Muslims are not each other's friends..why bother about a kuffr country ?
The more pertinent question is - Are Muslims each other's friends ?

Seeing Libya, Saudi, Yemen, Syria, Afg, Iran, Iraq,Pakistan and numerous other Islamic countries I would say no.

When even Muslims are not each other's friends..why bother about a kuffr country ?

typical answer of pakistanis: we r brothers in our mind we just have to solve our problems. :rofl:
The more pertinent question is - Are Muslims each other's friends ?

Seeing Libya, Saudi, Yemen, Syria, Afg, Iran, Iraq,Pakistan and numerous other Islamic countries I would say no.

When even Muslims are not each other's friends..why bother about a kuffr country ?
Well, because Muslims countries aren't friend to each other doesn't mean Muslims shouldn't consider making a good relationship with none Muslims since Muslims are part of this world, unfortunately, the biggest reason for Muslims countries not friends to each other is the interests of persons or families who rule our Islamic world!!! but I see the future is optimistic since the Arab spring.
Well, because Muslims countries aren't friend to each other doesn't mean Muslims shouldn't consider making a good relationship with none Muslims since Muslims are part of this world, unfortunately, the biggest reason for Muslims countries not friends to each other is the interests of persons or families who rule our Islamic world!!! but I see the future is optimistic since the Arab spring.

That's the point exactly...the relations India has with many Muslim countries is sometimes better thn the relations those Muslim countries have with other Muslim countries.

For example Iraq under Saddam was a traditional friend of India and that was stronger than Saddam's relation with, say , Kuwait or Saudi. India's relation with Iran is better than Iran's relation with UAE.
if anything India should be least worried our relations with KSA are very healthy good trade and diplomacy with them trickles down to all the other Islamic countries except our neighbor :P
India is quite opportunistic, but then again, who isn't? Everybody looks for their national interests. India is no exception

Relationship with Pakistan may be strained due to kashmir territorial dispute, so pakistani people will consider india as enemy, which is quite natural. However, I fail to understand why Muslims elsewhere should consider India as an enemy? If not a friend, at least Neutral, but why Enemy?

India had the courage to defy Iranian sanctions and continue to trade with them. Which Muslim country had the courage to do that? For God's sake, many Muslim country's governments considers other Muslims as Kafirs, are working for enemy interests and we are here looking out for more enemies?
Illogical argument. International relations can not be viewed through the prism of 'for' or 'against'. India is friendly with those countries whose interest converge with it's own. & there are countries with whom india might have difference of openion.. that doesn't mean that they are foes.
You can ask the same quetion to some of the muslim countries... are muslims friends or foes with people of their own religion? Is iran friend or foe of Saudi? vis-a-vis. What about Syria? are they friendly with all islamic nations? What about Iraq? End of the day it's the interest which counts. If this friendship was based on religion alone we wouldn't have come to a point where Kuwait had put an embargo on immigration from few islamic countries including Pakistan. So this whole argument is flawd & absurd..
Muslims are tortured in parts of India and the gov't, by not responding, allows this. Famous Masjids are destroyed by terrorist Hindus and the gov't overlooks it.

They will put on a facade of not being hostile enemies of Muslims but of course this is not true and this forum proves it ... there are more Hindu Indians on here than Pakistanis which should speak for itself.

euros are the #1 enemy and hindus are #2

India is quite opportunistic, but then again, who isn't? Everybody looks for their national interests. India is no exception

Relationship with Pakistan may be strained due to kashmir territorial dispute, so pakistani people will consider india as enemy, which is quite natural. However, I fail to understand why Muslims elsewhere should consider India as an enemy? If not a friend, at least Neutral, but why Enemy?

India had the courage to defy Iranian sanctions and continue to trade with them. Which Muslim country had the courage to do that? For God's sake, many Muslim country's governments considers other Muslims as Kafirs, are working for enemy interests and we are here looking out for more enemies?

you believe that the Ottomans started wars with Russia after Russia massacred the Khazan Tatars and Siberian Tatars so how valid is your opinion?
Muslims are tortured in parts of India and the gov't, by not responding, allows this. Famous Masjids are destroyed by terrorist Hindus and the gov't overlooks it.

They will put on a facade of not being hostile enemies of Muslims but of course this is not true and this forum proves it ... there are more Hindu Indians on here than Pakistanis which should speak for itself.

euros are the #1 enemy and hindus are #2

you believe that the Ottomans started wars with Russia after Russia massacred the Khazan Tatars and Siberian Tatars so how valid is your opinion?

Off topic, but it is a fact that Ottomans were the enemies of Russia and attacked Russia first. Russia only conquered the Astrakhan and other khanates, which were not part of the Ottoman empire. However, the Ottoman empire foolishly decided to start war with Russia. So, my opinion is very valid since it coincides with ground realities.:tup:

From an Indian perspective, their concern is the militant Islam which has risen in Pakistan, imported from a particular country which I don't have to name.
I'm not going to get into the second point you made but Russia was the aggressor in these conflicts. It was clear that all Tatars in the region were in danger after the Russians had been freed by Timur Khan when he nearly destroyed the Golden Horde Mongols. The Ottomans went all over the place to try and protect Muslims as it was their duty by claiming Khilafat.

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